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    late 80s
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    Sean Taylor
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    Richmond, VA
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  1. I'll never understand, "guy who runs financial side of the business makes sure unpaid bill gets paid" being something to pat this clown on the back for. He literally headed the office that manages team finances and the business operation...and it sounds like his lackeys caused the issue in the first place by missing/losing/ignoring invoices from the hosting company.
  2. I could see McCaffery developing into a swiss-army knife type weapon where he gets snaps all over the field. Slot/outside/RB/H-back/KR/PR...maybe even a little trick play QB action.
  3. Can't argue the statistical comparison. That said, Terry is a natural lead by example type of player and I like that he just seems too classy to get on social media and act afool like Aiyuk. The diva behavior is a real turn off...and with Terry gone, who leads that WR group? I just don't think Aiyuk is the guy you want setting the tone in the WR room.
  4. Really excited to see Armstrong in this defense. To me, he's a clear upgrade over what we were getting from Chase (which seems crazy...what a terrible #2 pick that dude was) or the JAGs at DE. I feel like he predominantly holds down one DE spot and the other is filled by committee.
  5. The line of bull**** he tried to run about the super bowl years on the seal being correct...when they were very clearly wrong...was just ridiculous.
  6. Understanding that plenty of people somehow manage to fail their way up, I have to think there's almost no way he joins another team with a promotion in hand.
  7. Wright was hired with no experience in an NFL front office to be Snyder's minder...couldn't be happier this loser has been shown the door. I could never understand why so many folks on here thought he was fine doing what he was doing, given his myriad of obvious failures and avoidable gaffes.
  8. Thought this was interesting. Our guy JD5 and Brandon Aiyuk face-timing, and Aiyuk mentions, "they don't want me back." They're friends, so it might not mean anything other than they're catching up...but it also sounds like Aiyuk's not staying in SF. I don't know enough about the guy to say if he's worth the contract he'll demand...but I like the idea of another big-time target for JD5.
  9. Saw this on twitter and couldn't believe it's been 33 years since our last defensive shutout...and, just a skosh under 2 decades longer than the next teams on the list at 15. How can that even be true?
  10. It's been a few months, but Magic was asked about a name change and his reply was, "Everything's on the table" Not exactly a ringing endorsement...but, he also didn't just shut it down. My assumption would be that the ownership group knew this question would come up and discussed how it should have a somewhat open-ended answer. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4710094/2023/07/21/commanders-name-change-purchase/
  11. It's crazy because it looks like Forbes is the skinny young kid taking a picture with an athlete. Those legs are shockingly underdeveloped...
  12. Looks like Sheriff Gon' Getcha is getting got. Honestly, well deserved...CP ended up being a real scumbag with the healthcare benefits scheme. He's lucky he didn't do serious time.
  13. And here I was thinking surely no man would attend 3 😁 Sounds like wild times, that's for sure.
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