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  • Birthday 12/23/1983

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  • Birthdate
    Some time in 1983
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    Since I can remember
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Joe Gibbs
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  1. I’m still here my good friends, Snyder just really took a lot out of me and once Ron was hired and then given total control over player personnel (something he’s never done), coupled with he and Dan blatantly lying during the introductory presser by calling it Coach-centric (a term other teams popularized that more often than not DID NOT mean the HC has final say over the 90; just that they were hired either before or coinciding with the GM who DOES have final say and got to play a significant role in choosing said GM)… I just knew it was fruitless to even sink a minute of giving a damn into the whole thing. Dan once again proved he did not value organizational structure nor understood basic principles in setting his hires up for success. Why root for Ron and company when I knew he’d just become another target and fall guy for Dan’s idiocy, but even more interestingly, this time it was easier for me to let go because Ron along with Wright represented Dan’s last attempt of justifying his ownership in a way that was unlike previous attempts. So, yeah, I didn’t want to stay here being all negative about it and ruining anyone’s desire to hold on to hope, as foolish as I thought that was. On top of all that, Dan changed the name and rebranded to something so stupid it actually made me care about something I never even cared about before, lol. Like, I really thought I didn’t care much about the name and that my loyalty was regarding the team’s history, players, locale, etc… far more than anything else, but man, he actually managed to make me feel something about the name from how stupid it was. 😂 Just the way the entire rebrand was handled so cheaply and amateurish, it was a fitting tribute to the damage he wrought over his entire tenure. A nice little cherry on the top. So all that just lead to a severe case of apathy on my end. I never stopped caring about ES and many of the posters here who I’ve come to really appreciate and enjoy… but Dan managed to create enough apathy in me it even overcame those feelings, even to my own surprise. I really am extremely pleased with the hiring of Peters and the way the entire hiring process has gone thus far. This is the first time since Dan bought the team where we’re getting an organizational structure that sets the franchise up for success. It doesn’t mean it’ll work, but we have a chance now. And, if it doesn’t, you try again and that’s ok. But now we can have hope that’s actually grounded in reality and not absurd probabilities. I’m still not 100% back to caring like I used to… it’s been years of this severe apathy and, again, I’m even surprised by it because I thought that all it would take was Dan selling for me to get back into the groove of just being an excited fan again. But, geez, the turn off that occurred definitely wasn’t an easily accessible switch I could turn back on. It was more like an entire power grid getting burnt to the ground. I think I’m getting there, and I’m happy to see some of you even mentioned me here, so that helps, lol. Long ass post, too, so there, I’m kinda back! 😂
  2. We can be homers again and feel good about it. FullSizeRender.MOV
  3. I’ve done this a few times already with my different email addresses. It’s super easy. Just do it. 👍🏽
  4. Why do people think the timing in which Dan fires/doesn’t fire coaches is an indicator of anything significant? I mean, honestly, the only thing it really shows is he’s petty, vindictive and cheap since he’d rather punish them while they remain than fire them and have to pay them for nothing… but, yeah, we know those “qualities” about him without having to focus on that, anyway. So, not really important. It certainly isn’t an indicator regarding his patience or lack thereof. We see that it’s by far the latter in many other aspects of his ownership, including the way he treats said coaches while they’re here. We only catch a glimpse of it here and there, but time has made the list of things we can point to pretty damn substantial if you really want to know he’s incredibly impatient and toddler-like in his reactionary attitude. We really don’t ever have to get into the timing in which he fires/keeps coaches at all to grasp it, just a few off the top of my head: 1) Unwarranted interference regarding roster construction from himself, even though he’s proven time and again he’s an absolute moron at it. At first, the utter inexperience he had at it should’ve stopped him, but it didn’t. Now, the absolute disastrous results over the course of two decades to his approach should. But, again, it doesn’t. One can argue dude has zero impulse control just from this alone. 2) Creating an organization-wide atmosphere of the goal being to win him over as opposed to working together and winning on the field, hence creating a factional/tribal environment with various staff/departments at odds with each other to prove they’re right and the others are wrong. Because, hey, his ego is number one priority, everyone should be working towards making sure he agrees with them and woe unto them if they’re not. 3) Hiring unqualified executives that have no business handling resource management/roster construction and sometimes aiding them in opposition to coaches. This is a great indicator of an inability to actually assess what his other consistently successful peers do on this matter, which means he actually believes he’s smarter than all of them. 4) Creating an organizational structure that is vague and easily corruptible, where roles that are supposed to support each other and work together end up undermining one another. Where the hierarchy means little and the subordinate can easily override the qualified authority simply by getting Dan on his side. Similar to number 3 in terms of what this shows regarding his temperament. 5) Over-reacting to every negative outcome as they occur instead of implementing structured processes meant to reduce said negative outcomes. Over-correcting this perceived negative by throwing numbers at it instead of attempting to understand why it occurred in the first place. Because, really guys, the reason it occurred was that he was just unlucky and/or someone he hired sabotaged him for no reason, poor Dan. Just plug it up baby, that’ll do it! 6) Over-reacting to positive outcomes that were more a matter of the league’s attempt at parity than any sound process properly implemented within the organization, which results in him doubling down on his practice of not implementing sound organizational principles and the aforementioned structured processes. Because, hey look! It worked! He was right all along, damnit! 7) Just being a general asshole and a stubborn, arrogant monster in most of his relationships with people (as we’ve undoubtedly gathered a ton of evidence indicating such to this point). I mean, I can go on, lol. Who gives a crap if he retains coaches for years now. Doesn’t mean anything regarding his patience (and I find it weird anyone even gives enough of a crap to correct others on it, like, really?) For me, the main reason he doesn’t immediately fire them is because of the money; both because he’s cheap and also because he can’t stand the thought of them getting paid while not working for him. He’d rather make their life miserable than do that, that’s much more important.
  5. I don't know if you meant it the way it came across towards Breer, but I felt the same way as you when I first saw this tweet from him. I was thinking he's just being a mouthpiece for them, but I was wrong. He's actually doing a great job reporting on this without bias and even pointing out the holes in their nonsense: So, yeah, he's alright with us so far, we can take it easy on him.
  6. You know what? I’m going to be positive about this, even if it doesn’t amount to Snyder getting removed. Because, for me, this has to be really eye-opening for all the other loser owners and Goodell when it comes to Snyder. I don’t think they cared much about him before, but they definitely came to his aid and saved him from what should’ve happened to him as a result of a legitimate investigation. They ensured it wasn’t legitimate by making it tough on Wilkinson (or she was an accomplice, I don’t know) to interview everyone necessary and they made sure it didn’t see the light of day, anyway. But here’s the thing. With the owners already having a disdain for Dan; with the attendance and TV ratings being what they are for what has always been a premier, revenue-generating franchise in the NFL; with the poor trajectory said revenue-generating has been on under Snyder for well over a decade; and now finally this massive amount of heat coming from the friggin government itself ALL BECAUSE OF THIS IDIOT… there’s no way in my mind they’re going to come out of this, no matter what happens, with even the slightest amount of patience with this dude. This might not be his end… but I really believe their tolerance for him and his antics after this will be at zero. And knowing how stupid he is, he’ll do something else that’ll be the final straw for them and it won’t take long. Again, there’s no way in my mind the Trash Can Club that is the owners and Goodell are sitting there doing anything but being enraged because of and at him right now. I just know they’re so done with him regarding this, I mean, he’s managed to get Congress coming after the NFL. It’s actually hilarious when you think about it. The problem is, they already did too much to save him so now they’re likely thinking they’ve got to see this through and work with him, or else they’re all implicated in this mess. I’m not sure how they throw him to the wolves alone on this without it directly implicating them as accomplices who actively hid his crimes. So, yeah, maybe this isn’t it for him. But I don’t think this is our last chance of being rid of him. On the contrary, this should be the biggest key factor in his removal down the road as soon as he slips up even in the slightest. Heck, it might not even need a slip up. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the owners band together and lobby for him to sell every day behind closed doors until he does, probably doing all kinds of shady things to mess with him and make his life miserable in the process. Or maybe I’m just being too positive and this is just another means for a tyrant to consolidate his power. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  7. Yup, but with an average of about 15% growth for the rest of the league and another team that also hit 20% growth, I don’t think it’s as significant as you might think. I’d love to see the numbers regarding what other instances of rebranding (tough to find the case of a complete name change, but a big uniform change or something) and what happened in terms of growth for those teams. That’d be a good comparison. Again, that’s in terms of overall revenue generated if you’re just going off the Forbes’ list. We were, at one point, first or second, so it’s been a steady decline. Not good. Sorry if I’m misunderstanding, but are you trying to argue that there isn’t any issue financially with the team and that Dan is doing a good job generating revenue relative to the rest of the league and relative to the starting point he had where we were first or second? Because I highly doubt there’s anything supporting that. I mean, just on a cursory level if we’re looking at the Forbes list alone and seeing other franchises like the Patriots, Giants, Rams and Niners surpass him over time it’d be crazy to come to that conclusion. Add in the decline in attendance and tv ratings and I don’t think anyone can make that argument with a straight face. But, hey, maybe I’m wrong and Dan is on the up and up financially with this franchise and the fans continue to wholeheartedly support what is the worst owner in sports.
  8. True, but I think the relevance here is regarding the growth of the franchise relative to the rest of the NFL. Washington has always been a premier, top revenue-generating franchise. I get this is difficult to grasp because, in the end, we’re talking about something that’s still generating a boatload of revenue… but anyone looking just a little bit deeper will recognize it could’ve been (and could be) a lot more with just a decent owner running things. We have to remove the general growth of the entire NFL due to the TV deals and everything else they share from the picture. That chart said a lot about what Dan has done himself to what was, at one point, the top revenue generating franchise (or 2nd best, I forgot, but I do think we were number one at one point). So tied with the Rams at 20% growth while the average growth was around 15% for the rest of the NFL. So, yeah, interesting, but I don’t take much from it. I think the name change has helped. 🤷🏽‍♂️
  9. Not rejecting your claim or anything, but do you have a source for this? If that’s the case, then I’m going to assume that something with the rebranding may have generated that revenue. Still, I wouldn’t take one year as an indication of anything when we have 20 years that show a massive decline. I mean, if you need proof just look at the friggin stadium and the attendance as well as the TV ratings. This thing isn’t going up.
  10. Who knows, but every NFL team is guaranteed growth every year. That chart is showing valuation growth relative to the rest of the league, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t much of a difference. I’m sure they all grew around that same percentage if that makes sense.
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