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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

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2 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

So the "million" MAGA march seems to be tapped out at around 10,000k as of noon eastern?   The interviews with some of those folks were real doozies. "We don't get our facts from the media, we get it online directly from the people" Wow.  The question those people never seem willing to answer is whether they would accept the results of the election if it showed Biden as the winner because it would expose why they are really protesting, they refuse to believe Trump could lose under any circumstances.  They are out there because they think it will help Trump "win" not because they want free & fair elections. 



I think the worst thing about this is that since the liklihood of them being able to count is small, they'll believe it when Trump says it was the largest rally over... Millions, maybe billions showed up!

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I like that this is a huge MAGA rally in support of their cult leader and Trump instead of showing up or even speaking at it, decides to go play golf.  The cultism has hit a new level of cultism when the cult leader can casually just drive right by, disregarding his own cult, and his cult followers don't even bat an eye.  


re: Fox News......I tuned into Tucker/Hannity/Ingraham the other night and those 3 are as loony as ever, so I am assuming all these people are upset that Fox doesn't broadcast that absurd level of lunacy 24/7?  It would such a great closing chapter to the Trump presidency if Fox News tumbles in ratings permanently due to opening embracing cultism and having it's own viewers who's minds they poisoned ultimately turn on them for not being loyal and suberviant enough to the cult.

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Because they got our attention, this was a "success".  I saw Alex Jones, but I also saw 10 "young conservatives" give delusional speeches.  Alex Jones is whatever, but is there no integrity or intellectual honesty in any of theeseIs there not even integrity in any of these people? 


Does anyone remember the blogger Charles Johnson, and his "Little Green Footballs" blog?  One of the right side bloggers who exposed Dan Rather for presenting false documents about GW Bush?  He went center/left in 2009 and said something like, "I won't follow the American right over the cliff".  


Yeah. well the cliff is here and apparently there is money, views or something at the bottom of the cliff.  "Lets use Twitter to astroturf a bunch of Trump won, cult BS".... 


I am seeking this stuff out, and finding it... it is embarrassing.  Watching 30 minutes of speeches from the MAGA fest... am I watching WWE people?  


And then I go back to the Wired piece I referenced about the Italy movement... just give some prominent people some slick media training, set up platforms that appear transparent but astroturf them.... is it not wrong of me to wonder if this is all dark money funded.  And I see how seeds of doubt have been planted as far back as the birther BS....


We shouldn't have to mount opposition to people who believe the world is flat... 


We aren't going to let the China-backed, socialist agenda, human trafficing left destroy America.  


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42 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

We have 2 years before this is all for naught. 


gerrymandering is the death of democracy. Some democratic states care about fairness and have eliminated it. I don’t think any GOP states have. It’s going to be the Robert’s court biggest failure. Worse than gutting the voting rights act and worse than citizens United. They had the opportunity to change the course of history in this country and elected for power over democracy 

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18 minutes ago, Hersh said:

gerrymandering is the death of democracy. Some democratic states care about fairness and have eliminated it. I don’t think any GOP states have. It’s going to be the Robert’s court biggest failure. Worse than gutting the voting rights act and worse than citizens United. They had the opportunity to change the course of history in this country and elected for power over democracy 

Just to be clear I’m not advocating for it. But the GOP is going to do it and we are are going to get ****ed bad in the midterms.


literally everything hinges on the Ga senate races or else Biden will lose the house and likely won’t regain the senate in 2022 and it’ll just setup for another Trump or Jr or some other cult members in 24. 

im not optimistic about things. They’ve simply rigged the system and this was our one chance to take a trifecta and actually make changes








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1 hour ago, Hersh said:

gerrymandering is the death of democracy. Some democratic states care about fairness and have eliminated it. I don’t think any GOP states have.


Florida supposedly has.  The Florida voters did, in a ballot initiative.  

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