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About tmandoug1

  • Birthday 05/27/1967

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Art Monk
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    Golf, Gaming
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  1. Yes of course you do.....I don't agree with you. Normal lefty approach. Dinner Tuesday?
  2. Weird..... Bush is Hitler and gets shoes thrown at him by lefty loonies. Obama goes 8 years and none of the racist righties tries to assassinate the first black president in history.... Trump comes in and the entire MSM goes ape**** for 4 years with bull**** accusations...... Biden comes in and none of the people on the right go after him physically. Trump gets shot at rally by lefty loonie. Media has nothing to do with any of it. But it meets your agenda so all makes sense. I give... politics is brutal. Good one
  3. The media is the most divisive it has ever been in history and the hook is dragging you deeper into the water. All good.
  4. This was not good... media driven violence.....shame on this country for allowing them to do this.
  5. This is not a fair summation of "the other side". Calling all republican President's Hitler tends to draw the loonies......it's a standard Democratic agenda. Conservatives do not approve of any of this much less Dementia Biden or Egotistical Trump.
  6. All good. Headed back to the stadium for football ****. Sad to hear this place broke down to the point of someone calling another member out for a fight. Peace my American brothers and sisters!
  7. You mean rubber and glue right? Please tell me that's what you mean.
  8. Agreed....can't wait for the first game of the season to see that perfect throw to Terry.. You win....no convincing you of anything different........ever, ever, ever.
  9. Agreed...nation of whiners is 100% correct. Are you happy? Anyway....be safe people.
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