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Chip Kelly is occupying space in all of your heads


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Well, Cousins playing bad might not be enough for you to win though... :P

it might be ...for us to stay in the race for playoffs.but i have to admit the eagles are baaad real bad



Except you only get to play us 2x a year. Too bad the old Cardinals aren't still in the div.


but it might be just enough to keep us in the hunt for playoffs....yes cousins keep on playing like that,more interceptions please

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This thread boils down to two questions.  If you answer them with complete honesty, you understand the position that the Eagles are in and their continued path to dominance over the division, conference, and league.


1.  Would you rather have Chip Kelly or your current coach?


2.  Would you rather have Sam Bradford (to be coached by Chip Kelly) or your current QB?


Just remember, the worst lies are the ones that you try to convince yourself of.



come out, come out, wherever bar you are still in West. 

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Thing is, I still think his system is fine. But, like any other, you still need talented players. Chip the coach/OC is fine. Chip the GM is bizarre.


I have no problems with most of the moves this past offseason.  Defense is improved, albeit slightly, McCoy wouldn't have done any better here, Maclin probably would have been a slight help....BUT, the lack of plan for the OL is a travesty IMO.  The only reason his offense was so fantastic his first year was the OL was excellent and played together the whole season. 


As much as many Eagle fans hated Andy (at times he drove me nuts too), he was much better at working with what he had on hand, even if it meant adapting his game plan.  CK does not seem to know how to do that.  Maybe Jon Gruden will come out of the booth for the Iggles next year!  jk....god help us.

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I have no problems with most of the moves this past offseason.  Defense is improved, albeit slightly, McCoy wouldn't have done any better here, Maclin probably would have been a slight help....BUT, the lack of plan for the OL is a travesty IMO.  The only reason his offense was so fantastic his first year was the OL was excellent and played together the whole season. 


As much as many Eagle fans hated Andy (at times he drove me nuts too), he was much better at working with what he had on hand, even if it meant adapting his game plan.  CK does not seem to know how to do that.  Maybe Jon Gruden will come out of the booth for the Iggles next year!  jk....god help us.


Maybe Kyle Shanahan. He seems to have the offense clicking in Atlanta. :)

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This thread boils down to two questions.  If you answer them with complete honesty, you understand the position that the Eagles are in and their continued path to dominance over the division, conference, and league.


1.  Would you rather have Chip Kelly or your current coach?


2.  Would you rather have Sam Bradford (to be coached by Chip Kelly) or your current QB?




To answer your questions:


1. I'll take Gruden. Chip Kelly is a good coach, but a lousy GM, and he insists on being both. Too much ego.


2. Cousins over Bradford. Cousins isn't anything great (yet :) ), but Bradford is brittle and plays scared.


Just remember, the worst lies are the ones that you try to convince yourself of.


Unfortunately for you, there are no lies you can tell yourself to make yourself feel better.


Just truth. Hard truth. :)

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