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How do you feel about the Receiving corps?


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On 11/6/2017 at 11:13 AM, RandyHolt said:

Here's to a quick shout out to the Hawks DB that Doctson burned. Josh caught the ball at the 6 yard line and he simply ran along side Josh as he slid to the goal line, versus touching him down. That led to us not having to pass to score, burning up extra time which proved a factor seeing as Seattle only needed a FG and was marching on us as the game ended. It is remarkable how often players do not "touch" down an opponent basically at their feet.  The beauty of it, turns out Cam touching him down at the .25 yard line, could have let him roll in and give Wilson more time.


Josh has a nice solid 17.1 average. It will take a 50 yarder to get him to 20 per.

I know...crazy...I see it happen all of the time....the only explanation I can think of for the Hawks DB is that he is a rookie and use to college football rules? 

On 11/6/2017 at 12:05 PM, RandyHolt said:

A worthy regifplay - Cousins firing it under heavy pressure to Grant



beautiful....just beautiful...heck of a catch by Grant too

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7 minutes ago, MartinC said:


He was Navy. Assume your are Army?


He is on the practice squad by the way.


You're pretty sharp for a foreigner. I was army---not ours, but it still counts.  


And I'm not impressed with the practice ("oh i'm not ready yet, just wait awhile please") squad deal. I want guys who are already pros and playing somewhere. I want the best. Not getting the best is why we're not winning more.

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4 minutes ago, LavarArringtonMachine said:



The first thing I thought when I saw defensive lineman Brandon Banks was....  whoa!!!  Did our former receiver gain a ton of weight and switch positions?  :ols:



Wild as it sounds, a small part of me wishes we would look at him.  He's KILLING it in the CFL and he's a legit returner. 

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Happy that Harris finally got called up.  I hate to trash Pryor so much, but he isn't part of the future here, and Harris could be.  I said before, he's a Garçon-lite with good hands (and good length) that seems to get to where he's supposed to.  We can use a chain mover for sure.  With all of that said, I'm not sure he'll see many snaps for us barring injury.  


Does this mean Crowder is likely out?

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1 hour ago, Paul Cumberland said:

If they aren't playing him and/or he can't cut it, then why didn't we?  or is that a rhetorical question when it comes to our FO...   ugh




\Paul you keep answering your own questions correctly, the Fans around here are going to put a fund together to put you on Jeopardy. 

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2 hours ago, justice98 said:

It makes no sense.  They're barely playing him and he's probably gonna walk at the end of the year.  Take what you can get and move along.



1) our front office is dumb... I mean Cerrato really is gone, but maybe they are still that dumb


2) the Brownies thought they could toss us a 6th rounder an get Pryor back based on him falling out of favor


I pray that it is option #2






Option #3 - the trade was actually agreed to, but not phoned in by Cleveland (we're not Detroit!)


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3 hours ago, bedlamVR said:

Aren't CFL pitches wider and have like Canadians playing on them ? 


Yes.  Also the field is longer and have end zones the size of a decent plot of land. I figure in the end zone of the teams we have up here, you could fit too nice size houses.  Small but nice.  


On on a serious note, that is a great point as to why the game does not correlate from CFL to NFL especially returning kicks.  A lot of the highlight real returns in the CFL take use of the width of the field.  


Thats why some players are made for the CFL.  

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