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What Changes Would You Make?


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1 minute ago, JoeKnowsBest said:

I would also call up some strong Defensive linemen that have the capability to eat up some space at the Nose Tackle position.

I think we should be getting Culliver and Knighten back. We need more help on the interior part of the defense with the line and Linebacking corp. 

We should have signed or drafted better DL, this is one of worst DL in the NFL.  The Rams have scored 9 points in 2 games and are 1-1 , there front 7 are really good.

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I would run more no huddle to get Cousins into a rhythm.  We certainly have the skilled players to do it.  He's just seemed incredibly indecisive and flat the first two games.  Maybe going no huddle from jump street would help get him out of his own way a bit.

The hiring of Joe Barry was truly an unforgivable sin by Jay Gruden when more proven options were available.  He needs to cut ties with him asap, which would at least prove that he admits his mistake and wants to try another route.  I realize it's a knee jerk two game reaction.  But if I'm Jay, I'm not hitching my wagon to that guy for the next fifteen weeks.  You could hear it RJF's interview.  The talent is bare on that side of the ball, but you get a sense that they don't believe in what they're doing either.  Hopefully that slow motion train wreck can be avoided.  

I know we can't really change this, but I'm shocked at our lack of leadership on both sides of the ball.  We seem to be a bunch of moving pieces without the ringleaders to guide the ship.  We could use a Wilber Marshall or two. :)




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Honestly I think certain things can't be changed during the season. We aren't going to magically fall into a great pool of talent that improves the D-line consistently. Soooo what do you do?  For starters, blitz more.  You start taking more chances.  The conservative approach on the pass rush is not working.  It'd be different if they were bending and not breaking, but they aren't.   So you start bringing the heat more often.  Will it lead to possibly giving up a few more big plays? Sure, but it is also going to force the QB to rush some throws, possibly make mistakes.

On offense, run the ball, especially when it is effective like it was today.  Stop going away from what is working, especially in close games.  

Get more creative in the red zone. When Doctson runs into the game for goal line plays the opposing defense is looking to stop the fade, so how about you design a route where he runs towards the goal line but instead cuts inside sharply like a slant or cross......Do SOMETHING to that shows opposing defense different looks.

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1. Get a sports psychologist for Cousins immediately.  It is a confidence 'between the ears" issue.

2.  Until Cousin's can connect with his receivers consistently with good timing I would shelve the fade routes in the EZ.  He is not even completing routine passes with much accuracy. He is too wide, too high, too short, etc.  

3.  If we are so predictable and our talent pool is what it is, then dial up some blitzes on the D.

4.  Go get Hardy off his couch.  At least take a look.


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2 hours ago, thesubmittedone said:

I'm not sure I like RJF saying that, true or not. That should be kept behind closed doors, go off in team meetings about it.

What's weird is I felt like they adjusted a little bit defensively this game because the way it was going was about to be a blowout with wide open bootlegs, passes in the intermediate middle and getting gashed on the ground. I guess not, though. :/    


2 hours ago, skins4eva said:

RJF completely calling out the coaching. Don't agree with doing it on the open mic but it just shows you that it's getting late early on the Gruden disaster. 

What did he say? I can't get the video to load :(

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13 minutes ago, Koolblue13 said:

Not only do we have more talent at WR and TE, but our line held the pockets for 4-7 seconds on every pass. 

If a starting QB throwing to those weapons, with that kind of time can't get it done, he's not a starting QB.

Move Studfeld up to QB2.


or maybe the other team, since they're not playing the run is able to cover well enough to storp, or maybe the plays being called aren't working.  The Redskins offense aren't the  only eleven people on the field.  I'm looking at his stats and what I've seen of the games and I've been disappointed with the results but not wth his play in general. I mean seriously, people are talking about how much everything sucks and puts it back on Kirk alone

and frankly putting just anyone in because you're not satisfied with the starters seems like  a recipe for people getting hurt when  team start attacking that weak point

We do need to start putting Norman on the primary reciever all the time

keep trying out DL, if Golston is out bring back Knighton or bring up Nyx, give Lanier a chance to play,

if Bruton isn't working out play Ihenacho

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Commit to the run. They constantly talk about running the ball more, but they never do.

Mix things up on defense. Maybe a lack of talent is causing this issue?

It seems like they have this weird philosophy of playing things straight up as if they have dominant players all over the field.

The offense is pretty creative, the defense is so weirdly obvious.



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8 minutes ago, Birdlives said:

Commit to the run. They constantly talk about running the ball more, but they never do.

Mix things up on defense. Maybe a lack of talent is causing this issue?

It seems like they have this weird philosophy of playing things straight up as if they have dominant players all over the field.

The offense is pretty creative, the defense is so weirdly obvious.



I wish it were that easy, I really do. If we still had a proven back like Morris then yes, but we have garbage at the RB position. Defenses know this, so they do not need to commit more people to the LOS, they can drop back into coverage. Get us a good vet back and the picture changes a lot.

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2 hours ago, campbellcooleyconnection said:

What we r seeing is we really LACK NFL talent.Norman is light years better than Kerrigan or Smith or Hall etc;

You don't think DJax, Reed, Garcon, T Williams, Moses etc. could start on just about every NFL roster. Should have scored 40-50 today and we have 39 points in two games. Inexcusable coaching.

A lot of hate on Jones, I don't get it. He has to run lower but he ran well today. We just don't give him many chances.

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1. Compton is not a starting LB in this league. Way too slow. Not sure about Foster either

2. I feel like Matt Jones left so many yards out there. He goes down way to easily and seems to have poor vision. Play Kelly

3. Give Colt some first team reps this week

4. Fire Barry after the season

5. Acquire a real center

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1 hour ago, skinsmania123 said:

1. Get a sports psychologist for Cousins immediately.  It is a confidence 'between the ears" issue


Could have sworn I saw multiple articles heading into last offseason that he reached out to people who specialize in this and had it "cured." I try to find one to back up this post but when I heard Pam Oliver say that familar look of being defeated was on his face you just gotta wonder if at a certain point the man is too weak to handle it all mentally for his job.

EDIT : Here's an article but I know there was another somewhere. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/after-discouraging-2014-season-kirk-cousins-sought-help-for-his-head-game/2015/09/12/0bebd3a2-588f-11e5-8bb1-b488d231bba2_story.html

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Stop letting Scot call plays #FadeToDoct #BPA! 

Joking aside, I wonder if Kirk has practiced fades with Josh more than a few practices. Wow were those forced and ugly to boot.

Circling back on topic, don't force the plays that aren't there. It starts with play calling, but it ends with Kirk. He just seems tightly wound up, like from getting clobbered in the pocket repeatedly. 

Like last year, our pass pro is sufficient and he is clean. That's why his inaccuracies are hard to watch. That 65 yard overthrow reminded me of Campbells deep line drives over Moss's head. 

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I read allot of people screaming for Barry's  head. Understand but, 


You have imho a lack of TALENT along the whole dline. No coach can fix that prob. In the short.

I think the real reason we lost, as others has said, running the ball..

I say we have been sounding like a broken record in dc. 2 years now..

Last season and now, run the ball! This coaching staff just don't buy in.

So I say, cut the coach and assistant.

Make the Oline coach head..and tell him he better run the ball....

Leave the d alone, keep them off the field with a good run game, they will be okay. They kept us in this one! 



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