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Long n Left

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About Long n Left

  • Birthday 04/29/1966

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  • Birthdate
    April 29
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Pat Fischer
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    Liverpool FC
  • Location
    Charlotte, NC
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    Golf, Reading, Kids
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  1. Best thing about Trump picking Vance, is that he picked some white dude even weirder than him.
  2. Actually a very meh performance. Couldn’t score a single goal after Zambia going a player down for more than a half. The USWNT is highly overrated, IMO, and it wouldn’t shock me to see them bounced out before the semifinal. Hayes is a good manager, and I like that she is looking for new faces, but the USWNT is not nearly as quick, athletic, and technically talented as the top teams in the world now. US Soccer has to continue to push younger, talented ladies through the system, like the 16 year old who scored in one of their matches earlier this year. Can’t recall her name, but she showed real quality in her short stint, and plays professionally for Ajax in Amsterdam already. Hope I’m wrong, but we will get a good indication in a couple days, when they face Germany. They may HAVE to beat Australia to make the knockouts, and that could be precarious.
  3. Let’s be real here. Raskin v Comer in a battle of wits is like prime Ali fighting an 8th grader.
  4. What a guitarist and musician. Listened to his stuff most of my life. Leaving quite the legacy. RIP maestro.
  5. It’s U23 teams with exceptions for two (IIRC) overage players. With seasons in Europe starting within a month, almost nobody of relevance will be playing.
  6. Can’t wait to see the hissy fits the right wing have over this. Could be epic!
  7. Think we’re veering a tad off topic here. May want to start a new thread, before some mods decide to put their spanking gloves on.
  8. I don’t think it’s that she’s that nuts, it’s because she realized her irrelevancy after 2020 campaign, and decided that pushing right wing agendas was a ticket to grift money from suckers, and keep her profile out there. Plus, she has always been a shill for Putin.
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