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Hypothetical: What Salary going forward for Kirk Cousins


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Right. I'll credit him for believing in Kirk when I and many others certainly didn't. It takes stones to do what he did, no doubt. He's still left much to be desired over the past couple years all around as a head coach. Like Kirk, he's trending upwards. However if this team comes out flat and reverts back to running into walls on Saturday, we'll be back on the he sucks train again.


I posted my opinion a while back.  To recap.  Gruden took this job not understanding just how screwed up this organization was.  He came in saw he was the scapegoat for a dumpster fire on the titanic and basically said through his actions "I am not going out like that".  You can fire me, but the emperor has no clothes.  And he stood his ground.


Jay Gruden may be the best thing to happen to this organization in a LONG time.  It will take a long time for people to realize what he meant to the organization.  For once in a long time we have a framework of a team to build upon.  Maybe not because of Jay's coaching, but through his actions of refusing to be the next scapegoat for the Washington Redskins.


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Ok this has me scared. I read this as I want to test free agency and whoever pays me the most.  :(

"I’d like to think I’ll be wanted here." could also mean that he sincerely wants to be here...with his skills and the way this town/fan base treat their successful QBs...100,000 fans chanting "You like that!!"....and I ain't worried about some other team out bidding us...that will not happen...I'm sure we will gladly pay what any competition will pay....

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Alot like Cousins, Jay did look like one of the worst for quite a while. Up until a few weeks ago, what outside of his last name had anyone thinking he wasn't bottom of the barrel and in over his head?

I'm glad things have turned for the better but again, he gave us plenty of reasons to be critical.

I wouldn't say either of them ever looked like "one of the worst", but hey, that's your prerogative.

I'd agree that he may have given plenty of reasons to be critical, sure he did, but he also did things that were positives that anyone being objective could've, and would've, seen. I think it was ridiculous and over the top to claim he was "the worst" as some did, especially when they did. That, like with Kirk, is proving itself out right now.

Of course he may end up regressing, he may stay stagnant, etc... but I think we can put to bed now that he's "the worst" or even among the worst.

You seem to be defending the obnoxious more than you realize. This isn't about the few who qualified their criticisms and didn't issue final judgments. This is about the very vocal among us who made thousands of posts issuing hot takes and generalized proclamations about that "fat ass" and how stupid he is. Almost all being among the same crowd of overly obsessed Robert supporters who turned everything and anything into an emotional ****storm about him.

So, yeah, most of the perceived issues he had last year should've been qualified with the fact that he was a rookie HC operating under a terribly structured organization that had just come off one of the most embarrassing years in 2013 for any franchise in league history.

Furthermore, it was obvious he had done a ton to correct the issues this offseason; like updating the coaching staff significantly (hiring Fewell, Barry, Callahan, Cavanaugh, letting Haslett and Foerster go, etc...), removing himself from total play calling control to be more of a general overseer, speaking to the media in a much more cautious manner while saying all the right things (though I always liked his bluntness, personally, just don't think it fits with the stupidity that is the DC local media and fan base at times), showing a very solid read on the team's issues as well as how to improve them with his words, and generally you got the sense that the players always liked him and appreciated his honesty.

Then, during the early portion of the season, the willingness to play the best players and the emphasis on developing the young guys (which was something he had always shown) was made extremely clear, perhaps the most significant signs of good coaching.

People were also wondering, incorrectly, if he and Scot could mesh and whether or not he could adapt. When they were reminded that he always maintained a willingness to adapt his system and that he was brought up under his brother's West Coast system that heavily relies on the running game and PA, it was as if that meant nothing and only his recent history with the Bengals was legitimate evidence of anything.

Now he's criticized for sticking too much to the running game, lol. And that's a fair criticism presently, but it's just amazing when applied to the above context.

To be fair, his time with the Bengals should've been weighted more, since recent history is always a better indicator than anything else, but the willingness to write everything else off in many instances was over the top and often came from the same aforementioned crowd we had to rein in here.

Again, this doesn't mean he's arrived and that's it. This doesn't even mean he's a good coach or that we can judge him as one with any finality. But "the worst" or even among the worst? Stupid then, and stupid now.

This isn't a Jay thread, though. We should probably make a new one. If you or anyone would like to respond, please do so lest we divert this thread too much.

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Looks like KC is going to get around 18-20 million per year on a multi year contract.  When he's stating he wants to be where he is wanted, that's screaming Franchise Me.  So, the tag is going to cost 20 million...you tag him again the next year and it's 20+ million more and he is a FA after that.  Smartest thing to do is tie him up at the Starting QB market value now with a smart contract that will make him happy and is friendly to the cap.

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It feels like the two sides are flexing their negotiation muscles through the media right now.

We have articles about the team wanting him back, but unsure of 'value'. Saying they will franchise him if they must.

We have Kirk saying he wants to be where he's wanted.

We have 'sources' listed as saying Kirk and his 'people' want Griffin off the team before he signs anything (not sure if that bomb dropped on radio yesterday got any run anywhere else)

This is the problem with putting this off until after the season, but also talking about it during the season.

This is not where anyone's attention should be. Maybe it's coincidence, or truly media leaks (which Allen said wouldn't happen anymore, by the way... great job there Allen), but it smells like negotiating through the media.

I wanted them to wait until after the season, but I do not like this one bit.

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It's what DC media does. The political nature of the town. Everyone fights to create a hero then fights to bring him down. Who knows if there are leaks or not. I could have written a story about how the team wants him long term but isn't sure of his value and been 100% spot on. You could write that about almost every QB in the league.

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Redskins fans need to get used to seeing Cousins behind center





If the Redskins do decide to use the tag, the non-exclusive variety of that would pay Cousins over $19 million in 2016. Even the most ardent supporters of Jay Gruden’s decision to say, “It’s Kirk’s team” back in August would have had trouble saying that Cousins would be a near-$20 million quarterback.


Chances are that Cousins will end up making less than that on an annual basis but the Redskins will do what they have to do to lock him up. A deal likely will tie Cousins to the Redskins for at least two years and would guarantee Cousins something well north of the $19 million he would get with that franchise tag.


There are those who want to pump the brakes on bringing back Cousins, saying that the Redskins have not beaten a team that currently has a winning record this year with Cousins under center. That’s true but their opportunities to win such games have been extremely limited. they only had three such games on their schedule this year and they played the Patriots, Panthers, and Jets on the road. In fact, there are only 11 teams in the NFL that possess a winning record.


Let’s get some perspective here. Many of the same people who are preaching fiscal restraint with Cousins would have been happy to throw $20 million or more at Robert Griffin III after his 2012 rookie season.


But the Redskins won just one game against a winning team that Griffin started and finished. That was against the 9-7 Giants at FedEx Field. The Redskins did beat the 10-6 Ravens, who went on to win the Super Bowl, at FedEx Field but Cousins came in for an injured Griffin and completed the tying drive, scoring the two-point conversion on a QB draw.


The point here is not to denigrate Griffin’s 2012 season. It was a great, magical year. It’s just to point out that the standard sometimes changes depending on the preconceived notions that some people hold.


One thing we are no longer hearing much from Cousins’ detractors is that he is a turnover machine and that the tendency to throw interceptions was ingrained in his DNA. The criticism looked valid through the first six games of this season. At that point he had 27 interceptions in 20 career games.


Since then, starting with the comeback win over the Bucs in Week 7, he has thrown just three interceptions in nine games.


Again, get used to seeing No. 8 behind center. He’s not elite, he’s not perfect but if the team around him improves the Redskins will be able to win with them. Given that there are more NFL teams than there are quarterbacks they can win with, the laws of supply and demand will dictate at least a couple of years’ worth of hefty paydays for Cousins. 


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No, the team can franchise him.  And they will if they can't make a deal.  They are not going to let other teams make offers.


What is interesting is if the Skins would use the non exclusive tag on him. It would keep his costs down a little. And if we didnt match another teams offer. They would have to give us 2 first rounders. I really hope we reach a long term deal with the guy. But if not I would probably go this route.

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What is interesting is if the Skins would use the non exclusive tag on him. It would keep his costs down a little. And if we didnt match another teams offer. They would have to give us 2 first rounders. I really hope we reach a long term deal with the guy. But if not I would probably go this route.


Agreed. I doubt anyone out there is going to spend above market price plus two 1sts for Cousins.


If they do, well, I guess the two extra firsts puts us about where we would be without the RG3 debacle.

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Every estimated contract in this thread, including mine, is too low.

Ehh...I dunno if I'd go that far. There have been some pretty crazy numbers put forth. Would you pay him as much as, say, Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady? I've seen those sorta numbers thrown around in here. He has played great the last 9 games and absolutely deserves a good contract but I think that's a bit much.

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Hopefully for us, Cousins doesn't pick up the hot new agent on the scene. I'm not sure we can afford him...


I think we'll be fine. Unless he leads us to a SB win he won't be able to ask for Russell Wilson type money. I think the 5 year 80 mil number above is possible. Though that's still a lot of money for a relatively small sample size of good play. That's about the same as Tannehill, and while I think Cousins is probably at least as good but probably better, he doesn't have the length of consistently good play on his resume that Tannehill does.

I thought, and posted about 25/yr... I don't think that is too low,

What? 25 mil per year? That a 5 year 125 million dollar contract. That's insane. That's what you give a guy who has led you to a couple of Super Bowl wins.

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Looking at the numbers of other QB's in the league I think we sign Cousins for 5 years $80 million...

Think thats low now...

I was talking 60M and people thought i was high...Now we are talking 100M over 5 years





Signing bonus of 20%? 20M?

Guarantee of 40M?

LUDICROUS...but the cap is rising...and so is he

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We are going to pay this Kid mad money and he deserves every penny of it.  You can't put a price on a QB that just has put fire to your record book and rewritten a new one.  He will get paid at least Tannehill money and you know what?  I have a feeling in a couple of years that will look cheap as hell.


Considering how he has responded to Gruden's offense, considering he has done what he has done this year without the benefit of OTAs, mini camps and camp as a starter, considering all the bs he has suffered from last year I say this guy improve considerably even for his play this year. Lets not BS around with this guy, pay him.

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