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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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As a liberal who believes Trump is a garbage human being, I am fine with the Mueller report coming to the conclusion that there is a lack of evidence to suggest Trump/Trump campaign officials conspired with Russian/Obstructed justice.  What bothers me however is that so far we are just hearing Barr say that.  Barr was specifically hired by Trump to be a buffer between the  Mueller report and congress & American people.


If Barr were to release the full report (other than anything needing to be redacted out of national security reasons) and it matches the conclusions Barr has come to, then fine. Let's move on.  However, until Barr allows congress to see the whole thing and/or keeps avoiding straight answers on what will be released, why are people so quick to say Barr's statement alone is a good measure of what is actually in the report?


Not sure what reason Barr has to not let congress view the actual report in full. 

Edited by NoCalMike
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3 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

As a liberal who believes Trump is a garbage human being, I am fine with the Mueller report coming to the conclusion that there is a lack of evidence to suggest Trump/Trump campaign officials conspired with Russian/Obstructed justice.  What bothers me however is that so far we are just hearing Barr say that.  Barr was specifically hired by Trump to be a buffer between the  Mueller report and congress & American people.


If Barr were to release the full report (other than anything needing to be redacted out of national security reasons) and it matches the conclusions Barr has come to, then fine. Let's move on.  However, until Barr allows congress to see the whole thing and/or keeps avoiding straight answers on what will be released, why are people so quick to say Barr's statement alone is a good measure of what is actually in the report?


Not sure what reason Barr has to not let congress view the actual report in full. 

It pains me to say it, but I whole heartedly agree. Why "nub" it, put your own stamp on it and call it good?

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5 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

As a liberal who believes Trump is a garbage human being, I am fine with the Mueller report coming to the conclusion that there is a lack of evidence to suggest Trump/Trump campaign officials conspired with Russian/Obstructed justice.  What bothers me however is that so far we are just hearing Barr say that.  Barr was specifically hired by Trump to be a buffer between the  Mueller report and congress & American people.


If Barr were to release the full report (other than anything needing to be redacted out of national security reasons) and it matches the conclusions Barr has come to, then fine. Let's move on.  However, until Barr allows congress to see the whole thing and/or keeps avoiding straight answers on what will be released, why are people so quick to say Barr's statement alone is a good measure of what is actually in the report?


Not sure what reason Barr has to not let congress view the actual report in full. 

We know why. Barr stated his views long before he got the job. That's why he got hired. He's doing what he was hired to do.

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Sadly, I don't trust ANYONE in our ****ing government to provide an honest evaluation. I don't trust Barr. I sure as **** don't trust congress.


I'm just catching up after coaching 35 flag football games this weekend but it sounds like the gist of it is that the report is inconclusive. The worst possible scenario.


He's guilty... fine.

He's innocent... fine.

We're not quite sure... Ok duly elected officials, just continue assholing it up for another decade.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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Why were Manafort, Flynn, Gates and other associates of the campaign in jail if they didn't "collude with Russia"? I get it, the campaign didn't exactly collude with exactly representatives of Russia.

They colluded with non-governmental Russian operatives. It's clear to me Trump is a dirty man, compromised by foreign agents and only interested in his families fortune and well being. This was obvious before the election.

When are Jared and Ivanka gonna be locked up for their e-mails?

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11 hours ago, Burgold said:

Meanwhile, I had no question about what conclusions Barr would reach regardless of the evidence. I highly doubt he even read the full report yet. I mean I don't know about you, but I can't read 500 pages of legalize in a day and a half. Heck, 500 pages of incredibly readable escapist fiction is tough to pull off in a day and a half.


With the entire country, and most of the world, anxiously anticipating his summary you really think he cut corners?  



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The more I think about this, the more I think we are ****ed. Every level of the government is corrupt. I can get over the no collusion thing, even though I think thy are effectively letting him go on that one. But its obvious he obstructed. It cant be seen any other way unless you are trying to let him off the hook. The excuse that the president cant obstruct justice just inst going to work for me no matter how you sell it. Hes not above the law. 


The fact that Barr is letting him get away with it is all i need to know about him and the rest of the government. You shouldn't be able to do this. And he is doing it right out in the open and hes getting away with it.


I hope all the people cheering for it are made to suffer because of this somehow and I hope they understand why. Even if it takes 50 years for some of them to get it. I hope they are made to get it. Donald Trump will not be the last president to obstruct justice like this and have his AG argue that its not possible.  

Edited by Llevron
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On 3/25/2019 at 5:47 AM, Darrell Green Fan said:


With the entire country, and most of the world, anxiously anticipating his summary you really think he cut corners?  



Abso-trucking-lutely. He was hired for the expressed and sole purpose of making sure that Trump faced no consequences. In fact, Barr wrote papers in his effort to be considered that pretty much flat out stated, "If you pick me I will never find you guilty no matter what."


Are you really asking me whether Trump, his picks, or his allies like Mitch McConnell possess any level of integrity or even the tiniest smidgen of conscience? If Merrick Garland, Kavanaugh, Charlottesville, DeVos, Flynn, Manafort, Scott Pruitt, or any of the dozens of other Trump officials that have been arrested, found guilty, plead guilty or been forced to resign because of blatant corruption doesn't answer your question I don't know what will.


Yes, they are willing to cut corners. Yes, they are willing to lie. Yes, they are willing to throw the American flag into a cesspool, light it on fire, and laugh. Yes, they are willing to sell out our allies, our fellow citizens, and our future and they never blink in doing so.

Edited by Burgold
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The more I think about Bill Barr's usurpation of Congress' power with regards to obstruction, the madder it makes me.  The guy took something that, in Watergate with Jaworski, was properly assigned to Congress, and assigned it to himself, before any evidence could be made public.


Bill Barr is, in his own way, committing obstruction of justice.


The man should be impeached for that.


But naturally, that's not feasible.  Our country has a bunch of corrupt ****s who sold us out, at the top, and since they're at the top, there's nothing we can (legally) do.

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5 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

The more I think about Bill Barr's usurpation of Congress' power with regards to obstruction, the madder it makes me.  The guy took something that, in Watergate with Jaworski, was properly assigned to Congress, and assigned it to himself, before any evidence could be made public.


Bill Barr is, in his own way, committing obstruction of justice.


The man should be impeached for that.


But naturally, that's not feasible.  Our country has a bunch of corrupt ****s who sold us out, at the top, and since they're at the top, there's nothing we can (legally) do.


What bothers me most is what happens next. Now that people know they can get away with this and how they do it, can we even stop it in the future? I dont think its possible. Whats to stop President Eric Trump from doing something similar? Certainly not Congress. Certainly not his AG. Certainly not historical president. For sure not the electoral college. What is there left?  

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7 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Assuming this is true, the answer is clear.


Subpoena Mueller.


"Bob, was it your intention to leave the question of obstruction to AG Barr or rather to leave it to Congress?"

"I meant to leave it to Congress."




Why would Mueller need to make that case when it has always been Congress's job?


My reading of Mueller on obstruction is that Trump's questionable actions were and are public and he has no other insight

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:


What bothers me most is what happens next. Now that people know they can get away with this and how they do it, can we even stop it in the future? I dont think its possible. Whats to stop President Eric Trump from doing something similar? Certainly not Congress. Certainly not his AG. Certainly not historical president. For sure not the electoral college. What is there left?  


Apparently, the takeaway is, all the shadiness the campaign did involving Russia is perfectly acceptable as long as you dont lie about it.  Wanna share polling data with a foreign power so they know how to interfere?  Have at it.  Wanna meet a foreign adversary to get dirt on a political opponent?  Right this way.  

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11 minutes ago, justice98 said:


Apparently, the takeaway is, all the shadiness the campaign did involving Russia is perfectly acceptable as long as you dont lie about it.  Wanna share polling data with a foreign power so they know how to interfere?  Have at it.  Wanna meet a foreign adversary to get dirt on a political opponent?  Right this way.  


Exactly. This is an invitation for every campaign and country in the future to hack and steal whatever they want in order to win without any repercussions. Citizens United was a shotgun blast to the gut of our democracy. This is the pistol bullet to the head to put it out of it's misery. 


Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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Too many people have lied, been indicted, or gone to jail for this to say "no collusion with Russia."


If anything, Russia is a mafia state so I would have expected deeper digging.


You cannot trust the FBI and the Republican Party to confess these crimes.q


We need to see the full report, but at this point, I think people should focus on getting Trump out next election instead of fighting this battle.

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2 hours ago, Llevron said:


What bothers me most is what happens next. Now that people know they can get away with this and how they do it, can we even stop it in the future? I dont think its possible. Whats to stop President Eric Trump from doing something similar? Certainly not Congress. Certainly not his AG. Certainly not historical president. For sure not the electoral college. What is there left?  

Eric? Thought only Don Jr and Ivanka had designs on being President.

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So the question still stands, will the congress ever get to see the full Mueller report or is Barr's summary going to be it?


I also believe the way Mueller approached the obstruction of justice issue was basically saying "Trump did this, this, & this....some people say it's obstruction, others argue it isn't, so you guys decide" Instead of congress deciding, Barr decided, which is why he was made the AG in the first place. 

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Just now, NoCalMike said:

So the question still stands, will the congress ever get to see the full Mueller report or is Barr's summary going to be it?


I also believe the way Mueller approached the obstruction of justice issue was basically saying "Trump did this, this, & this....some people say it's obstruction, others argue it isn't, so you guys decide" Instead of congress deciding, Barr decided, which is why he was made the AG in the first place. 

The Intel Committee will likely see the full report. The entire Congress will likely see a somewhat redacted (means , methods, sources). My guess is that the report the entire Congress sees is the one that gets released to the public.


100% transparency does not mean getting to read the report word for word.

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4 minutes ago, Popeman38 said:



100% transparency does not mean getting to read the report word for word.


Indeed, the full report cannot be released by regulations made back in Clinton's day.

Grand jury transcripts and national security info cannot be made public under the law.


There IS quite a bit that can be though.

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39 minutes ago, Popeman38 said:

The Intel Committee will likely see the full report. The entire Congress will likely see a somewhat redacted (means , methods, sources). My guess is that the report the entire Congress sees is the one that gets released to the public.


100% transparency does not mean getting to read the report word for word.


Right. I forgot to include redaction due to national security reasons

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10 hours ago, NoCalMike said:

As a liberal who believes Trump is a garbage human being, I am fine with the Mueller report coming to the conclusion that there is a lack of evidence to suggest Trump/Trump campaign officials conspired with Russian/Obstructed justice.  What bothers me however is that so far we are just hearing Barr say that.  Barr was specifically hired by Trump to be a buffer between the  Mueller report and congress & American people.


If Barr were to release the full report (other than anything needing to be redacted out of national security reasons) and it matches the conclusions Barr has come to, then fine. Let's move on.  However, until Barr allows congress to see the whole thing and/or keeps avoiding straight answers on what will be released, why are people so quick to say Barr's statement alone is a good measure of what is actually in the report?


Not sure what reason Barr has to not let congress view the actual report in full. 


I am very much in agreement with this.  


#1, nobody has seen the Mueller report except the AG's office.  The rest of us are getting the AG's report on the Mueller report.


#2, even if Trump and everyone connected to him is 100% innocent of conspiring with Russia and obstructing justice (and there are serious open questions), that just makes Trump not an illegitimate President.  It does not make him a good President.  Even without having committed crimes, Trump is still the worst, most unqualified President in American history.  

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