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About SoCalSkins

  • Birthday 02/19/1974

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  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Dexter Manley
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    Laguna Hills, CA
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    Professional genius

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  1. If you swap Terry and Aiyuk from the start of their careers, I think Terry would be viewed in the A1 tier and Aiyuk would be a lot lower. Aiyuk was not that great at the start of his career. He improved each year and is a fine player now and his relationship with Jayden is a plus but the dude is not worth 30M a year.
  2. I disagree. If you get a chance watch Receiver on Netflix. It’s the sequel to Quarterback. Defenses focused on Deebo, Kittle and CMC. Aiyuk was an after thought. When Deebo was out Aiyuk didn’t produce. He is not a true WR1 in my opinion.
  3. Jason openly lied to the fans. Outright lies. Bruce Allen always qualified his statements. Jason was always a complete fraud. All talk and zero substance. Good riddance. This new ownership group is not screwing around.
  4. Everyone involved in the rebrand seems to be gone. All that history leaving the building. How will we ever get someone as talented as Tanya to design the uniforms or Jason to be so creative to repurpose the mannequins into a Sean Taylor tribute? His placement of port a potties was second to none. You don’t just replace a skillset like that without scouring the earth for replacement talent.
  5. I like Americans with the old logo. But they would need to license the Team America puppets from the South Park guys as the new mascots.
  6. Whatever it is it will be better than the current name. I highly prefer it start with Red or R. Red wolves is a no brainer for me but after living with Commanders I’m pretty much open to anything except the name @Connwants. That’s as bad or worse than what we currently have!
  7. The Larry Brown one looks like the Packers. The Charlie Taylor one is ok. This one is better:
  8. The yellow pants are stupid. Bruce Allen brought them back. We never wore them in the Gibbs era. They look like the Green Bay Packers look Lombardi was going for when he became the head coach. The only nice gold pants are with the throwback uniforms with the dark burgundy jersey.
  9. Mike McCarthy is better with QBs than Joe Gibbs and Al Saunders plus he is solely responsible for Rodgers being a hof player? Dude come on.
  10. We still had Brunel and Ramsey. Campbell also sat for a season and half. To claim Joe Gibbs and Al Saunders would not be able to develop Rodgers is nonsense in my opinion.
  11. I disagree. I blame Gibbs/Cerrato for locking in on Jason Campbell the day before the draft. Once Aaron Rodgers started falling we should have taken him instead of Carlos Rogers. Aaron Rodgers in Al Saunders offense with Gregg Williams D and Gibbs as head coach would have been something special.
  12. His answers have been terrific. I was not expecting it. He’s winning me over. He’s doing and saying the right things and the vets seem to believe him unlike the corny RG3 platitudes marketed on socks. But it’s not even training camp yet and there has been zero adversity. If he keeps it up when the going gets tough that’s when we know it’s legit.
  13. Look closely. It has a wrapper acting as bread. It’s either paper or one of those super thin egg white bread substitute things. It’s a sandwich. Almost all food is a sandwich. Pizza- open face toasted sandwich Salad- chopped up sandwich Nachos- chopped up sandwich Burger, taco, tostada, burrito, hot dog- sandwich
  14. You rebrand right after that. Everyone who bought the gear will buy it again with the rebrand. If they are winning no one will complain. That’s the best way to maximize value.
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