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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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Just now, AJ* said:


Same. Last night I fell asleep a lot earlier than usual for the weekend and I slept through the night for a change. In fact I was a little angry when I woke up this morning because I get my peace during the late night hours while my family is sleeping and I feel like I lost those hours last night :ols: Still feels good though.

I've got a busy street on the side of my house that gets VERY loud on weekend nights, and I usually get woken up at least once by some dumbass who thinks his Honda Civic is a '69 Chevelle...but no worries last night :ols: 

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If we had 100 million mail in ballots in Philly; he sure lost by a lot.


Do whatever the **** you want. Joe will be taking over in

73 days mother ****er.


Joe will be forming his government.


Hopefully, Joe will be successful enough to render you a horrible aberration in American history.


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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

But I want to give cooperation a try when I listen to Biden.


That's the effect of real leadership.  We have been starving for it.  Not just the Left, the whole country.  Republicans probably have no clue how his much they need real leadership too, but they do.


Joe is right, we do need healing.  The American Right has been radicalized by their poisonous leadership and it is killing the country and we need to begin the difficult process of healing cultural divisions, expanding prosperity for everyone, and rebuilding our democratic institutions and norms.  This is bipartisan work and it is going to take a tremendous amount of effort, discipline, and compassion.

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

I personally don’t think the Republicans in the senate will let it work.


I doubt Biden does either.  But the key is, he doesn't have a choice.  Even if the Democrats win both Senate seats in GA, their control of the Senate is going to be slim.  If you have to cooperate with the other side to get anything done, you might as well say you're for cooperation.  After being VP for 8 years, I suspect Biden has a good idea of what McConnel is and how he works.  And I doubt he expects much cooperation from McConnel.  I suspect he knows that day 1, McConnel's objective is got a Republican back in the White House in 4 years.


(Even in the AOC thread, she's thinking about the House, but until/unless enough states flip that you can have a far left Senate, the far left is going to have a hard time enacting much of an agenda.)


You have to recognize your circumstances and adjust your approach/message accordingly.

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if you missed it, try to find the last 5-10 mins of jake tappe'rs show today----he does a great summation of the gop leaders at this time


i didn't see it all, but the part of the aoc interview i did catch was also great as was his time with gov hogan (who may run in 2024 and i would find it a very welcome change at the top of a gop ticket)



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1 hour ago, Dan T. said:

I couldn’t  fall asleep last night. Every 5 minutes I thought “Four Seasons Total Landscaping” and I broke into uncontrollable giggles. What a perfect end to the Trump Presidency. 

Conan!  What is best in life?


Crush your enemies.

See them driven before you.

And hear the lamentations of the Four Seasons Landscaping parking lot.

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To any buy in into a green jobs era; you will to get people who currently work in the fossil fuel industry.


The only way they would accept their current job going away is there’s an immediate replacement that pays the same or better. That job will have to be available where they live now.


Jobs will be key to any green deal. If you don’t get that buy in; those people will just vote for the next Trump.


The green deal has to be planned, framed as creating jobs immediately that replace jobs lost in transition. Also, won’t accept instant change; it has to be reasonable gradual.


If people try ram things down people’s throats; it will fail.

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41 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

To any buy in into a green jobs era; you will to get people who currently work in the fossil fuel industry.


The only way they would accept their current job going away is there’s an immediate replacement that pays the same or better. That job will have to be available where they live now.


Jobs will be key to any green deal. If you don’t get that buy in; those people will just vote for the next Trump.


The green deal has to be planned, framed as creating jobs immediately that replace jobs lost in transition. Also, won’t accept instant change; it has to be reasonable gradual.


If people try ram things down people’s throats; it will fail.


This is why you tie Climate Change measures to Infrastructure. This way you can do it in a way that they either participate or get left behind. They will come along if you it right. It will be a business decision.


Warren's approach to combining Infrastructure with addressing climate change was the best I saw of all the candidates. Although I would love to see her take over the DOJ. Strength, experience, leadership and honesty. Good grief could we stand so much from one person??  🙂 


The time for molly coddling these dinosaurs has to be over. Lead follow or get the hell out of the way.

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