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The Official 2023 ES Free Agency Thread... available until Free Agency 2024 begins


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9 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

I'd love to hire the NFL's version of Morey. An outside the box forward thinker? Sign me up.


No you wouldn't my friend.  That guy has no idea how to put together a team, and he is the quintessential snake oil type who knows how to dazzle the public with analytic models to cover up his flawed, low ceiling work.  It's better than abject incompetence, but it's still miserable.  He gets your hopes man, and he's not trustworthy or genuinely good.


Executive talent matters more in basketball though.  We'll see what happens here.

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6 minutes ago, Going Commando said:


No you wouldn't my friend.  That guy has no idea how to put together a team, and he is the quintessential snake oil type who knows how to dazzle the public with analytic models to cover up his flawed, low ceiling work.  It's better than abject incompetence, but it's still miserable.  He gets your hopes man, and he's not trustworthy or genuinely good.


Executive talent matters more in basketball though.  We'll see what happens here.

I don't know. He built that Rockets team that would have made the Finals if t hey didn't go like 0-50 from the 3 point line that one Game 7 against the Warriors, which in general I can't blame him for losing to the modern dynasty.


I just want someone in place who has good process and is cold and innovative in their approach. Nothing is guaranteed in terms of wins and losses but I've always hated our process in the Snyder Era(including Rivera).


I'm hopeful with Harris we'll have good process. I believe the 76ers had good process, but ultimately made some bad decisions like you said. But those weren't Harris decisions, they were made by his GM. Now you can blame Harris for hiring a GM who made some mistakes, that's certainly fair, but ultimately they built things up the right way. It just hasn't worked out for them...yet.


Blaming the owner for every single thing that goes wrong with a team is a little silly. All he can do is spend money(which Harris does) and do his best to hire smart, talented, qualified people(which he's done). After that, all he can do is trust those people. Beyond that, let the chips fall where they may.


Even Robert Kraft was a big time loser before he lucked into Bellicheck who then lucked into Brady.

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2 hours ago, Going Commando said:



I knew people were going to try and hang yesterday's bag of **** around Ron's neck to avoid placing any accountability for mistakes on the current center of power in the franchise.  It's what the fans and media people covering the team always do.  But it's a lie.  Harris decided to get directly involved and force the FO to trade their players and he will always own this.  Save that **** for someone else gullible enough to believe it.



I'll hit it via this statement and the one in another post suggesting your are tired of the hamster wheel and you are at a down point as a fan, how much can you take?


I'll start with, there are people here.  Most.  Off the top of my head especially, me @BatteredFanSyndrome, @goskins10, @Conn, @KDawg @Koolblue13 among others who have been beyond upset at what Dan Synder and to some extent Bruce Allen did to this franchise.   It wasn't just the incompetence.  It was the smugness and arrogance about celebrating at best mediocrity.   We'd talk about it all the time about other teams doing what we did yesterday.  Shed salary, build draft capital and restart. 


We never try it. Never.   So the idea that this is the same old same old - comes off a bit crazy.  do you guys remember that time when Dan told Bruce or Cerrato to sell veterans and build draft captial and rebuild. :ols:  that would be a joke.  It's the OPPOSITE of how Dan ran things.  This is a complete 180.  Now clearly you don't like this 180 but its nothing like anything relating to Dan. 


Now the kicker for why we coudn't stand Dan and Bruce was all the sleaze they brought to this organization.  They were bad people.  It was embarassing to be fans because of him.  And then there are ton of other things -- they were cheap, they interferred with personnel, never held themsleves accountable, wouldn't speak publicly, on and on.  You might not like Morey's moves.  But its not about Harris interferring.  He's not known for that.  It's just that you don't like Morey.  That's a different point.


So on off the field thoughts alone its night and day.  We no longer have a sleazeball running the organization.  We got an owner willing to spend money on whatever the players need and to make the fan experience better -- versus being ranked an F minus from the players on that front.  We are about to get a pedigreed GM for the first time in eons.  That alone is a sea change.  Harris could suck at everything else (and I don't think he will) but just on this stuff alone its a big deal to some of us who couldn't stand Dan.   


Now to personnel. I know you have a different idea than some of us as to how trade capital works.  As you know i am not a Ron fan this year.  But to defend him the trade market mostly works out organically.  Why did Sweat fetch more than Chase?  Its because there were more teams competing for him and the Bears wanted to top them.  I know we got our own perceptions of what players are worth.  But the league doesn't always see it the same way.  And context matters a lot as to trades.     With Chase his expiring contract and knee among other things didn't bring the same demand.  It just is what it is.  but I'd rather get something than nothing.  I know you said the other day, you'd rather get nothing to make a point that we can't be had.  I get it.  but that's not me.


You can absolve Ron all you want but that feels more about emotion that logic.  You have redefined yourself in recent weeks as a Ron critic.  But for most of the off season bleeding into the season, you became one of his biggest fans.  You have criticized Ron before as to how he scapegoats his players.  But now with a zillion leaks about how this regime wanted Chase gone, you think Harris shoved this one down his throat?   If so that feels emotional, not logical since all the narratives are pointing to Ron wanting Chase out.

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20 minutes ago, Going Commando said:


No you wouldn't my friend.  That guy has no idea how to put together a team, and he is the quintessential snake oil type who knows how to dazzle the public with analytic models to cover up his flawed, low ceiling work.  It's better than abject incompetence, but it's still miserable.  He gets your hopes man, and he's not trustworthy or genuinely good.


Executive talent matters more in basketball though.  We'll see what happens here.



Sorry really not following you here. It really sounds personal. He took a team in 2011 that sucked. Took a few years to build up and the last 6 yrs has had 4 seasons of 50 wins, and another with 49 wins. Yes, the team struggled to get past the 2nd rd. But remind me when this team was a perenial PO contender? They took a shot on Harden to get them past the hump but he is a lockroom cancer. Instead of doubling down they moved him and got valuable draft picks for him. They are currently all of 2-1 in this short season. 


Here are thier records since he owned the team. Sign me up for perenial PO team getting past the 1st rd of POs. Then they can work on SBs. Oh and Doc Rivers was 154 - 82 and won more games each season than the last during the 3 seasons there. That's a middling coach? Sign me up for a HC in Washington that wins 65% of thier games. 


And even if all that were not true, moving Sweat and Young was the right move and I don't care how they fare in thier new teams. They needed to be gone from here as they were probably leaving anyway or they would have taking a prohibitive amount of CAP space. Smart move from where I stand. 



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35 minutes ago, woodpecker said:

OK. So sounds like he had the superstar player you need. And he got the lottery picks you need to put the talent around him. So the ingredients were there for a championship team, but some of the picks didn’t work out and they fell short. Maybe the GM making those picks wasn’t the greatest? Or maybe that’s just the way it goes with draft picks sometimes. But it seems like you are making my point more than yours… The process was correct even if the results haven’t been. As a wizards fan, I know enough to tell you that second round of the playoffs is certainly not easy for them. Not at all. In fact, I only remember once, when they lost to Boston. So again, I think you are throwing out exaggerations to try to make your point, which actually takes away from your point.


The issue with "The Process" is that tanking is the most basic thing you can do in the NBA to get a superstar. They didn't invent anything aside from a PR campaign to convince fans that averaging a 15-67 record for three years was actually a good thing.


The Process brought them six years of being the 3rd or 4th best team in the Eastern Conference, which is basically the same level of success the Clippers have had for 14 years.


And The Process Era is clearly about to end because when you have a team with one MVP candidate and nothing else, you are going to shortly be a team with no MVP candidates.


The concern is that taking a team-building philosophy that led to middling results in the NBA and applying it to the incredibly complicated roster building of the NFL is not exactly a fool-proof plan.  


Kroenke recently proved that you can win a title by simply spending a gazillion dollars so it's not like there is only one path to greatness.

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2 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

So on off the field thoughts alone its night and day.  We no longer have a sleazeball running the organization.  We got an owner willing to spend money on whatever the players need and to make the fan experience better -- versus being ranked an F minus from the players on that front.  We are about to get a pedigreed GM for the first time in eons.  That alone is a sea change.  Harris could suck at everything else (and I don;t think he will) but just on this stuff alone its a big deal to some of us who coundn't stand Dan. 



This is enough for me period. Very well stated! Harris is already an upgrade even if he never wins a single game. 

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Read an Atlanta article and they were confident they would land Sweat (and that is where he wanted to go). I wonder if they offered them a 2nd for him. Atlanta will likely finish ahead of Chicago - they are up two games. But they both have very weak schedules. Chicago has three tough games with Detroit X2 and Cleveland. While not likely, it’s not inconceivable that Chicago passes Atlanta.

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6 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

Read an Atlanta article and they were confident they would land Sweat (and that is where he wanted to go). I wonder if they offered them a 2nd for him. Atlanta will likely finish ahead of Chicago - they are up two games. But they both have very weak schedules. Chicago has three tough games with Detroit X2 and Cleveland. While not likely, it’s not inconceivable that Chicago passes Atlanta.


Keim thought it was Atlanta with the conditional 2nd but the Bears came in and topped that.

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29 minutes ago, goskins10 said:



This is enough for me period. Very well stated! Harris is already an upgrade even if he never wins a single game. 


We've endured enough under that wretched owner, Dan.  And we all got some scars from that thread.  It's hilarious that some now don't even believe that Bruce or Dan had defenders.  But they did.  It shows how far we've come.


If I had to sum all of that for me in one experience it was about a year ago and the dude who monitors the turnstyle at Hollywood Studios in Disney, he saw my Washington jersey and said something like how can you root for a team like that and then talked about Snyder.  I go well it looks like he's selling.  But wow, I am in Orlando and the friendly supposedly customer service oriented staff is giving me a hard time.  I know i am not the only one who has said they have to apologize and explain why Washington when I wear a Commanders shirt.  That to me summarizes Dan's reign of terror for me the best and saddest.


Off the top of head the themes of that FO-owner thread were


A.  Sleaze, sleaze, sleaze.  He's a bad person and it seeps throughout that organization.


B.  Smug-arrogant-aloof.  Dan woudn't talk and its been said behind the scenes he was smug and a douche. Bruce came off at times the same way.


C.  Cheap with just about everything.  stadium, facilities, field grass, equipment, on and on


D.  FO and scouting about nepotism and nostalgia not comptence


E.  Dan would interfere


F.  They never believed in rebuilding, the future was always now.


G.  Just about always buyers almost never sellers as to trade capital unless their hand was forced


H.  They never took any blame -- it was always other people's fault.


Everything that I hear about Harris, is the dude is the opposite.  Does that guarantee success?  Nope.  But it gives you a shot.  We had no shot with Dan.


We are about to get a new FO, new HC, likely highly in demand-pedigreed types with 90 plus in cap room, 5 draft picks in the first three rounds, and we might have a franchise QB in hand, will see.  And this is the dark time in the franchise?  lol, this is IMO this is likely a prosperity period that we've as fans well earned.  All we are experiencing now are the last vesitges of Dan's leftovers and we are pulling off that bandaid. That might feel painful to some.  But am loving it.

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The entire 4 first rounders on the DL was so overblown.  They never should have drafted 4 first round DL, especially the last one in 2020.  The mindset was the talent would take over and dominate which it never did.  Coaching was the main the problem with production being the other

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4 minutes ago, NoVaSkins21 said:

The entire 4 first rounders on the DL was so overblown.  They never should have drafted 4 DL, especially the last one in 2020.  The mindset was the talent would take over and dominate which it never did.  Coaching was the main the problem with production being the other

I disagree.  It is not the first rounders so much that two of them never lived up to their draft status.  I don't blame the coaches for that.  I blame the people that selected them and clearly thought they were better than they actually were.  The coaches are to blame, but not for everything.  Replace Young with Bosa and Sweat with another good player and we would have had a good Dline.


To me, besides Dan and Allen and the like, the number ONE issue the last 20 plus years is the inability to consistenly acquire quality talent.  Spend too much, bad drafts, bad free agents, ect.  We never had enough talent for the coaches to win, regardless of who was coaching.  By coaches, I don't mean the likes of Zorn, the Florida coach, Grudes and a few others.

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24 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

Conditional as in Atl had to resign him? I couldn’t figure out how that would work. Atl could just tag him and wait post 24 draft to extend.


Yes.  It also came out that Washington wasn't allowing teams to negotiate with the players -- unlike for example what Denver did with Chubb.

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God, I love seeing all of those picks. It's my mock draft pipe dream, but usually only attainable after I trade down 1-2x which in reality never happens.


1. I hope if we are picking high (i.e. Top 5-8 picks) we just take the best OT that is there. BUT


2. I would be super tempted to default to my always trade down mindset and see if we could swing a partner if a QB is there, not going down far, but accumulating the capital to and still landing a top OL. 


3. I wonder if an analytics-driven FO will focus more on accumulating draft capital early on and drafting in a money-ball type of way. Idk, don't know enough about analytics to truly know how that's done. But I feel like teams that are able to capitalize on future really excell. Detroit, Miami, etc. all added future draft capital and it has paid off. AND if we have found our franchise QB in Howell, we could be in a position to capitalize on our high draft picks if QBs are on the board. 


I know this is the FA thread haha

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4 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Can I put a motion on the table to end all conversation of Dan?  He's gone.  Praise the Lord. He sucked the life out of the franchise for 25 years. Let's leave it at that.  


If someone is bringing up Dan in the context of Harris and this team's moves yesterday then they are making him relevant.  I responded in kind with how Harris is different and kept that point on topic as to what transpired yesterday.


But I've had my say on it.  So I am done. 

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7 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Can I put a motion on the table to end all conversation of Dan?  He's gone.  Praise the Lord. He sucked the life out of the franchise for 25 years. Let's leave it at that.  

This is your best post during the 2023 season and its under 1,000 characters! Good jerb!

4 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

God, I love seeing all of those picks. It's my mock draft pipe dream, but usually only attainable after I trade down 1-2x which in reality never happens.


1. I hope if we are picking high (i.e. Top 5-8 picks) we just take the best OT that is there. BUT


2. I would be super tempted to default to my always trade down mindset and see if we could swing a partner if a QB is there, not going down far, but accumulating the capital to and still landing a top OL. 


I know this is the FA thread haha

This is finally your year in the draft thread! 

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...Graziano: dealing both sends a very different message.


This is new ownership deciding future-focused assets (i.e., draft picks) are more important than win-now personnel...Josh Harris...thinking about the future, and that spells bad news for a coaching staff and a front office that he didn't hire...and I would think we can expect big changes in Washington this offseason as well.


Fowler:  ...Dealing Young was mildly surprising but not shocking.

The Commanders wanted to keep quarterback Jacoby Brissett, who's valuable as a sounding board to Sam Howell, and safety Kamren Curl, whom they want to extend eventually. Had Washington beat Philadelphia to go 4-4, it sounds like the Commanders might have just kept Young and Sweat. That begs the question: Why does one week determine whether to make franchise-altering moves? I'll ding them a bit for that. 



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18 hours ago, wit33 said:



I'm not a fan of trading away good players for pennies on the dollar (just my opinion). However, in Chase's case, if he's causing trouble off the field, it's easy to justify parting ways with him. It's challenging to succeed with players who aren't fully committed or have off-field issues; the risk isn't worth it.

Earning a playoff spot would indeed be a surprising and somewhat amusing turn of events. To escape the 8-9 pattern, it's crucial for Sam Howell to grow into a proficient quarterback while on a rookie contract. This issue is more quarterback-related than it is about the front office.


Regarding the defense, there have been serious concerns, and Ron and Jack are responsible. On the other hand, EB, the offensive coordinator, has shown promise and delivered some outstanding offensive stretches that haven't been seen in this area for a long time.

Given the circumstances, it's evident that change is needed. If EB and Howell continue to progress as they are, I would be thrilled to find a way to keep them together.

What's important with guys that are pending free agents, is to note that you're trading contracts, not really players anymore. If you don't have cost control over multiple seasons, but rather just 1/2 of a season left of a player, you don't really have a situation where you're trading away the player. Montez Sweat and Chase Young were and our basically free agents after this year. Yeah we had the capacity to extend them, but they were no longer under contract, so after 9 more games, they are anybody's assets unless we wanted to pay them like All Pro's, which, honestly, why? The cheap, cost controlled era of their contract is donezo after that finale against Dallas. After that, they become very costly, if we want them, and our essentially free agents that we have first kinda dibs on.


So this wasn't trading Montez Sweat in 2021 or Young in 2021 or 2022, this was a classic example of an MLB deadline deal on a guy who'd be a pending free agent after the season. In baseball historically, you basically move the guy if two conditions are met:

#1: you aren't a contender

#2: The compensation you get for losing him, is not lower than what you'd get in terms of compensatory picks from the league after they sign a FA deal in the winter.


For guys like Chase and Montez, it was and is exactly the same thing and:

#1 we aren't contending for ----.

#2 was Sweat getting us more than a top 10ish 2nd rounder in the '24 draft (nope), and was Young likely to get us more than a late 3rd compensatory via free agency (not really, though I'm not sure if you get compensatory picks if you decline an option, someone can clue me in on that).


As such, it was a no brainer.


I'd be pissed if this is all we got, and it was like fall 2020 or fall 2021 and they were early into their contracts. It isn't. It's a pending free agent move, where we basically traded guys before they were worth nothing on the market. That will help the tank, and help restock our picks for a better class in '24. 

18 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Ron hasn't really hid though in his own comments, he's been snarky about Chase.  I expect Chase will have a big revenge game late this year against Washington.




But, of course, if this was true, then they never should've drafted him in the first place. It's not like this sort of mental make up would have been a surprise to Ohio State. If you know the guy is like this and is a bad fit for your team, and I don't know, you have a bottom 3 QB room in the entire NFL, you never pick him, period. They're just not a very smart FO. Reminds me of when the Jags took Justin Blackmon, while several teams passed on the talented player because due diligence revealed he had addiction issues. Do your due diligence. 

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14 minutes ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:

God, I love seeing all of those picks. It's my mock draft pipe dream, but usually only attainable after I trade down 1-2x which in reality never happens.


1. I hope if we are picking high (i.e. Top 5-8 picks) we just take the best OT that is there. BUT


2. I would be super tempted to default to my always trade down mindset and see if we could swing a partner if a QB is there, not going down far, but accumulating the capital to and still landing a top OL. 


3. I wonder if an analytics-driven FO will focus more on accumulating draft capital early on and drafting in a money-ball type of way. Idk, don't know enough about analytics to truly know how that's done. But I feel like teams that are able to capitalize on future really excell. Detroit, Miami, etc. all added future draft capital and it has paid off. AND if we have found our franchise QB in Howell, we could be in a position to capitalize on our high draft picks if QBs are on the board. 


I know this is the FA thread haha


analytics usually pushes for trade downs or heaven forbid (something we never do aside from McCloughan doing it a little) something this team never does and that is trade down this year for picks next year -- a Howie Roseman special.


The quandry though is LT is such a premium spot that I wonder if they'd risk trading down.  It's supposed to be a deep draft for tackle.  I don't have an opinion on any of the tackles yet but I'll dive into them and at least form my own opinion on the topic.  At the moment in theory if they can get the Penn State tackle or Alt, I'd stay put.  

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10 hours ago, Conn said:

The game is on. Raiders fire McDaniels and their GM, name LB coach Antonio Pierce as Interim. Wow, with 4 years left on McDaniels’ deal lol. What an ill-conceived hire. 

That Antonio Pierce who was a player for us?  (looks it up.) It IS that Antonio Pierce.  Good on him. Hope he makes the most of his opportunity.  


5 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


I know give or take three people here think the roster stinks and this regime plans a complete overhaul.  Listening to Keim among others those people will likely end up disappointed.  

I don't know if you're putting me in that group.  I've posted I think the roster needs a major re-build, but they do have some pieces which are good and they can build around.


The biggest reason I believe the roster needs and is going to get a major overhaul is the following players are the only ones actually on the roster next year:


QB: Howell

RB: Robinson, Rodriguez

TE: Thomas, Bates, Turner, Hodges, Rodgers

OT: Leno, Wylie

G: Scott, Daniels, Paul, Cosmi

Center: Gates, Stromberg

WR: McLaurin, Dotson, Brown, Milne, Tinsley


Brissett, Lucas, Charles, Samuel, Larsen and Gibson are all FAs.  They have a lot of TEs who have done nothing (apart from Thomas), 

They're going to be looking for upgrades across the OL.  Both Gates and Wylie could be (and should be) gone.  


They're at least going to be looking for:

QB: Backup.  Maybe starter, but most likely a backup

RB: 3rd down back

OT: Probably 2 starters.  Leno would be great as a swing backup.  Wylie most likely won't be back.

G: Probably a starting guard, unless Daniels or Paul convince everybody they are the answer, which I doubt.  

Center: At the very lest, a backup center to Stomberg, if he's the starting Center. Or a starting Center.  Gates has been benched already and Larsen is a FA.

WR: They really have 2: McLaurin and Dotson.  Brown, Milne and Tinsley don't count.  So they'll be looking for a Samuel replacement.  I think, most likely in the draft.



DE: Toney, Henry.  That's literally all the players on the roster right now at DE for next year.  

DT: Allen, Payne, Mathis, Ridgeway

LB: Davis.  I'll show ignorance, they have Drew White and Andre Jones as well, but I'm not sure who they are.  Maybe I should, but I don't. 

Safety: Butler, Forrest

CB: Ben St. Juice, Forbes, Danny Johnson, Quan Martin, Christian Holmes


Gone are Montez Sweat, Chase Young

FAs are Fuller, James Smith-Williams, Casey Toohill, Jeremy Reaves, Efe Obada, David Bada, Khaleke Hudson, David Mayo


I'm not going to list what they're looking for by position, because it's literally everything except for a starting DT. 


3 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:

With Russini saying she gets the vibe they wanted to be aggressive in FA and Keim saying a few days ago about then being aggressive in the off season implying to give some hope for fans in the off season.

They're not going to have a choice.  They have to sign so many players just to have a complete team, they're going to have to be somewhat aggressive. 


3 hours ago, MartinC said:

Neither do I. But I’d bet they are already shortlisting GM candidates. 

I wonder if they already know who the GM is going to be, and have a good idea of the short-list of coaches.  I guess that's less likely if the GM is somebody working in the NFL now. But if it's somebody who's between jobs, I do wonder if they already know a lot more than they're willing to say, both coaching staff and FO wise.  I'm betting they do.


2 hours ago, JamesMadisonSkins said:


I was wondering the same thing but my assumption right now is that we likely are on the hooks for most of their remaining 2023 contracts. 

The remaining component of the annual salary would go to the other team. So, 9/17ths, since they are paid by game.  We already paid 8/17th, and that hit our cap.


Remaining signing bonus would have already hit our cap.  Given Sweat was in year 5, the signing bonus was gone (it's pro-rated through the first 4 years for a first round pick,) 


For Chase, we already took the piece of the pro-rated signing bonus, and everything remaining is salary, and that moved over to the 49ers.


We incurred no dead money in moving them, and we aren't paying any part of their annual salary going forward, as far as I know.  

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7 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

The quandry though is LT is such a premium spot that I wonder if they'd risk trading down.  It's supposed to be a deep draft for tackle.  I don't have an opinion on any of the tackles yet but I'll dive into them and at least form my own opinion on the topic.  At the moment in theory if they can get the Penn State tackle or Alt, I'd stay put.  


Yeah, that's my quandry as well, I feel like you gotta take the LT if they're there. It's such a massive need for us, and we haven't been in position to draft a premier LT in years because we always find ourselves in the middle of the pack. 


Hindsight is 20/20 but drafting Jamin Davis over Christian Darrisaw is probably this regime's biggest transgression. That or not trading ahead of Pittsburgh this year and taking Broderick Jones. Although apparently we would have traded up to take Forbes so at least we didn't do that.

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