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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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Controlling the narrative and flow of information has always been key to controlling populations. Now we are in an age more saturated with information than ever before and that makes it almost infinitely more difficult for the average person to critically parse it. On top of that is social media, where rhetoric and buzz words/phrases shape other's opinions. Words and phrases like racist, extreme, leftist, commie, Nazi, ripped away, etc. get sometimes into the social consciousness. Sometimes it is a right application, other times its not because it is used to inflame only.

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4 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Controlling the narrative and flow of information has always been key to controlling populations. Now we are in an age more saturated with information than ever before and that makes it almost infinitely more difficult for the average person to critically parse it. On top of that is social media, where rhetoric and buzz words/phrases shape other's opinions. Words and phrases like racist, extreme, leftist, commie, Nazi, ripped away, etc. get sometimes into the social consciousness. Sometimes it is a right application, other times its not because it is used to inflame only.

I'm with you. I have fought against the application of such words in the past. I remember when libs called George W. Bush a Nazi and I tried to shout them down, saying it was inappropriate and ill fitting. Same thing when conservs called Obama a Nazi. To be honest, I'm still a little leery of calling Trump an outright Nazi, but his rhetoric, his scapegoating, his support of, his quoting, his using Nazi propaganda, his use of Nazi separation tactics, and his use of Nazi style interment camps makes me really nervous.

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20 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I'm with you. I have fought against the application of such words in the past. I remember when libs called George W. Bush a Nazi and I tried to shout them down, saying it was inappropriate and ill fitting. Same thing when conservs called Obama a Nazi. To be honest, I'm still a little leery of calling Trump an outright Nazi, but his rhetoric, his scapegoating, his support of, his quoting, his using Nazi propaganda, his use of Nazi separation tactics, and his use of Nazi style interment camps makes me really nervous.

Was FDR a Nazi for interring Japanese-Americans? Nope. But if the conservative media starts repeating it enough, yes he was. Same on the left, if you call people racists enough, pretty soon doesn't matter if its true or not, they are (because we humans like to blame the "they"), and anybody who aligns one iota politically speaking with them is one and their the enemy too, not to be tolerated. That's my point. Some of the posters on this board are masters of inflaming other posters they align with or trolling. I know a guy in real life, cares deeply for the unborn, nice as can be, loves people of color and advocates foster care, but all his emails use words like "extremely" over and over. Makes everything he doesn't agree with seem like its the worst work of the Devil himself. Drives me nuts.


There is no denying that Trump's admin plays right out of the Goerbbles playbook though.

Edited by Zguy28
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On 6/27/2018 at 11:28 AM, Zguy28 said:

Was FDR a Nazi for interring Japanese-Americans? Nope. But if the conservative media starts repeating it enough, yes he was. Same on the left, if you call people racists enough, pretty soon doesn't matter if its true or not, they are (because we humans like to blame the "they"), and anybody who aligns one iota politically speaking with them is one and their the enemy too, not to be tolerated.

1. The internment of Japanese American was an atrocity. I wish it was discussed more often. Surprised there haven't been a few movies about it.

2. Do you want to go over all of the very real things that have happened and are happening to give cause for pointing out how racism is a driving force within the Grand Old Party?

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I think a good starting point for changing someone else's political beliefs is to be able to clearly state what their beliefs are, and the reasoning behind those beliefs, in a way they will agree with.


I'm no Trump fan, but I live in a red state and have occasional discussions relating to political issues.  I just don't see all the racism, ignorance, and hate that so many people on the left assume is behind voting for republicans.  Honestly, I hear more hate and disrespect from the left than I do the right.  I hear a lot of comments about how horrible/stupid/evil Trump supporters are, and how such terrible people need to be dealt with, so we can live in a tolerant country without hate...  How people can express such hatred, while believing they are on the side of tolerance and acceptance, is an amazing thing.


I think that before spending too much time figuring out how to educate people that disagree with you, you need to actually be able to articulate the point of view you disagree with in a way that is reasonable to the people you disagree with.


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On 6/27/2018 at 11:28 AM, Zguy28 said:

Was FDR a Nazi for interring Japanese-Americans? Nope. But if the conservative media starts repeating it enough, yes he was. Same on the left, if you call people racists enough, pretty soon doesn't matter if its true or not, they are (because we humans like to blame the "they"), and anybody who aligns one iota politically speaking with them is one and their the enemy too, not to be tolerated. That's my point. Some of the posters on this board are masters of inflaming other posters they align with or trolling. I know a guy in real life, cares deeply for the unborn, nice as can be, loves people of color and advocates foster care, but all his emails use words like "extremely" over and over. Makes everything he doesn't agree with seem like its the worst work of the Devil himself. Drives me nuts.


There is no denying that Trump's admin plays right out of the Goerbbles playbook though.

As a grandchild of a Holocaust survivor and an advocate of common sense I don't like how loosely the term is thrown around either but the use of propaganda and fear is absolutely textbook. If Goebbels was alive he'd sue, but whoever he was suing would most likely have a much better lawyer. 

Edited by Berggy9598
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7 hours ago, Nerm said:

I think a good starting point for changing someone else's political beliefs is to be able to clearly state what their beliefs are, and the reasoning behind those beliefs, in a way they will agree with.





Clearly...what are your beliefs?

Edited by TryTheBeal!
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6 hours ago, visionary said:


So the only way to get Fox to step up and improve their behavior is to influence their corporate sponsors.

Good job David Hogan. Keep hitting them in the pocket, because appealing to their morals and sense of decency ain't moving the needle for ****.

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13 hours ago, Nerm said:

 I just don't see all the racism, ignorance, and hate that so many people on the left assume is behind voting for republicans.  Honestly, I hear more hate and disrespect from the left than I do the right.


Let's do a social experiment. 


Walk around your red state with a Hillary Clinton hat and see how respectful your peers are. 

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18 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

2. Do you want to go over all of the very real things that have happened and are happening to give cause for pointing out how racism is a driving force within the Grand Old Party?

Yes, I do worry about the GOP becoming another Democratic party, and yeah the last few years it seems to be heading down that path.

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14 hours ago, Nerm said:



I'm no Trump fan, but I live in a red state and have occasional discussions relating to political issues.  I just don't see all the racism, ignorance, and hate that so many people on the left assume is behind voting for republicans.  Honestly, I hear more hate and disrespect from the left than I do the right.  I hear a lot of comments about how horrible/stupid/evil Trump supporters are, and how such terrible people need to be dealt with, so we can live in a tolerant country without hate...  How people can express such hatred, while believing they are on the side of tolerance and acceptance, is an amazing thing.




The right had multiple openly racist people run for Congress this cycle. Here are a few examples:


Wisconsin Republican congressional candidate Paul Nehlen posted:  "Jews…commit a disproportionate number of mass shootings." and “Poop, incest, and pedophilia. Why are those common themes repeated so often with Jews?”


Pennsylvania congressional candidate Sean Donahue is on record saying "“The United States was intended to be white…. I don’t see why we had to have the Fair Housing Act.”


Rick Tyler For Congress notes his position on immigration as: "A permanent European American majority must be galvanized to insure the nation’s well-being and survival. In the interest of this objective we must return to pre-1960’s immigration laws and policies, deport the vast millions of illegal aliens currently residing within our nation, secure our southern border, terminate policies that subsidize minority birth rates, and encourage the escalation of European and Caucasian immigration from such countries as former Rhodesia and South Africa in the largest possible numbers."  His website also has ads up for the "Make America White Again Broadcast Network."


Aurthur Jones won the GOP nomination for an Illinois senate seat.  He is a Holocaust denier described as a Nazi by the Illinois Republican Party (who have, to their credit, denounced him).  Here he is in action:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkm6bLE0Bmk.  


So, yea, "the left" are going to direct hate and disrespect towards those folks.  Everyone should.  



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It is my duty as an upstanding American citizen to not tolerate those who are intolerant of true American ideals and laws.


To simply give them a platform, or treat their [insert bull****] as normal discourse, is a slap in the face to people, military and civilian alike, who have fought and died (and are doing so right now) to make this country what it has become, before assholes decided they wanted to destroy it, and other assholes wanted to help (and others just were all kinds of ****ed up and just sat on their hands).

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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2 hours ago, Mooka said:


Let's do a social experiment. 


Walk around your red state with a Hillary Clinton hat and see how respectful your peers are. 


I used to see them all the time here, not as popular now.(and not from the disrespect)


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1 minute ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

They keep um... “disappearing”.


Have you gone to see Beto speak yet? He’s a pretty cool dude.


I don't do political events.

I have listened and read his stuff, seems a nice enough fellow with poor judgement.

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