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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

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4 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

I thought these dudes went hard.


They clearly do not.  They work hard to appear threatening and scary but when Antifa, essentially a bunch of scrappy college kids in bandana masks, show up to throw down they rarely even manage a stalemate.  They're angry boys playing at being tough guys following leaders with no vision and no future. 

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2 minutes ago, Destino said:


They clearly do not.  They work hard to appear threatening and scary but when Antifa, essentially a bunch of scrappy college kids in bandana masks, show up to throw down they rarely even manage a stalemate.  They're angry boys playing at being tough guys following leaders with no vision and no future. 


Oh i know. Im just being a smartass. The  sports authority helmets and gump shields said everything I needed to know

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13 minutes ago, Larry said:


I actually oppose this. What Trump did isn't close to the level that I think should be needed, for this reaction. 


It's quite obviously political gamesmanship. And not helpful. 


Censure is pretty weak action. It's essentially a 'we disapprove of what you did' action, and nothing more.


If the they are *actually* upset about what's gone here, it seems to me censure is perfectly appropriate.

10 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

Thought this was great.

that's awesome

ultimate form of mockery


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Briefly on the Cantwell video, I find it funny how he's all "we're trying to be law abiding" but then mentions a time he pulled a gun.  I couldn't tell where he said that happened (sounded like "keen"), but if it was in VA, there is a law against brandishing a firearm.  Class 1 misdemeanor.


Also, even if not in VA, you generally shouldn't be pulling guns out.


Especially in front of cops (who were apparently present when he brandished a firearm).

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14 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

Thought this was great.Image may contain: text

I've been struggling with how we (i.e. real Americans) treat these hate groups.  Violence begets violence, too much tolerance can equate to no tolerance, peaceful counter protests are difficult to keep that way, ignoring is almost tacit complicity, relying on the vote is problematic when one side is essentially rigging the game, and so on.  


That method above though... that's some genius level stuff.  



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7 hours ago, Burgold said:

Someone on Twitter suggested I look to Robert Byrd (whose been dead since 2010) before criticizing Trump today. Take care of your own, he argues.


I really am just thunderstruck.

Well come to WV. All sort of things names after Byrd.  The main st in my hometown of Beckley,WV is Robert C Byrd Drive..

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6 hours ago, Larry said:


I actually oppose this. What Trump did isn't close to the level that I think should be needed, for this reaction. 


It's quite obviously political gamesmanship. And not helpful. 

I disagree. I think a formal rebuke/official reprimand is warranted. Defending Nazis/White Supremacists should not be tolerated by a President.

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16 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I disagree. I think a formal rebuke/official reprimand is warranted. Defending Nazis/White Supremacists should not be tolerated by a President.


Oh, I agree Trump shouldn't have done it. 


But I also believe it's not Congress' place to be officially telling him so. 


Impeach him over Russian corruption? Sure. That's one of their powers. But a frowny face note from the teacher?  Not their place. 

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1 minute ago, Larry said:

Impeach him over Russian corruption? Sure. That's one of their powers. But a frowny face note from the teacher?  Not their place. 

The Senate first formally censured a President in 1834. It has standing. Mind you, it's also the only time a President has been censured.


Because of free speech, I don't think that what Trump said is a fireable offense (In my book, it's a high crime against the spirit of the American ideal, but that doesn't make it an actual high crime or misdemeanor), but I certainly think that a formal rebuke for diminishing the office of President is reasonable. I wish they'd go further. I hope at some point they do.


The only sad thing about the censure is that the Dems brought it up which to some will make it look like politics and diminish it. Good Republicans should have brought it up.

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7 hours ago, Springfield said:

The Vice report was something to watch.  I recommend viewing it.  It's not something you want to watch but it's something you should watch.  These people are twisted, they don't live in the real world.


We talk about social media warping the minds of children but we severly underestimate what it is doing to adults.  You are correct, 100% fantasy land these guys are living in.  


The same is true for many so wrapped up in politics.  Look at some of the regular posters on tyis board.  Crazy town

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Well if nothing else this has sparked awareness and conversation across the range of topics related to this current social upheaval, historical, economic, etc., and IMO that is the one way this becomes worthwhile, that we all garner some value from this.


I have spent a considerable (possibly too much tbh) amount of time in recent days reading and researching details that I may have known hazily but was not entirely conversant with. Several of these have led me on to other issues, and so on and so on. Education and enlightenment and increased/improved perception don't just fall out of the sky, they take work but like anything else you get what you pay for.


I sincerely hope that the throngs all wallowing in their righteous anger do the same, invest the time and effort in knowing more, feed your soul, hone your ranting and raving to a fine edge, and become better people and better citizens because of this. This to me is how you honor Heather Heyer, seeing her as the latest in a long line of people that have been struck down in a fundamental battle between acceptance of darkness and aspirations to something better.


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1 hour ago, zoony said:


We talk about social media warping the minds of children but we severly underestimate what it is doing to adults.  You are correct, 100% fantasy land these guys are living in.  


The same is true for many so wrapped up in politics.  Look at some of the regular posters on tyis board.  Crazy town




Not sure what can be said that is new or different. Everything emboldens racism. Obama elected.....****, we need to close ranks. Trump elected.....we just got a green light. What's the difference? If they are feeling scared, they grow. If they are feeling empowered, they grow.


I honestly don't know if there are enough people in the United States who CAN vote that will be enough to make sure folks that represent their beliefs won't be elected. We haven't seen it. I'd like to think these events are going to motivate people to show up. But it's August 2017. Not November 2018. 

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