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so how optimistic are you about next season?


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When I read how our fanbase is still counting on guys like Chase Minnifield, Richard Crawford, Tom Compton, Leonard Hankerson, Keenan Robinson etc.......... to finally come through year after year I know we are in for another long painful season.

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Probably about 6-10. 8-8 would be a stretch.

Just going on past history. I don't expect Gruden's first season to be anything to write home about. The media and fans will probably label him a failure pretty quickly. I hope they don't though, he needs at least two or three seasons.

But yeah, we're going to suck. The writing is on the wall.

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I just have a pretty good feeling about next season and I'm not sure where it's coming from.

I don't think we are nearly as bad as our record last year indicated. Last season was really unique in a lot of ways.

I have come around a lot on Gruden. I think he is going to do wonders for the team and for getting Griffin back to top form.

I think we have the chance to really nail FA and hit on some picks in the draft and I wouldn't be at all surprised to be competing for and even winning the division next year.

Of course, a large part of my position hinges on my current optimism about the FA and draft periods coming up. If we botch those I will have to revise this

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Cautiously optimistic. This team lives and dies with RGIII. He clearly wasn't healthy last year, the question becomes what he'll be in 2014. No one really knows, but I believe he will be much improved. A decent RGIII basically makes the team at least a threat to be 8-8, give or take. That means a playoff threat. Pretty much every team with an above average QB can at least be around 8-8, if not higher.


I doubt Gruden matters much. If he's a real wunderkid or a bufoon then it could, but most coaches fall in the middle. Good if they have the talent, bad if they do not. The best hope there as a fan is that he can develop Griffin even more as a former QB. We'll see.

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When I read how our fanbase is still counting on guys like Chase Minnifield, Richard Crawford, Tom Compton, Leonard Hankerson, Keenan Robinson etc.......... to finally come through year after year I know we are in for another long painful season.


The problem is they show flashes of at least starter level quality, and then suddenly get injured or something.  I'm not really counting on any of those guys (except maybe Hankerson as a #2/3 WR), but Crawford is someone who, if he developed and stayed healthy, could be a good contributor.


Minnifield and Robinson I'm not holding my breath for, their injury histories are too much to bear, which stinks because Robinson, in theory, is JUST what we needed in our LB core, an ILB with pass defending capability.

I just have a pretty good feeling about next season and I'm not sure where it's coming from.



I mean, if you look at the 49ers, Chiefs, Eagles, etc., there is a precedent for quick turnaround.  Of course, they're probably closer to the exception than the rule, but it's not impossible.


We have a good offensive base between the Griffin, Morris, Reed, Williams, and Garcon.  Hank is a decent #3 IMO, so we need to deal with the O-line to the right of Trent + a #2 WR, but there are good pieces there.  Defensively, like you said, it's probably based on the draft and FA, but I'm cautiously optimistic too.

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Worst HC in Redskin history gone

New HC who will bring to our once in a generation talent under centre something he's this far not had; competent teaching and play calling that will work WITH him rather than AGAINST him.

A happy 10= Watch out NFL!

Out reemergence to the top of the mountain starts here!

Double digit win season and NFC East wrestled back from its one year loan in Philthy. And once you get in the dance .....


*Edit* And I've not predicted a double digit win season since Gibbs I. Go figure?

Gut feeling: Special times are afoot.

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Glad to see you didn't get scared off.  lol


I have to wait until FA and the draft before I get excited about anything or really start dissecting the team.  I think, if we can get a solid WR (Eric Decker or someone like that, or James Jones if we don't have another option) and FS (Jairus Byrd, Kendrick Lewis, or Mike Mitchell) in FA, resign our key guys, and pick up a great RT or RG in the draft, we're in a much better spot.


There are lots of solid guys in FA this year, but not as many stars.  I think I'd like to see the Skins keep going for those guys who are good, but not amazing yet, sign them for a little cheaper than the big names (though Decker and Byrd are probably the two biggest names in their positions on the market), and pick up solid pieces in the draft who can contribute immediately (like a 2nd round guard, RT, or center).

You could probably get TJ Ward, Talib, Edelman, Collins, And Oher and that would be more than a solid FA. I'd even see how much Maclin would cost.

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I'm predicting a 10 digit win for the same reason that Elkabong is. The full health of RG3 along with his improvement, better FA, OL and draft. I believe our team was much better than 3 wins this year, but we were held down by our coach.

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I will need to wait until FA and draft to be honest.  As for the new HC, not optimistic at all, especially after he retained Has.  it almost seems its a buddy buddy group.


I do have high hopes for RGIII however, i think he will be pissed and hungry to prove to the world how good he is.  I just hope he doesn't get hurt again trying to do way too much with his legs especially.


Another thing to think about is that our division sucks.  i just don't see how the Boys will be able to get better with the major cap issues they have, I just don't think the Giants will bounce back any time soon and the Eagles will be like us last year where defenses kind of figure how to prepare for the spread.  Anyway we will see.

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I'm fairly optimistic.  I think we're better than we were last season


I swear we were hurt by the coaching staff more than anything last year.  Shanny was weird. He wouldn't attempt to adapt anything.  It's like he was pissed the team made him look bad the year before by going on a run when he said they were in evaluation mode, that it went against his control freak tendencies.

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It was both a joke AND how I really feel.

Every year I see our fans say these two things:

Our schedule is "Brutal"

We have "Tons" of holes to fill.

Disagree with both this year. I actually think this year's schedule is easier than last year. The AFC South is weaker then the AFC West. The NFC West is stronger than the NFC North, but before this year, all four teams were in playoff contention the year before. Plus, we trade first place Atlanta for last place TB and first place SF for last place St. Louis. Do I think the schedule is easy? No. But, I do think it's "easier" than last year.

Every team has holes to fill every year. We still have a good base of players. They may not be all pros, but it's not like we'll need 15 draft picks to rehaul the roster. We have had 21 draft picks in the last 2 years and we have 6 more this year. That's 27 picks in what is usually 21 over a 3 year period. We have money to re-sign our players and be able to sign some guys to fill in what we don't draft. If they go after free agents that 1) fit the system, 2) are between 25-29 yrs old and 3) overpay for them, I think we'll be fine.

You want us to overpay free agents? Why?

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I think we will be 8-8 +/-8 games.... 


Seriously I see us 6-10 or 7-9 to maybe 9-7 if RGIII just has a decent season. I am assuming we will fill some holes with extra cap money and the draft. STs can't get worse. Maybe a miracle will happen and Haslett will field a good from the 1st game not the 12th.


Caveat: It's really all about RGIII. If he is awesome there is no telling how good we can be. If he regresses or even just stays the same as last year, it will be a long season. He has to get at least close to where he was in 2012 for us to be even average.

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I'm optimistic in the offense. I think we'll be much improved there. Healthier RG3 going into his third year with a coach that knows offense/QBs and should be a better communicator.


I also think overall we'll look better coached and more prepared to play. We won't start games down 4 TDs at halftime like we did soooo often this past year.


But I don't know if we'll win very many games. I think we'll go around 5-11 or 6-10, but we'll look a LOT better by season's end and we'll have legit postseason hopes for 2015.

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I'm never enthusiastic about our chances anymore. I've got a bad case of Cleveland Syndrome. In my mind, we simply suck perpetually now. 


If I were to reference past "new regime" situations here in DC, I'd say we'll go 3-1 while the league adjusts to us, then 2-10 when they figure us out. 5-11 for the season sounds about right. 



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Worst HC in Redskin history gone

New HC who will bring to our once in a generation talent under centre something he's this far not had; competent teaching and play calling that will work WITH him rather than AGAINST him.

A happy 10= Watch out NFL!

Out reemergence to the top of the mountain starts here!

Double digit win season and NFC East wrestled back from its one year loan in Philthy. And once you get in the dance .....


*Edit* And I've not predicted a double digit win season since Gibbs I. Go figure?

Gut feeling: Special times are afoot.


I wish I could do the complete 180 like you--I just can't be optimistic at this point. Too many times we've said this and too many times, we've fallen flat on our faces.


I want to see the product.


Mike Shanahan might have been the worst coach in Redskins history--and not just the worst coach, but the worst person--I still just can't get excited yet. And I like Jay Gruden--I think he or Wisenhut were the best available coaches.


Just too many times we've been through this cycle. We were excited when Spurrier came in--thought he would be revolutionary. He was half-assed. We were excited for Gibbs II--the personnel side screwed that one all up (Bailey for Portis AND a #2, trading up for Jason Campbell, letting Pierce and Clark go, the Archuleta deal, etc. etc.). Then we FINALLY got rid of Cerrato and we said "This is it! We have a competent organization!!" Only to hand the keys to an emotionally unstable psychopath who couldn't possibly shoulder any blame or any criticism...


At each stop...there was more excitement followed by bigger and bigger disaster. Until I see differently--and Jay Gruden was the coach I wanted--I am going to expect mediocrity at best. .Case in point--look at the number of players (and I not counting Gano, he is a kicker. He is not a "player") that say that getting traded or let go from the Redskins was the best thing to happen to them. Even Fletcher has taken his shots.


I want to be proven wrong. I just feel like we are hiring the next set of ex-coaches.

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I'm never enthusiastic about our chances anymore. I've got a bad case of Cleveland Syndrome. In my mind, we simply suck perpetually now. 


If I were to reference past "new regime" situations here in DC, I'd say we'll go 3-1 while the league adjusts to us, then 2-10 when they figure us out. 5-11 for the season sounds about right. 




I`ve heard all the rights things. I`ve heard all the wrong things. I`m done with everything except what happens between the lines on Sundays. Just win. Win. No talking from anybody. Put the microphones down. Until you win, you don`t have anything worth saying that anybody needs to hear.


I have no expectations for this team. This team has found virtually every single way to lose a football game imaginable. Until they start winning CONSISTENTLY, you are what are you. It`s going to take at least 4-5 consecutive seasons of winning seasons before the stench of losing can *begin* to dissipate from this franchise. But this is a loser franchise right now... make no mistake.


It can change. It will change -- I have no doubt. But until it happens, I`m done talking about it. I don`t care about coaching searches or drafts or FA... just win. I`ve seen every franchise win just about every which way. There`s no magic formula. Just win already.

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