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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

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1 minute ago, Destino said:

I thought clowns threw pies?




i don't know i can't figure out if nazis talk like that or jugalos


whoop whoop my family be carry hatchets


whoop whoop and family say jugalo, hatchet says backwoods sissy nazi


i'm confused i don't know where the lines are drawn anymore


can we get them all on that boat i was talking about in the other thread?


i'll pay for the boat and the torpedo myself

i went to edit the picture out and one of you nazi mods beat me to it


(too soon? i don't know anymore)

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the president said some of the people marching were fine people, treated unfairly by the press.


nah bro, fine people don't march down the street alongside nazis.


fine people show up to their rally, realize nazis showed up to support the same side as them, and then those fine people change sides.


because those people are ****ing nazis.


Edited by tshile
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"At that point, more of the anarchists and antifa milling nearby saw the huge mob of the Nazis approach and stepped in. They were about 200-300 feet away from us and stepped between us (the clergy and faith leaders) and the Nazis. This enraged the Nazis, who indeed quickly responded violently. At this point, Sekou made a call that it was unsafe—it had gotten very violent very fast—and told us to disperse quickly.

While one obviously can’t objectively say what a kind of alternate reality or “sliding doors”–type situation would have been, one can hypothesize or theorize. Based on what was happening all around, the looks on their faces, the sheer number of them, and the weapons they were wielding, my hypothesis or theory is that had the antifa not stepped in, those of us standing on the steps would definitely have been injured, very likely gravely so. On Democracy Now, Cornel West, who was also in the line with us, said that he felt that the antifa saved his life. I didn’t roll my eyes at that statement or see it as an exaggeration—I saw it as a very reasonable hypothesis based on the facts we had."

Edited by Fresh8686
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One founded the country, the other led an army against it.

Yeah, no difference.

Again, republicans,, these people think you are some STUPID mother****ers.

Arent you tired of being treated like an absolute idiot?



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1 hour ago, Destino said:


That's what I meant by overly charitable.  They "defend" themselves if you don't let them shut down your event.  They dont protest across the street.  That's a very thinly stretched definition of defense.  


There's a reason they choose to identify as Antifa and not one of the many other protest group out there that reject violence.  





"self defense", defined loosely, is the slipperiest of slopes. 


(as much as one loves to see nazis punched) 

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15 minutes ago, visionary said:



Uh, I'm just going from memory from long ago, but I seem to remember that Timmy McVeigh was the first person tried, convicted, and executed under the then-new federal anti-terrorism law.  

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On 8/15/2017 at 6:48 PM, visionary said:

I know this was like, 15 pages ago at this point, but I just want to complain once again. I will never forgive the Republican party for picking Trump over Kasich. You ****ing idiots that picked that man-child because you felt like throwing a giant temper tantrum. I hope he cuts all your "government assistance" (you know, what you call welfare when people you don't like use it) and makes your lives hell for the next 3 1/2 years.


And I sincerely want to thank @Destino for making sure certain posters behave themselves or steer clear of this thread. I know the mod job is mostly thankless but not letting this thread devolve like it was headed toward was a good decision, and I appreciate the decision.

Edited by GhostofSparta
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22 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Not nearly as stale as your silence. You keep saying that you oppose him yet you to my knowledge have not once publicly criticized him on this board. You haven't spoken against him openly. You have't repudiated his comments. Instead you play a coy game of non-commital. 


My question is simply why? What's the end game for you? It's not like anyone is going to report you to Trump for disloyalty. And spare us the "ya'll doin' a fine job" routine. 

Because he's for the whole package. Who gives a rats ass about Hillary now. He's just hiding behind that convenience now. 


Do you stamd with Trump and the racists on this issue? Simple question.



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i had just read the times story (vis post above) a little while ago and ya can't make this **** up...don's personal atty sending civl war propaganda to doj and nsc personnel and talking heads everywhere lmao


heads up like-minded wretches...speaking only for myself  as a mod.....that **** will not get much, if any, air in here...

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6 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

i had just read the times story (vis post above) a little while ago and ya can't make this **** up...don's personal atty sending civl war propaganda to doj and nsc personnel and talking heads everywhere lmao


heads up like-minded wretches...speaking only for myself  as a mod.....that **** will not get much, if any, air in here...

Both saved America!  It's so ridiculous that I wondered for a moment if this was a joke, maybe something the Onion put out.  Some people have no shame.  

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18 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

i had just read the times story (vis post above) a little while ago and ya can't make this **** up...don's personal atty sending civl war propaganda to doj and nsc personnel and talking heads everywhere lmao


heads up like-minded wretches...speaking only for myself  as a mod.....that **** will not get much, if any, air in here...

The sheer number of morons who will read that email and agree with the false equivalency is apparently the same size as Faux News' viewership.

18 minutes ago, visionary said:
Sean Hannity

"She is a dear friend so no more death threats." Isn't it interesting that his objection to death threats is that she's part of the Faux News family and not because death threats are wrong in and of themselves. But then Sean has a warped moral compass.

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2 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

and btw.. is it fair to ask where are the worse-than-useless (oops/bias) evangelical leaders speaking out on this ....obviously i don't mean the ones already supporting trump's comments...

Hiding under their desks, I'm telling you the strategy is to simply lay low until the topic changes on Sunday/Monday then pretend nothing happened and pick back up on cue in the third verse.

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1 hour ago, FanboyOf91 said:



I thought these dudes went hard. We're taking over America, and we're gonna cook us some Jews while we're at it! Scared away by the boogeyman. Maybe check with the local meteorologist too before the set date, just to make sure it's some nice kite flying weather.

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