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About SkinsFTW

  • Birthday 09/27/2022

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Art Monk
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  1. The child birth bubble has to burst sooner or later. World population will triple in my lifetime and half that time they've been saying that people aren't having enough kids.
  2. Last time we went to KFC, about a year ago, they said that they don't sell chicken wings! Their chicken is overpriced/not very good anyway so we never went back.
  3. My house in Japan 20+ years ago had this and it was pretty much instant because the heater was right there next to the shower and the hot was so crazy hot too . The best thing was there was also the same kind of heater in the huge bathtub that kept the water hot while you were in it. It was great in the wintertime.
  4. So is this the first instance of Space Squatting?
  5. That might get the boomers But to go after Gen X she'd try to find someone named Bueller.
  6. Well you probably didn't see the the part after the credits where she was pulling fish out of the ocean with her mouth.
  7. No kids, No straws for your kids! I bet she's anti drive thru windows as well. I heard that she might also require kids to be on leashes!
  8. I never have understood how those pain killers are addictive. I guess I'm just not one of those people. I've had large amounts of just about everything from Morphine to Lidocaine + Katamine (thats psycho ****), Fentanyl, had a click to dose Hydromorphone IV for 2+ months, prescribed 150 at a time of Oxycodone and Hydromorphone. I still have those and Tramadol and Toradol bottles but I don't want to take any of them. Now beer, rum, whiskey, margarita, and/or a long island ice tea on the other hand!
  9. It may be different there where you are but also it depends where you are driving. In San Diego 30 years ago you could do 80-90 everywhere and never see the police on the interstate. Thats probably how they had that 200 car pile up in the fog back in the 90s. People flying around no matter the weather. But where I went to school in SLO Cali you'd get a ticket a day doing 60 in a 55 or 40 in a 35 zone. Back then everything was max 55. Police were hiding everywhere and always chased me down for going 5-6 over the limit. I got 2 tickets in a single day once. They'd pull you over for not wearing your seatbelt when you had it on, then change it to how they saw you roll through a stop sign, anything to get a ticket. I had to go to court several times because of BS. Now the past 10 years in the east I've noticed that when I see a cop car hiding somewhere they're probably just playing with their phones because they almost never pull out on somebody and everybody is going at least 10-20 over in 40-55 zones here. People running right turn red lights don't get pulled, 15 over don't get pulled. Cop car sitting right there, they are just preoccupied I think. One area on the interstate has supposedly been under construction for a while, 45 zone, everybody is doing 80+ and never seen a cop pull anyone over. Also, cars slow down a lot better than they did back then and on average weigh a lot less. Remember all those boats on the road back then? I'm sure there are a lot fewer car deaths now even though there is probably 2x the traffic compared to the 80's and 90's.
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