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WP: Will Robert Griffin help or hurt the next Washington Head Coach?


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@Russellmania980: I can say this about Robert Griffin III and I feel I am qualified. He's made some mistakes & he knows it, but learning & will be better.


Here's the big mistake, the one that set the table for all the stories, both true and wildly exaggerated, that have come out of this year.






This was his "The Decision" moment, in which the marketing and economic motivations backfired in spectacular fashion.  Much like Lebron, RGIII came out of that media blitz lacking much of the goodwill that had been built up, and changed how people and the media viewed him (note: NOT teammates).  Much like The Decision, the injury comeback narrative is one of the worst PR moves I have ever seen in sports, and was a stupendous miscalculation by Robert, his family, and his advisors.  


And the losses, general dysfunction, and poor play only furthered this new perspective.  He is the target (fairly and rightly to some degree, unfairly and wrongly to another***) out of his own doing.  It was a mistake borne of the overconfidence of a 22 year old who for the most part has always been able to will himself to these lofty goals. This was a huge **** up.


Hopefully he learns from it.


Whatever the opposite of last offseason is, that is what he needs to do this year.  And much like Lebron, his reputation, nationally and locally, will not be fully restored until he wins (and I think this means win it all).  Unfortunately, that's the standard he has brought upon himself.




*** I want to note that I think that the blame and criticism is more often than not grossly unfair and embelished.  But at the end of the day, he open that door a crack to allow the knives to come out at the soonest sight of struggle.  And when struggle turned into all out disaster --- Woo Boy --- these are the stories that are the natural end product.

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#Redskins announced today they have named QB @RGIII the winner of team’s 2013 Ed Block Courage Award. Congrats, Robert! #HTTR


Emmanual Benton @Manny_PPI

@RGIII was selected by his teammates for that award..... So....


Barry Cofield a team captain with one SB ring, came out and said the RGIII getting preferential treatment from Dan was all BS.

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If there was any truth to this assertion that RG3 could influence management, he would have had Cousins traded last year.  This is just dumb.

Here's the big mistake, the one that set the table for all the stories, both true and wildly exaggerated, that have come out of this year.






This was his "The Decision" moment, in which the marketing and economic motivations backfired in spectacular fashion.  Much like Lebron, RGIII came out of that media blitz lacking much of the goodwill that had been built up, and changed how people and the media viewed him (note: NOT teammates).  Much like The Decision, the injury comeback narrative is one of the worst PR moves I have ever seen in sports, and was a stupendous miscalculation by Robert, his family, and his advisors.  


And the losses, general dysfunction, and poor play only furthered this new perspective.  He is the target (fairly and rightly to some degree, unfairly and wrongly to another***) out of his own doing.  It was a mistake borne of the overconfidence of a 22 year old who for the most part has always been able to will himself to these lofty goals. This was a huge **** up.


Hopefully he learns from it.


Whatever the opposite of last offseason is, that is what he needs to do this year.  And much like Lebron, his reputation, nationally and locally, will not be fully restored until he wins (and I think this means win it all).  Unfortunately, that's the standard he has brought upon himself.




*** I want to note that I think that the blame and criticism is more often than not grossly unfair and embelished.  But at the end of the day, he open that door a crack to allow the knives to come out at the soonest sight of struggle.  And when struggle turned into all out disaster --- Woo Boy --- these are the stories that are the natural end product.


I hope you are right.  Lebron learned and then won three straight championships.  I can only wish Griffin is the NFL's Lebrizzle.

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Was listening to the Kornheiser show on ESPN 980, and David Aldridge made a point that I was starting to think as well. He, like many sports journalists in the country, respect Sally Jenkins a lot. However, Aldridge says he thinks she is a little too bent on this anti-RGIII narrative.


His main point was that while he agrees that RGIII is probably coddled, maybe diva-ish, and somewhat egotistical... He's only 23 years old!! He is a kid. Heaven forbid, he might mature as he gets older. What a crazy concept, right?


We all know he underperformed this year and there are plenty of reasons why, including himself. However, his talent level is off the charts and ceiling could be insanely high. I'm sure there are plenty of coaches that would like to be the guy that skyrocketed RGIII's career.

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Freddie Coleman just said that Jenkins was one of the most respected writers in the country and that there has to be some truth to what she said, because she wouldn't risk her credibility on something that wasn't true.


She has credibility? And I'm being honest here, if Coleman said that, he is the first person to put "Sally Jenkins" and "respected" in the same sentence in a very long time. 


Andy Pollin calls every reporter that writes something negative about this team, a "respected" reporter, even when what they've stated is obviously wrong. 

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I don't like Sally Jenkins because she beats on the Skins so often but in retrospect, she really hasn't been proven wrong about much.


It's a fiasco of an organization.

Except that everything she writes is in a negative view, lacks sorces, and has no insider info being based in NYC. Oh lets not forget her biggest piece she has written has been about a guy she defends with all her heart that is one of the biggest cheaters in sports history, Lance Armstrong.

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  1. This to me is another example of someone with an agenda making up a story because in today's media, you don't have to confirm sources.

So let's walk thru this… If it were true and i don't believe it is… Who would tell anyone that.


I saw a report where some "UNNAMED". Source said that RG3 bragged about being able to manipulate the owner...



The mistruths are starting to get out of hand in DC. I've had my opinion on RG3 talking too much but I believe folks are telling lies...

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I think it's a huge stretch to compare RG3's addidas campaign to Lebron's decision.  It was just an ad campaign.  Lebron stuck the knife in his old team on national TV, in front of everyone.  I had no problem with him leaving for Miami, but to do it in a chosen public forum was just plain gross.  There was nothing classless about Griff's commercials.


Does anyone else feel like people are seriously "poking the bear" when it comes to Griff?  All of this smear stuff, last season's results, vitriol from his own fanbase and local media.  Me thinks Griff is gonna come out next year on an absolute mission.  The kid has enough personal bulletin board material for the rest of his career.  


So feel free to pile on the young man, everyone will be back on his jock next year.

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  1. This to me is another example of someone with an agenda making up a story because in today's media, you don't have to confirm sources.

  2. So let's walk thru this… If it were true and i don't believe it is… Who would tell anyone that.

  3. I saw a report where some "UNNAMED". Source said that RG3 bragged about being able to manipulate the owner...

  4. The mistruths are starting to get out of hand in DC. I've had my opinion on RG3 talking too much but I believe folks are telling lies...



Can't get the owner to change the name so you attack the team.  

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I think it's a huge stretch to compare RG3's addidas campaign to Lebron's decision.  It was just an ad campaign.  Lebron stuck the knife in his old team on national TV, in front of everyone.  I had no problem with him leaving for Miami, but to do it in a chosen public forum was just plain gross.  There was nothing classless about Griff's commercials.


Does anyone else feel like people are seriously "poking the bear" when it comes to Griff?  All of this smear stuff, last season's results, vitriol from his own fanbase and local media.  Me thinks Griff is gonna come out next year on an absolute mission.  The kid has enough personal bulletin board material for the rest of his career.  


So feel free to pile on the young man, everyone will be back on his jock next year.


Again, I can only hope you are right.

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I hope most of what she said is wrong but I have heard that most of the guys do not really like Robert all that much. I heard Pierre cannot stand Robert. And basically, Robert is not "one of the guys". Hopefully, this season has taught the team that they need each other. I hope Robert learns how to relate to his teammates, so they can turn this thing around.


Where have you "heard" all of this information?  Sources?

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Seemed related....






RG3 wins Redskins' Ed Block Courage Award

The Washington Redskins quarterback has been selected by his teammates to receive the team's Ed Block Courage Award, an honor given annually to a player who has overcome adversity.





In a statement released by the team Tuesday, Griffin said the award ''is not only a testament to how hard I worked to return, but also a testament to the support system I've had around me for the last 12 months.''


 more at link

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