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The Skins Can't Win With These Coaches


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1 minute ago, SkinsFTW said:

Why do people keep thinking our new OC is going to be the interim HC. It'll be Calahan more than likely. He's part of the Bruce tree hahahaha.

As long as KO is given Haskins development duties and play calling, I’m ok promoting Callahan.  The Browns kinda did that with Gregg Williams last year.   

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16 hours ago, SkinsFTW said:

Why do people keep thinking our new OC is going to be the interim HC. It'll be Calahan more than likely. He's part of the Bruce tree hahahaha.


What does a Bruce tree look like? Some withered thing with dilapidated branches and shriveled leaves resembling faceshots of coaches?

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Watch how Belichek attacks QBs.



It's simple chaos, and its very effective.  After our offense gets imploded by the NE defensive front, do you think Manusky will try to copy one of the greatest minds in football? I don't. "We had a communication issue there.... " No more excuses.


The Patriots defense is 3rd in scoring my fantasy league, behind only Lamar and Mahomes.


I predict we'll set a record for worst 3rd down conversion rate through 5 games after this shellacking.

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It was funny listening to Manusky concluding his presser today, saying "we need to get pressure on Brady". What a crock. Yet if rushing straight at the respective 5 OL with our 4 or surprise! 5th D again this week leads to no pressure, he will NOT adjust. Not at half time, not next week. Not ever. 


It will be bizarre seeing us staying in our rushing lanes and not stunting against THE leagues elitely immobile QB, but we as fans are all prepared for it. In fact, this is the type of game nervous scared conservative BDBDCs go ultra conservative. I predict GM plays softer than ever and we get the least amount of QB pressure of any game all year, as Brady works on a perfect QBR,  Rush 3 FTL.

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1 hour ago, RandyHolt said:

It was funny listening to Manusky concluding his presser today, saying "we need to get pressure on Brady". What a crock. Yet if rushing straight at the respective 5 OL with our 4 or surprise! 5th D again this week leads to no pressure, he will NOT adjust. Not at half time, not next week. Not ever. 



It brings me back to Gregg's game plan against the Pats eons ago.  Instead of attacking Brady, they often dropped 7 into coverage a lot.   If I recall the Pats put up like 50 points?

On 10/1/2019 at 6:54 PM, SkinsFTW said:

Why do people keep thinking our new OC is going to be the interim HC. It'll be Calahan more than likely. He's part of the Bruce tree hahahaha.


My bet on Monday its Callahan HC, O'Connell calls plays, R. Ryan or Horton is the new D coordinator.  If that doesn't happen then they last the season. 

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1 hour ago, Skinsinparadise said:


It brings me back to Gregg's game plan against the Pats eons ago.  Instead of attacking Brady, they often dropped 7 into coverage a lot.   If I recall the Pats put up like 50 points?


My bet on Monday its Callahan HC, O'Connell calls plays, R. Ryan or Horton is the new D coordinator.  If that doesn't happen then they last the season. 

Yep I was remembering that disaster of a game plan. I think we dropped 8 quite a bit too.  The bend don't break only ensured we didn't fall behind 45-0 in the first quarter, instead methodically chose to allow 14 points in every quarter.   I remember wanting someone to nail Brady late in the game after Brady went for it on 4th down.... and then Brady cussed out his OL after a false start.  What an asshole.  We played afraid to try to hit him to the tune of 55 points allowed.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  Including coaches on Monday. Bruce will find little reason to make any changes, because hey, it's NE, we were supposed to get blown out.  Getting blown out to reasonable expectations ensures retaining jobs in Redskinsville.


I wonder if our soft D is a directive from Bruce. He was choosing which D were active, last I heard about his game day meddling (last year).

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12 hours ago, RandyHolt said:

It was funny listening to Manusky concluding his presser today, saying "we need to get pressure on Brady". What a crock. Yet if rushing straight at the respective 5 OL with our 4 or surprise! 5th D again this week leads to no pressure, he will NOT adjust. Not at half time, not next week. Not ever. 


Manusky is adjuusting to life as an ex Redskins' employee since January when they unsuccessfully tried to replace him without firing him.

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1 hour ago, Wildbunny said:


Manusky is adjuusting to life as an ex Redskins' employee since January when they unsuccessfully tried to replace him without firing him.


Thanks for reminding me.  You almost cannot make this stuff up. They decided they wanted to replace him, which points to not trusting him.  Yet trusted him enough to screen his replacement.  Rest assured he wasn't impressed with the potential replacements, and Bruce bought in hook line and sinker.  Sink her is right. The USS Raljon is going down.


#Redskins is trending more and more every day, and not for anything positive.

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15 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


It brings me back to Gregg's game plan against the Pats eons ago.  Instead of attacking Brady, they often dropped 7 into coverage a lot.   If I recall the Pats put up like 50 points?


The Pat's and our offense put up 50 points. 


Skins offense had 4 turnovers and was 2-12 on third down. Just kept giving the ball riiiiiiight back to Brady.


Remember Vrabel ****ing destroyed us causing back to back to back turnovers.

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For all of our hemming and hawing over which is our greatest failure, or root of our problems, I think our pathetic run games does not get nearly enough scrutiny.


Jay can pass the ball.  But Jay despite being in cahoots with Callahan, cannot. 


They say winning cures all. And if the defense isn't winning games, the offense has to do it - especially when the coach is an offensive guy. But our offense appears doomed by trying to run (primarily) outside zone scheme with AP.  Apparently Cooley and others hate our run scheme. I didn't think we even had a scheme, as we seem to try to be a mishmash of all schemes.  No matter what I see, I see we have no identity and simply cannot run the ball.


I would LOVE to see Jay take a page out of an old Belly playbook, and pass 15 times in a row to open a game, and Belly did one night 2 decades ago.



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3 hours ago, RandyHolt said:


Thanks for reminding me.  You almost cannot make this stuff up. They decided they wanted to replace him, which points to not trusting him.  Yet trusted him enough to screen his replacement.  Rest assured he wasn't impressed with the potential replacements, and Bruce bought in hook line and sinker.  Sink her is right. The USS Raljon is going down.


#Redskins is trending more and more every day, and not for anything positive.



I'm playing a bit of the Devil's advocate with Manusky around these parts lately, as I wouldn't mind him being anywhere but in DC. Still, they treated him unfairly, and even if those guys are pros it takes a strong ego to endure what he had to and come back to work like nothing happened. I'm pretty sure not many people around the world would be able to.


And somehow, I believe this kind of treatment to a Coach, whoever it is reflect on the whole coaching staff, and throughout the NFL. Those are small circles and every coaches learned about it from HoF coaches to wannabe hopeful NFL coaches. And that didn't reflected good from our FO. That was unclassy.  I believe they all understand that being fired is part of the job, but not treated like that. 


I wouldn't be surprised at all, at the end of season when we'll have a coaching overhaul that some of the ouster will complain about that and admit they gave a half-assed effort in their job due to this. I would probably even expect Jay Gruden to be the first at it. Because, somehow, that's human.

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