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Chip Kelly is occupying space in all of your heads


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I don't think he's as bad as Spurrier. I think he's a good coach, but once again coaches shouldn't also be GMs. Guy has an incredibly overinflated sense of his ego. You can't keep getting rid of talent and just expecting to replicate that with average joes.

First, that is the biggest problem.  The coach should not be the GM.  I will add, I like the skins where our GM is just repsonsible for player personnel and leaves the administrative side of runing the team to Allen.  Thus giving the GM the sole focus of players.


Second, Chip is a quality offense coach, but in the NFL it is still about the players and not about the system.  Talent almost always trumps system.  When teams are somewhat equal in talent, then coaching and such is the difference.  Also, in the NFL you win with quality QB play.  Bradford just doesn't seem comfortable.  I see why the Rams dumped him.

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As it stands right now, as a Skins fan I can't wait to play the Eagles. They look absolutely inept.


And as bad as we were last year we were very close to sweeping them if not for that weak ass Hazlett defense.

I don't think he's as bad as Spurrier. I think he's a good coach, but once again coaches shouldn't also be GMs. Guy has an incredibly overinflated sense of his ego. You can't keep getting rid of talent and just expecting to replicate that with average joes.

It's exactly the same thing Spurrier did here. Remember all those former Florida receivers who did nothing in the NFL but we had to have them and Wuerffel too? Stephen Davis for Trung Candidate? LOL

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As I have been saying for two years - Chip Kelly is an egotistical buffoon!  All those thinking we should have him as our HC, please watch the game going on right now. His off looks like what it is, a HS/College gimmick! He has gotten rid of all the players that Andy Reid had there to win games and we see the result! 


Let me say it again - Chip Kelly is a egotistical buffoon! Could not happen to better group of fans!!   LOLOLOL

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Deleted double post

Nope, IMO, you could have posted that twice and it would have been warranted.  :lol:


Now, Eagle's fans. I will pose two questions back at you.


- Would you rather have our coaches and GM or your coaches and well....coaches?

- Would you rather have our QB and RBs, or your QB and RBs?


Geez, we could go with defense here, WR corp, DL, OL, and on and on and I still think I'd rather have our guys over yours.


Apparently Chip's 3 RB system sucks big fat donkey balls.

Fry Eagles Fry.

I fixed it for you.

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The last two weeks for the E-Gals have been abso-freaking-lutely hilarious! ChunkoChip and his "unstoppable" "high-powered offense!"  :lol:  I guess Chunko- and his giant idiotic flash cards, and "his" players are nothing but hot trash!


Oh .. and the Crackgirlz look pretty awful too!  They are presently the worst 2-0 team in the league, and reality shall soon bite their asses!

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Chip Kelly is going to win tons of games for the University of Texas in a year or two.


Nooooo! We want him to stay in PHL. Please, **** Lurie, pay him more money & give him more control. He's good. He really is. Just ask him.




Murray - 13 carries 2 yards

Matthews - 1 carry 0 yards

Sproles - 1 carry -4 yards


Total: 15 carries -2 yards


And the Cowgirlz - 18 penalties in this game. Wow. Let's hear the mediots defending this hot mess. 

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He's on a super duper serial mission in North Korea to find and eliminate the threat known as Man Bear Pig.

I thought he was on a mission to locate Chip Kelly's missing "genius".


I think we need a separate thread for this one.

Naw, we should be able to fit all the dumb *** birds in this thread (Seahawks, Eagles, Falcons, Ravens).


I have nothing against the Cardinals, they were terrible in the NFC East.

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4. Really, how bad are things in Philadelphia?
They’re bad. They’re so bad that college fanbases are already readying their “dip for Chip” signs (not really, I just made that up), but they should and it’s a really good name and I want royalties if it catches on. If you’re a middling big-name school that’s not going to do much damage this year, better to go 6-7 than 8-5 and hope a coaching vacancy opens up so Chip Kelly can come back, do a Pete Carroll, maybe win a few titles and then come back to the NFL for a hopefully more successful version 2.0. (The fact that one of those schools could be USC would be nice symmetry.)
Sam Bradford looks terrible. Philly fans were calling for Mark Sanchez on Sunday, which ordinarily wouldn’t be a big deal since Philly fans probably disowned Rocky in the middle of his second fight against Apollo and because NFL fans are always clamoring for the backup when the starter is struggling. But this time, the fans had a point. If the NFL wasn’t so bizarre with its custom that a starting quarterback can never be replaced mid-game, Sanchez might have been provided a good jolt of energy for the Eagles in the fourth quarter, with Bradford retaining his starting job for Week 3 (but maybe not much beyond).
Here’s another example: Troy Aikman, who is so non-committal in the booth that I imagine the “paper or plastic” question at the grocery store flummoxes him for a solid 90 seconds, was rightfully ripping on the Eagles for bad they played. “I’m not even sure I need to analyze this,” he said, hilariously, after the Eagles scored a garbage-time touchdown.

6. Why, exactly, was Philly so bad on Sunday?
Make no mistake, the Cowboys defense played a major role in this. But the following stats necessitate a bad offense as much as a good defense. In the first half, the Eagles had 21 yards in total. Their punter, Donnie Jones, averaged 28 more yards on each his five punts than the offense had in all during the first 30 minutes. Running the ball was a problem — and that’s an understatement. Running is a problem to the Eagles as email servers are a problem for Hillary Clinton. All of this suggests DeMarco Murray’s 2014 success was the result of a tremendous offensive line and was such a heavy workload that he may never approach those numbers are again. Here were Philly’s rushing stats late in the fourth quarter, before Dallas set its defense back while playing with a three possession lead.


Every one of Chip Kelly’s offseason moves has exploded in his face. Like I said, the seat is hot and NCAA athletic directors should be chomping at the bit.

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