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so how optimistic are you about next season?


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Being a fans is all about blind optimism. It's the hope of a win in every game that keeps us watching.


Even when we were playing Denver at Denver last year. I went into it knowing anything is possible on any given day.  It was only after the ball was snapped that reality started to kick me in the head.

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Nowadays a team can make a major leap (or fall) in a single season. If the Skins fill their biggest holes: FS, RT, LG, move Lich to center, and ILB, there's hope. Less critical CB (hoping for Amerson), DE (or NT and move Cofield), and a #2 WR.

Skins could make the playoffs but failure on the O-line could lead to QB controversy, or further injury, next year.

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I feel that once the redskins change their name, they will allow us to win playoff games again. Until then, not so much.

Ah, the 'ol Indian curse obstacle. Personally, I wish Snyder would ask local Tribes to vote on a new name. Maybe Snyder (or fans) could pick from the top 3 vote getters?

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Optimistic that this season will be better than last year's complete debacle? - Sure as the Skins literally couldn't be much worse than they were last season.


Optimistic that Bruce Allen and Jay Gruden are going to turn this long mediocre franchise around and finally get back to being a consistently good team?  - 


Hard to say that until seeing the final roster and way the team plays for this season.


There was so much overall optimism on this board and for Skin's fans everywhere after the 2012 season.  An NFC East title, Shanhan in place and team finally appearing to do things the right way instead of going for broke every offseason.


Instead what transpired is one of the most disappointing seasons in Redskins' history, the firing of Shanahan and in many ways going right back to square one again in trying to rebuild this once great franchise.


Hopefully this season will finally be the one that puts this franchise back on track for the long haul instead of just being a one year blip. 


Two decades of mostly being a mediocre and irrelevant franchise is far too long.....

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