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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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Just went to a few Fox videos on youytube and they are hilarious. The comments are pure comedy. Biden and Harris are here to bring in Communism and racial separation.  Laura Ingraham stating that AOC talking about keeping track of the stupid stuff trumps enablers have said and done is paramount to tyranny. lol  


You can't make this stuff up. 

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4 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


Just went to a few Fox videos on youytube and they are hilarious. The comments are pure comedy. Biden and Harris are here to bring in Communism and racial separation.  Laura Ingraham stating that AOC talking about keeping track of the stupid stuff trumps enablers have said and done is paramount to tyranny. lol  


You can't make this stuff up. 

I have ex-communicated family that think Dems are legalizing rape and pedophilia. They are making the arguments that just because it was legal to vote by mail doesn’t make it right. “Slavery was legal too once, was that right? After Biden takes over when it eventually becomes legal to kill white people for reparations, will that be ok too?”


direct quotes said completely serious.

You can’t win people like this over. It’s too late for them. How do we move forward as a country without them is the question 

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When thinking about Trumpers, I keep coming back to the early 2000's when Al-Qaeda Wahhabism ideals were being promoted in the mosques abroad and sometimes here in the US.


Trumpism is the new Wahhabism, but without the violent aspect (...yet). I don't know how to fix this - it would take at least a generation. At the very least, one promising sign is that the younger generation is pushing back against religion

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30 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


Just went to a few Fox videos on youytube and they are hilarious. The comments are pure comedy. Biden and Harris are here to bring in Communism and racial separation.  Laura Ingraham stating that AOC talking about keeping track of the stupid stuff trumps enablers have said and done is paramount to tyranny. lol  


You can't make this stuff up. 


The lack of self-awareness that most Trumpers have is borderline awe inspiring.

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26 minutes ago, Barry.Randolphe said:

When thinking about Trumpers, I keep coming back to the early 2000's when Al-Qaeda Wahhabism ideals were being promoted in the mosques abroad and sometimes here in the US.


Trumpism is the new Wahhabism, but without the violent aspect (...yet). I don't know how to fix this - it would take at least a generation. At the very least, one promising sign is that the younger generation is pushing back against religion


Yeah I noted something similar a while back as well. MAGAs are essentially analogous to jihadis now. Fervent ideological zealots who will do anything for their cause and who cannot be persuaded by any type of reason or logical pleas.


And they have shown themselves to be quite capable of the violence aspect of it. But it hasn't gotten to the level of Islamist militants..............yet.

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I think people are setting themselves up to be disappointed about the Senate races in Georgia.  Most likely they will go GOP.  One seat might be possible, but I'm not sure which.  Kelly L is weak, but Warnock only got 32% and Collins supporters are likely even further right and unlikely to support him.  Ossoff came close, and thrashed Perdue in the debates, but still didn't win.  Democrats will have to give it all they have in the races and do their best not to turnoff voters and to get people who generally don't show up for runoffs to come out.  Alternatively Biden and the Democrats should try hard to get one of more GOP senator to vote with them in the Senate.  It's a long shot may piss off a lot on the left, but may be the only way of getting things done.  

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What the hell happened in the US during the Obama years?


What's the PTSD about?


I don't remember mass destruction, public executions, and mass graves of privileged white people.


If it didn't already happen with Obama..... why the hell would it happen now with Joe?



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3 minutes ago, visionary said:

I think people are setting themselves up to be disappointed about the Senate races in Georgia.  Most likely they will go GOP.  One seat might be possible, but I'm not sure which.  Kelly L is weak, but Warnock only got 32% and Collins supporters are likely even further right and unlikely to support him.  Ossoff came close, and thrashed Perdue in the debates, but still didn't win.  Democrats will have to give it all they have in the races and do their best not to turnoff voters and to get people who generally don't show up for runoffs to come out.  Alternatively Biden and the Democrats should try hard to get one of more GOP senator to vote with them in the Senate.  It's a long shot may piss off a lot on the left, but may be the only way of getting things done.  



You need to go look at the thread. In the end both races broke down abotu the same in terms of overall Dem / Rep coun. Both within less than 100,000 when you count all R and all D votes. There were a lot of people in the runoff race. I started a thread: 



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1 minute ago, Die Hard said:

What the hell happened in the US during the Obama years?


What's the PTSD about?


I don't remember mass destruction, public executions, and mass graves of privileged white people.


If it didn't already happen with Obama..... why the hell would it happen now with Joe?



Yeah, if you go to places online where the MAGAs hang out you'll see them talk about the Obama years as through we lived through 5 world wars, 4 famines, 3 plague of locusts, and the return of Barney the dinosaur or something.


They act like it was hell on earth and they just barely survived the horror, when in reality it was a relatively peaceful time governed by a pretty moderate POTUS without any scandals and a with healthy recovered economy. 


Then again, probably for them just knowing that a black guy was in the White House was hell on earth. 

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5 hours ago, Corcaigh said:

Perhaps rent a place with a balcony overlooking the route of the march with high visibility. Have a diverse group drinking champagne, smoking cigars, and whaling on Trump piñatas with baseball bats (no blindfold necessary).

all the way up, all the way up...

we started at the bottom, now we here..

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32 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

The Demand is getting intense. LOL.



i still think it's a little early because reasons 


otoh, go ahead and do it but make sure you pm momma and notify him after cuz he's bursting with momma stuff for it  :806: and no title changes!!  :) 

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"Biden plans executive actions to undo Trump's policies" is a headline ive been waiting a long time to see. its a beautiful sight... and very good sign that its being discussed this early after the election, and he's not going to wait to do it... EO's erasing Trump policies, a quick covid plan, and actually picking a diverse cabinet from all parts of the party are my wishlist for the first month or 2. already sounds like 1 and 2 are a go, and he's promised #3

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10 minutes ago, Jumbo said:



i still think it's a little early because reasons 


otoh, go ahead and do it but make sure you pm momma and notify him after cuz he's bursting with momma stuff for it  :806: and no title changes!!  :) 


4 minutes ago, mammajamma said:

"Biden plans executive actions to undo Trump's policies" is a headline ive been waiting a long time to see. its a beautiful sight... and very good sign that its being discussed this early after the election, and he's not going to wait to do it... EO's erasing Trump policies, a quick covid plan, and actually picking a diverse cabinet from all parts of the party are my wishlist for the first month or 2. already sounds like 1 and 2 are a go, and he's promised #3

where did you see this?

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5 hours ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

Thank you for providing this insight. One of the most frustrating things in debating with the Trump supporters is their "screw the rest of the world, we don't need them" argument when I point out what the rest of the world thinks of the United States.   


Now that we will have an adult in charge do you think our reputation around the world will be different?  How long will that take?  


Well I think it's not that easy. To be honest, the perception of the US has been suffering for quite some time - at least in Germany. It probably started with the Iraq war (at least as far as I can remember - I am only 30). The people in Germany were almost unanimously against it and Gerhard Schröder, our chancellor at the time, was highly respected for not going to war in Iraq with the US, UK and France.

When then the news broke that they didn't find weapons of mass destructions, people started to question the credibility of the US. But back then everyone still respected the US as the international powerhouse and the international driver of innovation and science and noone ever questioned whether the US was a democracy. The issues were more about the international politics, not so much about the domestic politics of the US.

But then over the last couple of years we read all those horrible stories about police brutality, discrimination, racism, issues with gay rights, anti-abortion movements, school shootings - just stuff that made people here horrified because we don't experience that on the same level that you guys do - even though it also made us more aware of our own issues. The focus started to shift away from the international stuff to the domestic stuff. To be totally honest, during that time there has been a growing arrogance in Europe. People think the average American is poorly educated, obese and racist and that we Europeans are better than that.


I think the issue here is that this "typical Trump supporter" has dominated the news cycle for way too long and created a distorted perception of US-Americans. So what Trump basically did was actually confirm an increasing believe among Europeans that these people actually ARE in the majority in the US. Now obviously people that go to the US, follow US news, work in research or in highly innovative business environments know that the US still is all of what we thought they were only a couple of years back. They still have world-leading innovation, they have world-leading research, they have just as many reasonable, nice and friendly people as other countries - but the average European just didn't hear about them.


Whether that changes with Biden in charge? I would not bet on it because I think that process started way earlier. If it was just about putting someone into the office who is well respected as a person, this perception should have changed with Obama in charge because he was highly regarded throughout the world - but it didn't. I think the US has a lot of internal stuff that they need to clean up. It's not as easy as putting a new person at the top and suddenly everyone starts to have a good perception of the US again.

I think Europeans will trust the government again, which is an important first step and they will respect your leaders. We will believe that our countries can come together and work on global issues.


But I think the US needs to also take a step back. They need to reflect on who they are and who they want to be. They need to embrace their own strenghts and also accept that they have some learning to do. Many Americans say that the US is the greatest and best country in the world and that you guys are the best at everything. And while the ideal USA might reflect all of that, no one in Europe sees the US this way right now. I don't know anyone that would prefer living in the US over living here in Austria right now. And that's mainly because you seem to reject so many ideas that we as Europeans fought for and now love so much: Free education, universal health care for everyone, a focus on climate change, an understanding that the most vulnerable and poorest people of the country need to be supported, etc.


The world looked at the US for decades. They took your ideas, they modeled their democracies after your ideals and improved their countries steadily. And I think now is the time for you to also, for once, look at other countries and learn from them - at least in some parts. And that is why I loved that Joe Biden talked about the need to come back together. Because I think the US needs to come together first, before they can grow back to the country everyone admired growing up. But that coming together has to start first until then I don't think that exchanging the leader will solve the issues. I don't see Trump as the main problem but rather as the worst symptom of the issues that transpired over quite some time.


I really hope for all of you that it happens. I got some really good friends in the US. People that I love. People that are caring and open-minded. I have been in the US multiple times over the last couple of years - I love a lot about your country...but even I spent my exchange semester in Vancouver, Canada - because that reflects the US that I admired growing up more than the US does right now.

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