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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

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5 hours ago, Panninho said:


Here in Austria they had a poll of how many people would vote for Trump. In total 14,4% said they would vote for him and 85% would vote against him. Those 14,4% is basically just our own share of right-wing conspiracy idiots. Donald Trump is hated everywhere in the world.

The damage that Trump has caused to how the world sees the US is invonceivable. I grew up admiring the US because we Germans ****ed up big time and everyone knows we are only where we are because the US put in place the Marshall Plan. I am from Bavaria, which was the American Zone of Occupation. This zone is now the backbone of the German economy. We are where we are because of the US. Because they didn't let us rot in hell, but because - also for somewhat selfish reasons - they invested in us and established a robust democracy where a fascist government destroyed what was once a great country. Look at the Russian zone of Occupation, that area is - by far - the poorest region in Germany with the highest unemployment rate and the biggest problems with extremism. My grandparents fled that zone in 1960, they risked their life when the Soviet border guards shot after their car. They did all this to get out, to get to the US zone where they could once again experience freedom of movement, freedom of work and where they wanted to give their kids a better future. This is why the US was always admired where I come from, because we experienced first hand what we thought living in the US was all about.

Today no one sees the US as that anymore. Sure, we are still really thankful for everything but we don't see the US of today like the US that I saw as a kid. We see a country on the cusp of fascism, a country that falls in the same trap that Germany fell in. A vile country that burns bridges and admires a single crazy person that awakens the absolute lowest instincts in people.


Yesterday was so important for the world because it was a sign that the US might still be, at least in large parts, what we grew up to believe in. And even if most politicians will not voice their strong feelings, there was a sigh of relief everywhere in the rest of the world. Because we want and we need the US as a reliable ally.

The Austrian health minister said yesterday: "Such a difficult year. And now, finally a first huge positive step. Biden will be president of the USA, the nightmare is over."

Olaf Scholtz, the german vice-chancellor said: "I am relieved – Donald Trump has disregarded the principles of a democratic society. The election of Joe Biden now makes it possible to open a new chapter of cooperation with the USA."


You can only imagine what those people say internally, when that is what they voice publicly. I don't even want to know what Angela Merkel did yesterday. She admired Barack Obama and despised Donald Trump. For her, this must feel like the liberation of the DDR all over again.



Thank you for providing this insight. One of the most frustrating things in debating with the Trump supporters is their "screw the rest of the world, we don't need them" argument when I point out what the rest of the world thinks of the United States.   


Now that we will have an adult in charge do you think our reputation around the world will be different?  How long will that take?  

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2 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

But for the Covid, I’d go just to bathe in MAGA angst. Let pour over me. Breathe it in. Relish it. 

Perhaps rent a place with a balcony overlooking the route of the march with high visibility. Have a diverse group drinking champagne, smoking cigars, and whaling on Trump piñatas with baseball bats (no blindfold necessary).

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I've been over snorkeling a bit in the brackish waters of Breitbart. Just got my hazmat suit off and reporting in:


The MAGAs are going all out full-bore "FRAUD. STOLEN ELECTION. TRUMP WON". They've fully convinced themselves and have already gone from testing it out to treating it as simple fact, so now the only thing they're trying to figure out is what to "do" about it.


Some of them are taking solace in a really bizarro conspiracy theory that Trump was actually setting some sort of "trap" for the Dems by doing x y and z with the ballots so he could "catch them in the act". Basically an extension of the Q Anon "Trump is fighting a secret cabal of satan worshipping child murderers" insanity.


Many others are talking about civil war and how they won't "let" this happen. Most of them are probably just **** talking keyboard commandos but I have little doubt that the "FRAUD! STOLEN ELECTION!" antics of Trump and his merry band of ****nuggets may very well be inspiring some of them to potential violence. They legit believe that the election was stolen from Trump now. And I think it's only going to get worse. 


I know Joe talked about uniting and coming back together but these are people who simply cannot be reasoned with in any way. They're the political equivalent of jihadis at this point.

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This is why Trump not conceding is more than just the actions of a petulant child; it's dangerous.  He could get his supporters to get over it sooner if he'd just concede.  Instead they're making up conspiracy theories and trying to delegitimize the election.

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Now that we all have had 24 hours of gloating, we need to be looking cautiously at the future.  Keep this fact in mind:  We just had the former VP to one of our best presidents in a while beat the by far worst president in history by such a close margin that it took 4 days to figure it out.  Biden should have won by 140,000,000 votes.  But he didn't.  And in 2024, people won't have the orange one in the White House motivating so many votes against him.

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