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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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I got into a debate on Twitter with a Trumper who points to a youtube video with a guy going through statistics and claiming that the "only way" the numbers could arise is through fraud.


At the end of the day it's really your garden variety conspiracy theory playbook. 


1) Find something that seems "irregular" in a major event (that they already have a vested personal, ideological, or emotional interest in)

2) Go through the data using scientific sounding terms

3) Infer connections are there when there isn't any actual evidence of it

4) Come to the "inevitable" conclusion that the only way it could happen is through a massive conspiracy

5) Refuse to answer exactly HOW the whole conspiracy worked. 


He keeps repeating variations of "Well, the conclusion that there was fraud is inescapable". I say "Ok, explain to me the mechanisms of how they did it. How did the Democrats pull of a massive multi-state nationwide vote fraud conspiracy likely involving thousands of accomplices and co-conspirators? How did they keep everyone quiet? What were the mechanisms they used to create the "fraudulent" ballots?"


"Well I'm not really here to answer that...just to point out that the evidence is there that it was clearly massive fraud..." Basically the equivalent of "Hey, I'm just asking questions, man"


Reminds me of the 9/11 truthers who claimed the planes were empty and the buildings were brought down by demolitions. They infer everything but when you confront them and ask what happened to the people who were on the planes (were they in on it?), or exactly how demolition crews rigged what would have been thousands of pounds of explosives throughout an entire skyscraper without anyone noticing, they just say "well, I'm not really here to explain all that..."



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5 minutes ago, mistertim said:

"Well I'm not really here to answer that...just to point out that the evidence is there that it was clearly massive fraud..." Basically the equivalent of "Hey, I'm just asking questions, man"


So what you're saying is you found twa? People were wondering...........

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A friend of mine posted a video to my messanger with some guy saying that the Trump administration marked each and every ballot with a super secret mark and they can trace every single ballot. She wanted to know how to debunk this particular piece of ****. I told her to tell the person that every state controls their own ballots and this isn't possibly true. 

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I know we all say there is no way anything is found, and if there is, it won’t be enough to make a difference.




Am I alone in having just a little fear, they will manufacture something?


Like someone posted yesterday, it feels like a horror movie where the monster is ‘dead’ but there is still 20 minutes of film left.

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Just now, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I know we all say there is no way anything is found, and if there is, it won’t be enough to make a difference.




Am I alone in having just a little fear, they will manufacture something?


Like someone posted yesterday, it feels like a horror movie where the monster is ‘dead’ but there is still 20 minutes of film left.


Biden campaign will have someone there too. It's not just Republicans.

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4 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

I understand that, I just don’t trust them whatsoever.


Nor do I but we also need to remember one key factor:


They're absolutely incompetent and fail miserably and usually hilariously at pretty much everything they do.


This is the group of people that were meant to book time for a press conference at a Four Seasons hotel and instead ended up doing a press conference in the dirt parking lot of a landscaping company sandwiched between a porn shop and a crematorium.


These are not exactly criminal masterminds. They don't even plan things out in advance so if they tried anything the most likely outcome would be a random dude trying to write something on the back of a napkin in crayon and claiming it's a ballot. While everyone is watching.

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He had four years as the POTUS with absolutely no regards for laws, traditions, or even human lives.  This is the flip side of if Dems were going to steal the election, they would've stolen the Senate with it.  If Trump was going to pull a last minute mastermind plot to steal the election, he would've just stolen it earlier.

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I was reading up some on the electoral vote count that goes to Congress in January and it seems pretty grey.  Since the GOP has more state delegates in the House them the Dems what's the possibility they get away with declaring Trump the winner?  I know there's more to it and the Electoral Vote Act is supposed to prevent those type of shenanigans, but I couldn't find the exact rules other then Pence will preside over it as VP, the votes are counted and read and reps can object to the results and it goes to some other process.  

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1 minute ago, bearrock said:

He had four years as the POTUS with absolutely no regards for laws, traditions, or even human lives.  This is the flip side of if Dems were going to steal the election, they would've stolen the Senate with it.  If Trump was going to pull a last minute mastermind plot to steal the election, he would've just stolen it earlier.


I've asked multiple Trumpers on Twitter about how in the middle of probably the most massive conspiracy ever concocted the Democrats somehow forgot that they'd also probably want to rig the Senate too while they were at it. Crickets. 

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2 hours ago, Jumbo said:



i still think it's a little early because reasons 


otoh, go ahead and do it but make sure you pm momma and notify him after cuz he's bursting with momma stuff for it  :806: and no title changes!!  :) 

Remember I already did. You just have to reopen it.


I will called it:


The President Biden /Veep Harris Competent Cabinet/Administration & Policy Thread


All you need to do is find it and reopen it.  It was back in September or early October when I created it.

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2 minutes ago, drowland said:

I was reading up some on the electoral vote count that goes to Congress in January and it seems pretty grey.  Since the GOP has more state delegates in the House them the Dems what's the possibility they get away with declaring Trump the winner?  I know there's more to it and the Electoral Vote Act is supposed to prevent those type of shenanigans, but I couldn't find the exact rules other then Pence will preside over it as VP, the votes are counted and read and reps can object to the results and it goes to some other process.  


The House only decides it if neither candidate gets past 270 (269 tie for example).


The electors are chosen by their individual states.

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15 minutes ago, mistertim said:


I've asked multiple Trumpers on Twitter about how in the middle of probably the most massive conspiracy ever concocted the Democrats somehow forgot that they'd also probably want to rig the Senate too while they were at it. Crickets. 

the answers I’ve seen is that it took too long to rig the down ballot candidates too. 

so there should be 800,000 or so ballots with just a presidency for Biden filled out. Should be pretty easy to find in the system 

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