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Charleston Gazette Mail:Clay official loses job over racist Facebook post about Michelle Obama


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10 minutes ago, nonniey said:

You crossed the line here. Bit ticked.  The board knows me as a fairly conservative Republican, what they don't know, as I haven't thrown this around,  is my wife of 21 years is a black woman. And when some knucklehead comes on here saying I revel in a world where it is ok to call a n***** a n***** again that I will take issue with.

Are you going to even try and tell me or anyone that's not exactly what got voted in and voted for? G'head, I dare ya, Bannon was one of the very first hires of "the best people" made by the new...............whatever the hell this is

You and the rest can feign ignorance or upset or heart murmurs all ya want, this is yours, own it.

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10 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Are you going to even try and tell me or anyone that's not exactly what got voted in and voted for? G'head, I dare ya, Bannon was one of the very first hires of "the best people" made by the new...............whatever the hell this is

You and the rest can feign ignorance or upset or heart murmurs all ya want, this is yours, own it.



10 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Are you going to even try and tell me or anyone that's not exactly what got voted in and voted for? G'head, I dare ya, Bannon was one of the very first hires of "the best people" made by the new...............whatever the hell this is

You and the rest can feign ignorance or upset or heart murmurs all ya want, this is yours, own it.

How is it mine? Seriously did you  pay attention at all to the Election Thread? You are ranting and raving yet virtually no one that is criticizing your rants here voted Trump.  TWA? Nope he opposed Trump from day one through the election, me you'd be hard pressed to find anyone prior to his election who was more adamantly against Trump on this board. It seems you are one of those ones who have lost their friggen minds over this election and are now exposing your own dirty little thoughts (little).

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5 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Are you going to even try and tell me or anyone that's not exactly what got voted in and voted for? G'head, I dare ya, Bannon was one of the very first hires of "the best people" made by the new...............whatever the hell this is

You and the rest can feign ignorance or upset or heart murmurs all ya want, this is yours, own it.

Donald Trump got 400k fewer votes than Romney. Clinton got 4.6M fewer votes than Obama. Now, who owns what happened in this election? And FYI, I voted for not Donald Trump, not Jill Stein, not Gary Johnson, but Hillary Clinton. I held my nose while I did it, but I did it...

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2 hours ago, LD0506 said:

"free" as in socially or morally acceptable, but hey, I know y'all are reveling in a post-PC world where it's ok to call a n***** a n***** again, Muslims are nicknamed ISIS and those damn dirty beaners? They can leave if they don't want to hear, we makin' A'murka great again!

So typical of libs, and people like you. Always jumping to hysterics and outlining some retarded hyperbolic outlandish statements in order to make whatever your "point" is. Are you high or just damaged in some way?

Since when do we live in a "post PC" world?? I certainly wish we could. Political correctness is the law of the land and if everyone does not abide by it then the world is ending? And some of you wonder why people look at you like you've grown 2 heads.. hint, it ain't cause you're beautiful.

The woman said something stupid publicly and lost her job.. ok fine. So that means because she did that all your outlandish claims are justified?


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23 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Are you going to even try and tell me or anyone that's not exactly what got voted in and voted for?

I'd say that is a generalization. Some of his supporters... yes. Certainly not all of them. On a scale of 1-10, I was about a 9 on the anti-Trumpometer but I know plenty of perfectly fine people who voted for Trump (or didn't vote for Hillary).

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Some folks round here need a little break from social media for the sake of their own sanity if not mine.  

Lady did a horrid thing.  She got canned.  That's how it's supposed to work.

I for one, being a Polly Anna level optimist for the time being, think it's all part of Trump's secret plan to get racists to out themselves.  :bill:

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4 hours ago, MisterPinstripe said:


People say awful things about Michelle Obama.

So people then attack Trumps wife because...... Shes "theirs"?


Soooooo....we're supposed to forget that the Right with all their moral superiority shamed Michelle Obama for her shoulders and how she was demeaning the position of the First Lady but now that they are confronted with Melania's nude photos they are all too predictably silent. I am NOT attacking Malania, I'm shaming the false-outrage from the Right in their blatant hypocrisy. 

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Why delete it though?  What was that supposed to do.

1 minute ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Soooooo....we're supposed to forget that the Right with all their moral superiority shamed Michelle Obama for her shoulders and how she was demeaning the position of the First Lady but now that they are confronted with Melania's nude photos they are all too predictably silent. I am NOT attacking Malania, I'm shaming the false-outrage from the Right in their blatant hypocrisy. 

Blatant.  There's no better word for it.

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26 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Soooooo....we're supposed to forget that the Right with all their moral superiority shamed Michelle Obama for her shoulders and how she was demeaning the position of the First Lady but now that they are confronted with Melania's nude photos they are all too predictably silent. I am NOT attacking Malania, I'm shaming the false-outrage from the Right in their blatant hypocrisy. 

"When they go low, we go high." - Michelle Obama.  Seems fitting.

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2 minutes ago, brandymac27 said:

I just think it's funny how a woman who is homelier than a bushel of assholes is making comments about Michelle Obama's appearance. Just sayin.....


It just makes me sad knowing there are probably millions of people who agree with Clay about Michelle :(

As if our FLOUTS-elect doesn't have a girl on girl nudie spread :rolleyes:

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16 minutes ago, brandymac27 said:

I just think it's funny how a woman who is homelier than a bushel of assholes is making comments about Michelle Obama's appearance. Just sayin.....


You women are vicious critters when talking about other women. 

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1 hour ago, Destino said:

"When they go low, we go high." - Michelle Obama.  Seems fitting.

"Never forget"

If you forget then their lies work. Plus, there may be young pups in here who don't remember the great big steaming pile of crap the Right has piled up over the years. And when you have the likes of Gingrich, Guilliani, and Bannon as the surrogates for the administration then it is absolutely certain that they aren't planning on changing. 

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4 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Soooooo....we're supposed to forget that the Right with all their moral superiority shamed Michelle Obama for her shoulders and how she was demeaning the position of the First Lady but now that they are confronted with Melania's nude photos they are all too predictably silent. I am NOT attacking Malania, I'm shaming the false-outrage from the Right in their blatant hypocrisy. 

How does not being nasty, attacking people, and showing love not hate, equate to forgetting? That's part of the problem with what we are seeing from both sides. You can disagree, you can condemn something you think is wrong, without trashing or attacking people. 


Who here has ever seen someone respond to and open their ears to hate? I certainly havent, it doesn't matter how right you are or think you are. If you respond to someone in a kind way, people will take notice. People are more likely to listen. No one listens when they are attacked and trashed and demeaned. 

Part of the problem with society is this mindset. Well, they were mean or hateful so that now makes it okay for me to be that way. Responding in a loving and kind way is way more likely to make people listen. No one's mind are going to be changed, no hearts changed, by trashing one another. All that does is build the divide, us against them, etc.


Someone says hateful things? Heap kindness upon them. This thought that responding kindly means you can't condemn or disagree with whatever was said is so out of whack. 


But people like to attack back, it makes us feel better, it's easier. And that's one of the reasons we are where we are.

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5 hours ago, Popeman38 said:

Donald Trump got 400k fewer votes than Romney. Clinton got 4.6M fewer votes than Obama. Now, who owns what happened in this election? And FYI, I voted for not Donald Trump, not Jill Stein, not Gary Johnson, but Hillary Clinton. I held my nose while I did it, but I did it...

That would hold true if this were any normal election. Dump was a candidate like none other in our lifetimes. He's a demagogue that stokes the fires of racial hatred. At best he's coy about courting the support of hate groups and at worst, he actively supports them. There were a number of options one could take outside of voting for Dump or Hillary. However only ~400K fewer people chose against Dump than picked a perfectly acceptable, normal candidate in RMoney. After that election and any other election before it, I didn't look at the rural people that I work with any differently, regardless of the outcome. However this time around the issue wasn't as many have said, that others see them as racist for voting for Dump. It's worse. Dump voters were willing to sell my family and me, gay people, Jews, etc. down the river for whatever reason they found to vote for him. That's a level of moral bankruptcy that means I can't trust you and I just don't respect you anymore.

"Meh, the risk is minimal. Nothing's going to happen." Maybe, maybe not. However, what would you think of me if the candidate running was actively supporting or being coy about some characteristic that meant your kid could be at risk? You wouldn't care whether I was racist or not, only that I was willing to risk your kid's wellbeing, and it wouldn't matter much to you how small I thought the risk is.

When I was a kid, my grandmother used to warn me not to trust white kids because she said that when in a group with other kids that meant me harm they might not stand up for me or if someone did something that could get us in trouble, they'd use me as the fall guy. I always told her that her thinking was outdated. After all, my friends were cool. They weren't like that. Well, it turns out that in more general terms she was right after all. I won't be going hunting or golfing with any of the folks I know from rural areas. I've been invited a few times and have considered it but now I'd be genuinely worried that I might end up like this guy.

So yeah, a lot of us are distraught, not because our person didn't win but in part because it means a lot of people we know and trusted weren't worthy of it. That's a lot more devastating a loss than just an election.

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