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About NoVaSkins21

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  • Birthdate
    August 2nd 1980
  • Interests
    All things B & G
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    since 1992
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Darrell Green
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  • Location
    Northern VA
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  • Interests
    All Things B&G
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  1. Like SF, this team needs a Nick Bosa like DE. Here's hoping they don't have to be as bad SF was to get that type of player
  2. Rookies reported yesterday, while the vets report next week on the 23rd
  3. Meyers had a lot to do with getting Peters here, but I've seen him on NBA shows and I doubt he's coming here although I wouldn't be opposed to him coming here
  4. Harris and Co. working hard to undue the mess created by previous ownership. Don't know about others, but IMO the gold pants are SICK
  5. Peters is going to follow the model he had in SF. That process started in 2017 where they were awful at that point and he started signing low level FA's while drafting guys who would end end up being core players for their team. He's doing the same thing now here. It will likely be a 3-year process before this team has the core guys mixed with veterans to be perennial contenders
  6. The crap we had to endure as fans regarding the previous ownership was nothing compared to the sheer unadulterated hell the people inside those buildings had to go through.
  7. I would see a lot of Rivera's players struggling with few exceptions. Howell was probably destroyed by EB who has proven he's awful as a an OC and probably the same as a HC
  8. So glad they cleaned house. The players were held back severely by a God awful staff. Makes me more excited about what this staff can do with this group of players
  9. The problem is with a playoff run is that it's just that. .That's what this team did under previous ownership and then they went for broke with spending sprees in 2006 and 2016 which yielded nothing. They need to be a perennial contender with JD leading the way first and then they should make splash moves like this. Additionally, Aiyuk wants to get paid first. This team has core players, but who knows if Aiyuk will be part of that core group of players. That's a question for Peters and Co.
  10. Probably been said, but a trade for Aiyuk would mean this team is on the cusp of a SB run and Aiyuk would be the final piece to the puzzle. Right now, this team needs to continue to build and when the time comes in the next few years, a move like this makes more sense
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