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so how optimistic are you about next season?


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I tell you what, it's going to be much easier on my constitution to go into this season with low expectations.  Less heartache when we achieve those low standards.  Bonus if we exceed them!  Of course, I won't hold my breath for that one.  Just would be a nice little surprise.

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Being that I'm down on this coaching hire, I expect the worst.  Like top 5 pick bad.  Now, I think we may bolster our roster significantly with free agency spending, as after the cap penalties we're in need of some spending.  And our 2nd rounder should be an immediate impact kind of guy, so our team may be better than what we trotted out this past year.  So help us if our offense struggles with a new system though.

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We're going to see first hand if it was Shanahan or not.

I think it was some Shanahan. I'll say I'm optimistic we'll be better.

But I'm not going to predict we'll be in contention for anything.

Now if the defense magically improves to middle of the pack, and ST gets fixed, and Robert is 100% healthy and confident, they could surprise some folks. But I doubt that will all happen.

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My guess is 5-11.


Unless the following occurs:


Rob fixes that irritating no back foot plant leg swing thing (accuracy)


We upgrade at least 2 OL and 3 Defensive players.


ST stops being a sieve.  Also a returner would be nice to see.  Sick of defensive tackles returning punts.  :rolleyes:


Then I'm guessing 7-9.

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The Skins have about $30+ MILLION reasons to get better! If they screw the pooch again, I may have to give up football because this team is:

  • Exhausting
  • Driving me drink, more
  • raising my blood pressure to unhealthy levels
  • funding my local doctor and drug store by my continued purchase of mood altering drugs due to depression

Really, they can't get much worse, can they?

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I would LOVE to be wrong, but I almost feel like we're cursed.

I do too, but we have to find someone or some event to blame it on.  Like the Chicago Cubs have "The Curse of the Billy-Goat".  Here are my top 5 explanations (in no particular order):


1. - Snyder out-bidding (or however it went down) Cooke Jr to buy the team could be considered (though Cooke Jr's teams weren't good either), then he did a doubt ***** slap and sold the naming rights to the stadium finishing off any sign the Cooke's were ever involved with the team.  (Oh, other than those shiny trophies he likes to carry around and show off.)


2. - Native American curses for using the name Redskins, when we should have used, WhiteSkins and had this guy as our mascot:


…but with a burgundy R instead of the G.


3. - Jack Kent Cooke's wife, Marlene Ramallo Chalmers (a former Bolivian drug runner), mixed 40 tons of cocaine into the cement used as Fed Ex Field's home team locker room, after finding out she wouldn't be included in his will.  That way, as the residue slowly fell out of the mixture over the next few decades, the team would be too high to give a **** about football, and wouldn't be motivated for decades.  She did get a payoff after she took the Cooke's to court, but what's $20 million when you were expecting around $1 billion?


4. - The NFL Competition Committee's curse, where the other owners and refs collaborate to make sure that the Skins will never have another SB ever again.


5. - The FO curse after Dan bought the team and cleaned out everyone in the FO and administration down to a handful of season ticket telemarketers.  It's mostly weight of the hate of large masses of people who are holding us back.  Until we become a "non-entity" much like the Lions were for a long time, people will hate us too much for us to be good again.  After the Skins are terrible for so long that people forget they're even in the NFL, the the curse will be lifted.  (…again, like the Lions)

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I'm an optimistic kind of guy, but right now a three win improvement is the most that I can see us getting, taking us to 6-10.


If we have a good FA then I'll probably up this to 7-9.


A reasonable draft will see me reaching for 8-8.


After training camp I'm sure I'll be predicting 9-7, and just before the first game of the season I'll be convinced that we can go 10-6 with a shot at winning a piss poor NFC East.


Such is the curse of the optimist.

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I'm fairly optimistic. This team goes as RG3 goes. He'll be 100%, have had a full offseason of work on footwork and playbook, he'll be working with Gruden who has had a good offense in the NFL and made Dalton look decent.


I believe Gruden can get RG3 to play elite again and that if he does this then the team will be competing for a playoff spot late into the season. I'm not 100% obviously that it will happen, but I am fairly optimistic that Gruden will accomplish it through RG3. 


This question should be asked after free agency and the draft though.

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Is it strange that all the hyper negativity is making me optimistic?

I think I will go with a contrarian view here. In 2013, everything that could go wrong did. This team is one year removed from being great. I think coaching and RGIII's recovery had a lot to do with it. We've got a lot of talent on O and more than we probably think on d if we can patch a hole or three.

Take that ya bunch of eeyores

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I'm on the side of the view ..with PROVE IT!!  Lets see what kind of talent that they bring to the roster. If we have the same crap o-line and defensive secondary. Then what you think the results are going to be!! I'm not really sold at this point ..just looks like a bunch of Bruce Allen ..yes men around. Not knocking Jay he looks like a good offensive mind but as a team or franchise it still looks like the same old ..same old from the front office..mediocre to below average with poor decision making ... :( and if we are heading in another direction  ...THEN PROVE IT!!! 

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We could be 3-13 and looking for a new coach and wondering if we need a new QB....




...we could be 10-6 or better and winning the NFC East.


I think Dallas and NYG will be struggling next year due to cap woes and their QBs being still good but maybe not as good as they were 3-4 years ago.  Philadelphia will be interesting, and mainly contingent on whether Nick Foles is actually as good as he looked.


We have money, a young QB, and some very solid offensive pieces (RGIII, Morris, Williams, Reed, Garcon), though we're lacking in some other areas.  There's a lot of wiggle room in our situation.  I'm inclined to be optimistic, but not too much so.

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