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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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14 hours ago, Bang said:

Maybe he could stand on a corner and..   holler.



My apologies,  bang. I misread your post and interpreted it as a disrespectful shot. 

I reread it and the proverbial well damn light went off. Anyhow, I'm sorry for jumping the gun there. Hope you we are good.

Thanks for the clarification and I'll holler at you later.🤣


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2 hours ago, Jumbo said:

speaking of trump supporters, some of you will be aware of a little deal where i canned a dude---"something1979"---in the stadium yesterday for several rule violations (5,12,18) and piece of that included him yielding to those inner demons of bubbly brain chemistry  and some of his political frothiness seeping out into his posts in the stadium



since then, this guy has responded in typical whackjob fashion, lifelessly obsessing in full spazz over it and even expanding my media presence to twitter :o:P


tk and the guys have been channeling tweets and 'contact es staff' texts that tk gets to the mod thread (where riotous laughter abounds)  and there's already a number of them---very frothy--- and they are fun so my plan is to share some of them later in here somewhere and make sure that these grievances over this unholy and unjust oppression are breathing in the open air and can be that  bright sunlight that illuminates those dark deeds that try to live in the shadows


(ok, actually it will be for the laffs)






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58 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

My apologies,  bang. I misread your post and interpreted it as a disrespectful shot. 

I reread it and the proverbial well damn light went off. Anyhow, I'm sorry for jumping the gun there. Hope you we are good.

Thanks for the clarification and I'll holler at you later.🤣


You got it! 



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okey dokey---when i stumbled in on the brouhaha yesterday featuring iggy1979 i wasn't aware that he had already made an impressive showing days earlier in the wft branding thread around page 56...one that also included the well-known seditionist and minimal-influencer Sisko, whose avatar served as a spring board for goofus to start making comments in his posts about such matters :) 


so you may want to read that along with my interaction with his posts yesterday in the 'reboot' thread for the most enlightening context :ols:


and keep in mind this is on topic :D




now let's turn it over to the star of the show, a true authority on 'living your best life'-----something1979!



i'll post them in sequence of arrival, some of the early ones coming in kind of on top of each other (i don't get them directly) 





A user has sent a message using the Contact Us form. 

#httr1979 ( maximusrex1979@gmail.com ) said:

Interesting that you banned me but didnt ban the user The Sisko who made the Donald Trump comment. 

You need to have integrity and explain this. Or else, you’re just a Nazi. 





A user has sent a message using the Contact Us form. 

#httr1979 ( maximusrex1979@gmail.com ) said:

I’d recommend reversing the ban on #httr1979. It’s a bad look to censor users without any legitimate reason. Come on, Jumbo. Are you that insecure and childish? You’re basically acknowledging that I am right and you have to ban me because it makes you mad. 




I simply recommend the "We don't negotiate with terrorists." response. :) 


  that last line ^^^ was tk's suggestion lol



then this tweet to tso




@thesubmitted1ES Tell Jumbo he’s a Nazi. Banned me for no legitimate reason.


then to tk


#httr1979 ( maximusrex1979@gmail.com ) said:

Come on Jumbo. Be a man and admit the reason you banned me was because you have different political views. I didn’t violate any rules; especially any that would require an instant ban.


I’m already in contact with team management. Let’s settle this before this turns into something else.


then he apparently hired a private detective capable of immediate and impressive results (psa---i'm not married for years but like to 'sleep around' as the kids say)


#httr1979 ( maximusrex1979@gmail.com ) said:

Jumbo’s wife is a whore. No wonder he’s so miserable. Cuck in his marriage so he takes it out on all of us on a message board. True beta energy! 




and then one of the more damaging barbs that truly took any positive wind out of my sense of self sails





#httr1979 ( maximusrex1979@gmail.com ) said:

Come on Jumbo. Be a man for once. I know liberalism is a mental disorder but you’re even more senile than Pedo Joe. Don’t be afraid of debating me on the forums. Don’t let your family down like you’ve always let them down. 





but then this next one gave me hope that there was still a chance---becuase even after all that he still cares enough to keep going :) 





#httr1979 ( maximusrex1979@gmail.com ) said:

Just like Pedo Joe, you’re a failure. Just like Pedo Joe had to steal an election, you’re had to make up rules and violations to ban me. Jumbo, be a man for once in your pathetic life. 




then it's back to twitter, channeled via martin c. :) 



It’s clear that #extremeskins moderator Jumbo is mentally unstable. He bans users due to having different political views. That’s it. It’s a shame he’s a representing the official message board of @WashingtonNFL @whoisjwright Please take action.




and he will be watching!!!!


#httr1979 ( maximusrex1979@gmail.com ) said:

Why hasn’t Jumbo banned himself for not banning the user with a profile

picture of Trump behind bars? You’ve violated your own rules. 





(psa #2:  there's simple straightforward--i would say obvious---reasons why dumbass nutter got nailed for rules 5,12,and 18 and sisko didn't, but detailing it here would be ot and would belong in the feedback forum)
unless our frisky frother comes up with something really spectacular in the future, i'll stop here :806:
remember my fellow legionaries of liberty---never give up, never surrender and always remember our battle cry:



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1 hour ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

That is among the greatest things the internet has blessed me with in quite some time.  Totally worth losing the WalMart gig.


I'm hoping a GoFundMe pops up for this kid so I can send him a few bucks. :)

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Now I really hope Jumbo changes his name to Blob next April 1st for the day. 


Also don't click on that WFT branding thread. I hear you'll get the cooties if you visit the Stadium. Or 20 IQ points dumber (or 20 Q points smarter?). Or need a frontal lobotomy. Or maybe all 3. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I'm hoping a GoFundMe pops up for this kid so I can send him a few bucks. :)


With all of the assaults on them happening, I think the employees enforcing mask rules should be allowed to wear handguns. See how many people **** around and hit them with shopping carts then.


And if they do...shopping cart could be a deadly weapon. Bang, you're dead. At least they wouldn't have to worry about wearing a mask anymore then.

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The **** in the @Jumbopost is absolutely golden by the way.   :ols:


I was practically playing Brietbart Bingo in my head with all of the alt-right catchwords and phrases he threw out there in such a short time:


"You're a Nazi"

"Pedo Joe"  (like, 20 times)



"Liberalism is a mental disorder"

"Joe stole the election"



Then he added the extra cherry on top by going Full Karen:


"I'm in contact with team management"

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10 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Has anyone parsed through the Fauci FOIA emails?


By the posts of the Trumpers on my feed, one would think he admitted to eating a baby.  Par for the course with the Trumpers, but aim curious what has them riled up, as I haven’t really seen or heard anything about it, besides their rambling.


From what I saw they're jumping on him about an email in Feb 2020 where he recommended to somebody not to wear a mask.  Not sure what the context was.  I'm sure they're going on about every perceived imperfection.

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4 minutes ago, mistertim said:


"I'm in contact with team management"



i kinda wanted to reply back to this one with "good deal! management won't take my calls anymore and they stopped responding to my emails years ago and i've got a lot of suggestions for this next season that they need to get on asap and maybe you could just pass them on to whoever you're working with for me?"

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MAGA throwdown: Roger Stone wants to "debate" Steve Bannon as traitor to Trump movement


Longtime Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone says he wants to "debate" with former Trump adviser Steve Bannon in an apparent effort to oust Bannon from the MAGA movement.

Stone's throwdown directed at Bannon came during a Tuesday appearance on the far-right Infowars program alongside conspiracy theorist and host Alex Jones. 


"Let's be very clear. Not only did Steve Bannon steal the name of my Infowars show with the great American Owen Shroyer — The War Room — but he testified falsely at my trial against me. He was an informant for Robert Mueller," Stone stated. "So right now, here, today, I am challenging Steve Bannon to come on Infowars and debate this; let's have it out. Alex [Jones], you can moderate it, so it stays civil."


Click on the link for the full story

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26 minutes ago, mistertim said:

lmao @ "Let Alex Jones moderate a debate so that it stays civil"

I recall during the Elian Gonzales conflict, Mark Russell commenting, with a perfectly straight face, that Strom Thurmond had suggested that "the Senate should take over, to take the politics out of it". 

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46 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Has anyone parsed through the Fauci FOIA emails?


By the posts of the Trumpers on my feed, one would think he admitted to eating a baby.  Par for the course with the Trumpers, but aim curious what has them riled up, as I haven’t really seen or heard anything about it, besides their rambling.

I don't use things like Twitter, Facebook, etc.  So, I don't know what people are saying.  But I expect that people are upset that Fauci was receiving emails suggesting that covid showed markers that were more consistent with being created in a lab rather than evolving naturally.  Also, that Fauci had a part in the "gain of function" research that may have created the virus.  So, I would guess that "Trumpers" are upset about being called racist conspiracy nuts for suggesting  the possibility of covid being created in a lab, when Fauci knew about this stuff and didn't say anything.

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1 hour ago, mistertim said:



"I'm in contact with team management"

In this case this means he tagged Jason Wright on one of his tweets. On that basis I’ve been in a ten year relationship with Megan Fox.


But on a serious note a brief read down his Twitter timeline makes me worry about his mental health. He’s not a well man.

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