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WP: NY AG sues Trump family over “persistent illegal conduct” at Trump Foundation

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1 hour ago, TheDoyler23 said:


I'll believe it is when something happens. I've rode the up and downs enough with nothing big happening, so everything else is just cable news-like sensationalism. 


I think we've all moved the goalposts on ourselves here. Trump's campaign Chairman, personal attorney, National Security Advisor, Deputy Campaign Chairman, and multiple close advisors (Papadapolous, Nader, Stone, Bannon) all did jail time for thing they did as part of Trump's campaign\administration. 


This would be of epic proportions under any other administration, especially compared to the fact that the Republicans investigated Benghazi 12 times and couldn't charge a single person with a crime.


We're well past anything big happening IMO.  The only thing missing is 47% of voters admitting they chose stupidly.

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I'll keep saying it...


There may be charges brought against trump or his family or even his businesses, but there will never be a major conviction and certainly not an imprisonment of a current or former POTUS or his immediate family. Ever.

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30 minutes ago, Chachie said:

I'll keep saying it...


There may be charges brought against trump or his family or even his businesses, but there will never be a major conviction and certainly not an imprisonment of a current or former POTUS or his immediate family. Ever.


Even if Trump is indicted and convicted (I doubt he'd do prison time), he'll still probably run for POTUS again. Nothing in the Constitution about convicted criminals not being able to run. And he'd just use it as a cudgel to rile up his base more..."THE SWAMP IS TERRIFIED OF ME! SEE HOW THEY PERSECUTED ME?"

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@EmirOfShmo posted this in another thread, but also fits here:


Ivanka Trump In A Fog In Deposition About Role Of Investigated Top Trump Executive


The D.C. attorney general sued the Trump Organization and the Presidential Inaugural Committee last year, alleging they misused more than $1 million raised by the nonprofit by “grossly overpaying” for the use of event space at the Trump hotel in Washington for the 2017 inauguration.


Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, ex-friend of former first lady Melania Trump, claims that Weisselberg’s “hands were all over” the record-breaking $107 million collected and spent by the Inaugural Committee. Ivanka Trump was also unable to “recollect” in her deposition what role Weisselberg played in that situation.



Click on the link for the full article

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Although, apparently in really slow motion.  The grand jury is likely to sit for 6 months.  This could take a while.  But I did like these quotes from the article:






The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage after more than two years. It suggests, too, that Vance believes he has found evidence of a crime — if not by Trump then by someone potentially close to him or by his company.




Rebecca Roiphe, a former assistant district attorney in Manhattan who is now a professor at New York Law School, said that such investigations are always formally overseen by grand juries. In the early stages, prosecutors may just use a grand jury’s power just to subpoena documents without offering charges for consideration.


Roiphe said the recent step of seating a long-term panel shows that Vance’s investigation has progressed to the point that prosecutors will visit the grand jury, bring them evidence and witnesses, and potentially ask them to contemplate charges. They were unlikely to take that step without believing they had evidence to show there was probable cause to believe someone committed a crime, she said.


“The prosecutors are convinced they have a case. That’s at least how I read it,” Roiphe added.


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On 5/19/2021 at 12:31 PM, Chachie said:

I'll keep saying it...


There may be charges brought against trump or his family or even his businesses, but there will never be a major conviction and certainly not an imprisonment of a current or former POTUS or his immediate family. Ever.


Yeah, I'm with this.  It's nice that they're trying really hard but nothing'll happen.


At least that's what I keep telling myself so I don't get my hopes up.  

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Ultimately there won't be an undeniable paper trail definitively implicating Cheeto Mussolini. Criminal and civil charges will hit his organization, but he will protest ignorance and lay it all at the feet of Weisselberg. Unless Weisselberg managed to tape some conversations, we will see everyone around Fred's fatass son fall like dominos, but the fetid pumpkin will squeeze out of it.  Think white Marion Barry, but without a crack addiction to catch on video.

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Trump won't likely be living much longer so at this point it sort of feels more important that those around him who protected him and happily reaped the rewards of his lying, cheating, & stealing are punished as well.  Ivanka the supposed "good one" especially. 

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I feel like they at least have enough evidence already for probable cause or else they wouldn’t be wasting their time with a grand jury. The Trump’s have been manipulating their taxes for generations and I doubt their disciplined enough to clean their paper trail. Personally, I think Weisselberg will flip to save his kids and provide key testimony on criminal intent. 

What I’m wondering is if this goes to trial against trump how likely is it he incites more violence to save himself? 

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11 hours ago, clietas said:

Idk I can see Trump being around for another decade. Living into his mid eighties seems likely. Better to prosecute him than rely on the grim Reapers. 

I'm pretty convinced the guy is like Mr. Burns with all of the diseases backing up inside of him making it impossilbe to die of any single one.

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Well this should come as no surprise to anyone:


Trump Rails Against ‘Highly Partisan’ Prosecutors Amid Report Of Grand Jury In Criminal Probe


Ex-President Donald Trump on Tuesday night ranted about Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance reportedly convening a special grand jury to consider potential criminal charges in his investigation into the Trump Organization.


Trump’s statement, issued through his Save America PAC, on the development (which was reported by the Washington Post) claimed the reported grand jury was “a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history” and that “[n]o other president in history has had to put up with what I have had to.”


“This is purely political, and an affront to the almost 75 million voters who supported me in the Presidential Election, and it’s being driven by highly partisan Democrat prosecutors,” he fumed.


The former president suggested that the reported development in Vance’s probe was an attack against a potential Trump 2024 reelection bid, claiming that an unspecified poll had come out on Tuesday “indicating I’m far in the lead for the Republican Presidential Primary and the General Election in 2024.”


Click on the link for the full article

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