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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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10 hours ago, RansomthePasserby said:

Every time I see a new post in this thread I click with the hope that maybe this time they found something truly unforgivable and the dark reign is finally over…

Man...you just summed up my feelings perfectly.  


There's only one thing that will ever end this ongoing nightmare, and that's Dan's ouster.  I have zero fear of a new owner being bad.  You literally cannot do worse than Dan on - and even more importantly - off the field.  It's going to take a decade of doing things in exemplary fashion to even begin to reconstruct our reputation.  Snyder's organization cannot go more than a handful of months before tearing down the dike again.  Just an absolute living nightmare.  😢

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3 hours ago, fearlessNelms said:

Is it a possibility that Rivera resigns after the season over this? I mean, from everything you hear about Rivera is that he's a very respected, high character guy who has zero tolerance for this kind of crap.


I understand that he'd be walking away from millions of dollars, but at the same time I can't imagine he's real happy about having his name attached to this organization and Snyder- even though he was not here at the time and had no part in this mess. I hope he doesn't, but really wouldn't be surprised or blame him if he did.


The question then becomes- if Rivera did leave, who the hell is going to come work for Snyder? No good coach or man of any good morals will want to come here to work for this guy. Obviously, there will always be someone to take the job, but what kind of guy would we be talking about? I know Snyder has enticed a lot of great coaches to come coach here- Schottenheimer, Gibbs and Shanahan, but as bad as his image has been, it's at an even higher level of scummage now. Or is it lower level of scummage? Either way, you know what I'm saying.

I don't see Ron resigning.  He just isn't going to leave this rebuild after Year 2.  He is such a good man and I know he truly cares about the lives and careers of his players.  No way, IMHO, he leaves them in the lurch.  He has more class in his pinky nail than our owner has in his entire DNA structure.


However, it's easy to see from his previous comments that Ron is tired of this already.  He's talked about every time they try and turn a corner a black cloud forms (paraphrasing).  We can go a handful of months (sometimes) with no bad news regarding the organization's behavior - bad behavior or incompetence (like the ST debacle, etc.) - off the field but that's it.  You can't be human and not have that affect you, especially when you're trying to do next to the impossible, which is turn around an organization such as ours.  I worry about Ron's stress level and his ability to elevate his stress to a degree where it won't return, metastasized as cancer.  The other thing is that when this new name is unveiled, there's going to be a lot of initial negative reaction.  I think that's all but guaranteed at this point no matter what they choose.  Ron's gonna feel that as well.  And that's more stress.  If they blow the uniform and logo design, ditto.


As far as the new coaching regime that eventually will follow this one, I really believe that SIP nailed it.  (I love reading SIP's posts.  Even-handed, calculated, insightful and full of humility.)  I think there's a very good chance that we're doomed after Ron - that we need to try and enjoy Ron's regime because this is as good as it is going to get under Snyder, whatever Ron's regime ends up accomplishing or not.  And the worst part of it is, I'm not so sure that - because of this horrific behavior of Snyder and this organization off the flied - winning can cure it.  Winning a championship could, but that isn't going to happen in reality under Snyder.  I'm 99.9% sure of that.  And I HATE writing that.  I hope I'm wrong.  


Back to the point: it's one thing to have a losing team on the field for decades on end.  You can still attract top coaching talent with that kind of track record IF you at least have a classy organization.  But we don't and never will have that under Snyder.  It's impossible, no matter who he hires.  He'll still be the head of the snake and his influence will always permeate every level of the outfit.  A few hires that have some luminance to them like Jason Wright and Julie Donaldson can't begin to make dent in the dark that is Snyder's shadow, which touches every corner of this organization.  Everything that has transpired over the past two years has sunk this organization into untold levels of scum swamp slime that no coaches with legitimate offers elsewhere will want to come here.  People see what a good man like Ron is putting up with.  No way, IMHO at least, they'll want to take that on.  At some point, money loses its luster, especially for a great coaching prospect with options.  They'll take a bit less to go somewhere they can keep their clothes clean.  Reverse carwash and al that...

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I just read the recent Washington Post article concerning Snyder meddling in the Wilkinson investigation and even though it's not surprising Snyder continues to set new standards for pettiness in regards to owning a professional sports team I think I'm finally getting a legitimate grasp on the psychology behind his behavior. 

 The only reason for this disgrace of a man being relevant in any type of news circle is that he has money. That's it. There is no other reason. Snyder is so insecure and narcissistic that he needs every single person that he idolizes to recognize him as a great human being. He is such a people pleaser that he needs his gods that he idolizes to bow down to him and recognize him as the God. 

  I'm guessing he knows that the only reason in hell he has any type of recognition is because of his money.  This guy is never going to change. He needs everyone that he surrounds himself with (those he idolizes) to live up to high standards and admire him so he can have self worth. As soon as they fall from grace he has no other choice but to cut ties because they no longer inflate his sense of self worth.

  Buy a chainsaw, cut down some trees, join a fight club, enter an arm wrestling competition, find something to do that certifies your manhood in your own eyes instead of needing validation from others. Snyder is the ultimate loser hiding behind the intellect of his coaches and the jock straps of the athletes he pays to perform. When things go wrong it's never his fault since being at fault would shatter his already pencil dick thin ego. 

 He needs to go down. He has to be stopped!

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1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Dan is in stronger position than he was a year ago and the NFL is protecting him. He will never be gone until he dies in 30-40 years.


That's only true so long as Goodell doesn't feel threatened. Just look what happened to Chris Cuomo at CNN...Zucker protected him until the scandal got too close to him, then he canned Cuomo. Obviously this is not the same thing, as Goodell can't 'fire' Snyder since he works for him. It's truly up to the other owners...if they think this scandal is going to smear them then they will have to act.


You would think that witness intimidation would warrant a pretty severe response...but maybe most of these owners would have done the same thing as Snyder. Money can buy a lot of  private investigators.

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13 hours ago, SoCalSkins said:

This was the play that started his neck issues: 

I remember that.  But has there ever been confirmation that hit started it?  Because he came back into the game, threw a dime 50 yards down field (if I remember correctly), and then he had a whole bunch of great years before the neck injury kept him out in 2011.  Luck was drafted in 2012, and then he went on to set records in 2012-2013 with the Broncos...



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The NFL’s silence about Daniel Snyder says plenty about its principles

At this point, the bigger problem for the NFL is not the stinking algae bloom that is Daniel Snyder but rather the strong whiff of its own toxic cleansers. Commissioner Roger Goodell, you see, knows the Washington Football Team owner was accused of sexual misconduct on his plane and settled a claim over his alleged behavior. Yet the league office has said nothing, not to the team’s legion of victims of sexual harassment, nor to the public that foots the NFL’s bills. If silence can have bad breath, Goodell’s reeks.


You could pass out from all the cross-pollutants, Snyder’s noxiousness combined with the ammonia smell of a coverup. But the biggest stench of all is the odor of Goodell’s false, rotten-toothed assurances, which were merely a front for the owners’ collective contempt for both ordinary people and congressional leaders, whom they treat as stupidly cow-placid enough to swallow this nonsense while paying for their public sewage lines.

There is an old business saying that you can’t manage what you don’t measure. The NFL never wanted to measure the leaking ooze that is Snyder, or to seriously address the origin of the chronic sexual harassment inside the Washington organization. Presumably that’s because no other owner can withstand such scrutiny, either.


The promises of “transparency” were all bamboozlement. What a con. You hire a former federal prosecutor, Beth Wilkinson, to do a supposedly “independent” investigation of Snyder’s sordid workplace, then tell her not to document anything. Question: For exactly how long have league officials known about the accusation against Snyder, and what were the specifics and merit of it?


...But at this point the NFL league office is worse than a bad example. It’s another abuser. The league asked the victims to relive their debasement to an investigator with a supposed promise of legitimate inquiry — when in fact it was using them all over again, this time as convenient cover.


With the latest revelation of how the NFL is gaming its audience, it’s imperative that Congress step in. As Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.) said, “The NFL is perhaps the most visible workplace among workplaces, and it powerfully influences the way that, in my opinion, men and boys think about sexual harassment and the way that employers think about sexual harassment.”

The league’s handling of the Snyder scandal has only reinforced the notion that to report sexual harassment is a dead-end game in which the rich abuser always wins. The only thing NFL owners have ever feared is government interference; it’s the only thing that can pry open their dealings.


The blank space, where a full accounting of the Snyder “investigation” should be, gets more curious all the time. It’s a statement in and of itself, one that says the league would rather deal with criticism over its corrupt silence than with full exposure. You can suppose only that what it’s hiding must be worse.



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The league won't get rid of Snyder because they're hiding something massive that could put a hole in the league.  None of this is about protecting Snyder: it's the league protecting a very, very dark secret.


My only hope for Snyder ceasing to be owner is in what Tanya Snyder alluded to this summer: The Snyders wondered if maybe they should just leave this "football life" behind and start a new one.  But Tanya said they didn't want to show their son that you just run away from things.  Well...if the pressure continues to build then it may eventually be enough for them to change their minds.  Their son must be hearing on a daily basis what a scumbag his father is.  And, while that's true, it's a horrid thing for a child to hear about a parent, and I for one feel horrible for their son.  Perhaps this alone would be enough for Tanya to decide their family must turn away.  

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4 minutes ago, Redwards said:

The league won't get rid of Snyder because they're hiding something massive that could put a hole in the league.  None of this is about protecting Snyder: it's the league protecting a very, very dark secret.


My only hope for Snyder ceasing to be owner is in what Tanya Snyder alluded to this summer: The Snyders wondered if maybe they should just leave this "football life" behind and start a new one.  But Tanya said they didn't want to show their son that you just run away from things.  Well...if the pressure continues to build then it may eventually be enough for them to change their minds.  Their son must be hearing on a daily basis what a scumbag his father is.  And, while that's true, it's a horrid thing for a child to hear about a parent, and I for one feel horrible for their son.  Perhaps this alone would be enough for Tanya to decide their family must turn away.  

Uncapped 2013 season collusion.  That’s my working hypothesis.

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Changing the topic slightly, I wanted to make a comment on Ron and the football side:


I used to give Jay a REALLY hard time because he (and Bruce) used to **** and moan about injuries all the time, and use them as an excuse for why the team didn't succeed.  And, as I always said, injuries are 100% a factor, however the team should almost NEVER bring them up as an excuse.  Everybody has injuries, and part of your job as an organization is to build depth and have good coaching to overcome them.  


And I think Ron and the team has actually done a fantastic job of that this year.


They lost their projecting starting QB in the first half of the first game, and they haven't foldded.

Their big-signing WR was hurt for basically 8 months.  

They started losing OL like flies: Rouiller for the season, Scherff for 4 games, Cosmi for multiple games, they're on their 4th center... 

Defensively, they were a little more healthy for a time, but they did lose Bostic (I know,  I kindof think that was a blessing), and then both Chase Young and Montez Sweat.  They also lost St. Juice, and a few other pieces here and there. 


Yet, they persevered, had enough depth, and enough coaching to actually be MORE competitive, and improve.


And they did all this without their head athletic trainer, who's being investigated by the Feds.


So, I mention this now, because I think what you saw last week was the cracks really starting to form.  The team stayed in it, but their depth is being tested.  


And I think the dam is going to break this week in Philly.  


If the injury and COVID lists don't improve dramatically, they won't be able to dress a full team. They might not have 47 guys eligible to play. 


My guess is TH will play.  But he has no backup.  So, he kindof has to, even if it is just to hand the ball off.   They might be down to their 5th center, Charles at RT if Cosmi can't go, down their best receiver, and McKissic, who is their 3rd best playmaker (behind McLaurin and Gibson.) 


They won't be able to field a defense.  From the opening day roster of starters and primary backups on the DL, they have 1 remaining: Daron Payne.  That's it. That's the list.  At both DE and DT.  


And this is likely going to end the season.  There just isn't an obvious way for them to beat Philly in this state.  It could happen.  It would be as big a win as the 1982 scabs beating the Cowboys who had 13 players who crossed the picket lines.  But that's it.  


This is a worse situation than anything under Jay/Bruce.  I've never seen anything like it.  


And honestly, in this instance, if Ron was to say that they really were missing guys, I wouldn't blame him.  I still hope he doesn't.  But this is madness.

It's a real pity, too.  I think the team was really showing character and fight, and I think they're just going to be run the next couple of weeks.  


So, I guess this is my pre-emptive "kudos to Ron."  I think he has done a heck of a job keeping this team together, overcoming a whole lot of obstacles, and being competitive, and re-igniting the season.  But I think it's all about to collapse. 


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I listened yesterday to the 4 pm radio interview with Jay Gruden and of course he sounds happy and under zero stress.  The guys asked him about Allen coming to his office

after a loss and questioning why he did not run ball or why he called a certain play.  Gruden revealed it always bugged him to be second guess after games by the front office.

Hope Gruden gets another chance to be an offensive coordinator in the NFL.   Also heard WIP radio interview with their previously fired head coach who had won a Super Bowl

for them- Peterson.   He sounded relaxed living in Florida and said he wants to coach again in the NFL and has learned a lot by not coaching this year.  The Eagles paid his

contract this year.   Both Skins and Eagles for years have had dysfunctional front offices.  Both teams have drafted poorly over the last 10 years.  Both franchises then put their

head coaches no win situations.

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11 minutes ago, veteranskinsfan said:

I listened yesterday to the 4 pm radio interview with Jay Gruden and of course he sounds happy and under zero stress.  The guys asked him about Allen coming to his office

after a loss and questioning why he did not run ball or why he called a certain play.  Gruden revealed it always bugged him to be second guess after games by the front office.

Hope Gruden gets another chance to be an offensive coordinator in the NFL.   Also heard WIP radio interview with their previously fired head coach who had won a Super Bowl

for them- Peterson.   He sounded relaxed living in Florida and said he wants to coach again in the NFL and has learned a lot by not coaching this year.  The Eagles paid his

contract this year.   Both Skins and Eagles for years have had dysfunctional front offices.  Both teams have drafted poorly over the last 10 years.  Both franchises then put their

head coaches no win situations.

Any thought that Jay didn't bring some of his failure on himself is folly.  The reason we know this is simple:  the only job he was offered after he was fired was the OC in Jax for a dead-coach-walking coach, and after he was fired from that, he hasn't gotten a job.  He was on Kevin Sheehan's podcast openly soliciting jobs, either in the FO or as a coach.


I actually doubt he gets another opportunity at the NFL unless he goes to college and has some success.  I think the league figured out that while Allen was the chief boob, his buddy Jay was just as much of a boob.  


EDIT: I will NOT be suckered into a Jay conversation.  This is my last post on Jay.  No matter what the responses and how much willpower it takes to not respond....

Edited by Voice_of_Reason
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9 minutes ago, daveakl said:

I wonder if the league won't force Dan to sell because of how litigious he is. I bet he would go scorched earth and burn it all down instead of taking his 4 billion and walking away.


That has to scare the crap out of the other owners. 

That is exactly it. We’ve seen him be petty and sue people for minor things the rest of the world would have never even known about. To think he would go quietly is wishful thinking, and they know it. Of course the longer they cover for him out of self-interest, the more they deserve it—even if my #1 concern is getting him out, I still have to also admit that the league which shields him is complicit and deserves whatever happens to them on the other side of this. 

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For the owners to be spurred into doing something about Snyder, this has to stop being a big WFT story and start being a big NFL story. That hasn't happened yet. It's big news here, but not nationwide. There've been stories, but it hasn't gotten long-term traction.


The other owners don't really care whether Washington has a competent football team, or even an ethically run one. They just want to avoid trouble for themselves.

Edited by profusion
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1 hour ago, Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin said:

Jay Gruden and Snyder/Allen keeping him is what killed me as a fan. Can't be serious that anyone thinks he should get a job again. 

That's a unique take.  Given all the absolutely horrendous things Dan has done, said, been apart of, constructed, etc. it was keeping Jay Gruden that killed your fandom.  Oof.

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