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Finally Official:RG3 released--A "goodbye" thread--NOT a discussion thread to rehash all your "RG3 thoughts" for the millionth time-MET


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2012 was exciting for sure. The "electrifying" run against Minny is the signature play for me from his rookie season. It also represents just how much speed he had lost after the second knee injury. I hope he gets a fair shake somewhere else. I am guessing Cleveland or Houston. It's just nice that we are in the position to be able to release him since we know who our QB is at this point. Good luck to you RG3. 

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No matter what anyone says, no matter how bad 2014 was, I will forever be thankful to RG3 for that 2012 season.  That was one heck of a ride, and was one of the most exciting seasons I ever remember.  We went from hopeless to a world of hope and looking to the future.  Anyone who can bring that to this franchise at that level deserves respect.  Same goes for Morris.

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I'm sorry but going to be honest here. Griffin is gone now, and I'm not happy with how this went down or even willing to wish him well anywhere else. I'm not a jerk but think about this. How can we wish him to do well knowing what that means?


Sure we had the good run of 2012 but how overblown is that now looking back when it didn't even result in a playoff win for us even that year and was immediately replaced with the disappointments not only of 2012 but of 2013 and 2014 and even 2015 seasons with Griffins lack of development. It makes me laugh when I see reports of 10 or more teams are interested in Griffin right now, as if the issue with him not developing was just us and our crappy coaching staff because our team sucks? Give me a break. I get that the world hates us but come on.


Griffins disappointments far far outweighed any good that he did for us and his legacy will be remembered as the worst draft trade in NFL history for us was him. Adding on top the memory of that sorry ass move by Jeff Fisher will forever be unforgiven by me as a fan and that was caused by this man. We will never get out of this being looked at now as a horrible horrible thing for us. One man could have saved us from that - And he didn't. He failed. He failed in 2013, he failed in 2014, and he failed in 2015.


I certainly wish the man no ill will, and wish him the best of luck in something other then the NFL but I would be dishonest if I said I was rooting for him to do good on his next stop in the NFL. Honestly I'm not. My days of rooting for him are gone. There was a time I rooted for Griffin but those days are well over now and will boo loudly every time I have to see him where ever he goes.


I can't stand the media and how they treat this team and I know just like you know that if Griffin does find success somewhere else they will look at us cutting him as another error and screwed up move by this team and we will never live it down.


He cost too much, did too little, never developed, and never came close to the expectation that I had when we drafted him period.


Thanks for leaving our team with the worst draft trade in history, the memory of the worst punk troll move by another team to us in my lifetime, and the icing on the top with the added potential for us to look like complete fools if he does great work again. This sucks.


Good Luck Griffin but yea not really anymore and I'm sorry just being honest

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Still hasn't sunk in yet that 2012 will never happen again and he's not going to be our franchise QB.  To see him and likely Morris gone after that season, it's hard to describe how I feel about that.  In that context of that season, the feeling is not "relief".

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Kinda mixed on this still have the memories of 2012 especially that first half of the Dallas Thanksgiving game, if you would have said then that he'd be released and that Kirk Cousins would be sitting here with a $20m contract not sure anyone would have believed it would be possible. It was finally time to end the last couple years of distractions.

RG3 all the best for your future years in the league & best of health. Except when playing the Redskins of course!

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I'm sorry but going to be honest here. Griffin is gone now, and I'm not happy with how this went down or even willing to wish him well anywhere else. I'm not a jerk but think about this. How can we wish him to do well knowing what that means?


Sure we had the good run of 2012 but how overblown is that now looking back when it didn't even result in a playoff win for us even that year and was immediately replaced with the disappointments not only of 2012 but of 2013 and 2014 and even 2015 seasons with Griffins lack of development. It makes me laugh when I see reports of 10 or more teams are interested in Griffin right now, as if the issue with him not developing was just us and our crappy coaching staff because our team sucks? Give me a break. I get that the world hates us but come on.


Griffins disappointments far far outweighed any good that he did for us and his legacy will be remembered as the worst draft trade in NFL history for us was him. Adding on top the memory of that sorry ass move by Jeff Fisher will forever be unforgiven by me as a fan and that was caused by this man. We will never get out of this being looked at now as a horrible horrible thing for us. One man could have saved us from that - And he didn't. He failed. He failed in 2013, he failed in 2014, and he failed in 2015.


I certainly wish the man no ill will, and wish him the best of luck in something other then the NFL but I would be dishonest if I said I was rooting for him to do good on his next stop in the NFL. Honestly I'm not. My days of rooting for him are gone. There was a time I rooted for Griffin but those days are well over now and will boo loudly every time I have to see him where ever he goes.


I can't stand the media and how they treat this team and I know just like you know that if Griffin does find success somewhere else they will look at us cutting him as another error and screwed up move by this team and we will never live it down.


He cost too much, did too little, never developed, and never came close to the expectation that I had when we drafted him period.


Thanks for leaving our team with the worst draft trade in history, the memory of the worst punk troll move by another team to us in my lifetime, and the icing on the top with the added potential for us to look like complete fools if he does great work again. This sucks.


Good Luck Griffin but yea not really anymore and I'm sorry just being honest



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Thanks for 2012, damn shame it never worked out here.  I'll wait to see where he lands next before I wish him continued success.  I can't wish that if he lands in Dallas, Philly, NY or LA.  


I'm hoping he goes to an AFC team like Houston, being from TX, might help revitalize his career.  

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Sad day in DC...in 2012 when I got my picture taken with RG3....when I got my rg3 jersey (one even got signed by him as a graduation gift!) I couldn't imagine it could end after 4 seasons...that 2012 season was my favorite. 76 yard TD run...8 TDs in 4 days. Beating Dallas to win the NFC east. It was all amazing. Going to be interesting to see where he lands. I'll cheer for whatever team he's on, and yes, even if hes in Dallas, Philly, or NY. I'll cheer for the man to revitalize his career. Good luck Griffin.

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Everyone is talking about 2012 and I get that, but I want to thank you for 13 & 14 too. I admired the way you killed yourself to return from injury. You gave everything you could and played too often when you probably shouldn't have.

Some may only look at the negatives of those years, but you nearly killed yourself for your team.

Thanks for the great memories, sacrifices, and effort. I wish we had more memories, but will treasure the good ones.

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just last week my pre-k boy wore is #10 jersey to school.  He said he was hoping his friend would wear his cowgirl jersey so that they could play football at recess.  It will be sad telling him that Robert is no longer with the team.  He has a Robert poster on his wall and only really knows RG and Cooley. 


The good news is that he will be out-growing the jersey within months.  I told him that Kirk Cousins was now the QB for the team.  He asked me whose he is cousins with? 


Good luck Robert - I wish you the best (unless playing against the B&G) and I still predict you will be a SB winning QB. 

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Best wishes to RGIII.  Loved him up until the end of that Seattle game and then, well lets just say I became the biggest Cousins fan after that.  Still blame him for that lose and risking his health which ultimately destroyed his career at least here.  Still the guy was a class act in 2015. 

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