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The Vaccine Thread

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18 hours ago, bcl05 said:

Doc here.  There is conflicting and unclear marginal evidence both ways regarding whether there is benefit or not to switch between moderna/pfizer.  If there is any benefit at all, it is very small.  I would strongly encourage getting whatever booster is available and not worrying about it.  


18 hours ago, Califan007 said:


Graphic Designer here. I concur...


17 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Lawyer here.  It depends. 




Edit:  I got my booster last weekend.  I was under the impression that Moderna was the way to go since my originals were Pfizer.  I signed up online for a place that had Moderna shots.  I got to the place and filled out a form for Moderna.  I sit down, dude sticks the needle in my arm, then says "here's your Pfizer booster."




17 hours ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

Dog lover here: wife got Moderna initially. Got a Pfizer booster. She’s alive. I did not receive the insurance money I am supposed to get when she passes. Must hang on for another day…..just joking.


I Love My Wife!!! Couldn’t be happier with her. 


Network architect here. I almost exclusively recommend point to point EBGP routing with IPv6 and 4 byte ASNs for large scale datacenter fabric underlays instead of OSPF or IBGP peering with loopback interfaces. ECMP with BGP makes loopback peering redundant and OSPF is just stupid and doesn't scale.




Oh, and I got the Pfizer booster.

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13 hours ago, zskins said:


Try this: MIL you protected your kid(s) after they were born. I am going to be a father and I am going to protect my kid with same intensity. Just like you didn't want anyone to hurt your kid(s) I want to do the same thing. I don't want someone exposing my son with covid who doesn't believe in vaccination and god forbid take him away from me. I would die myself and never forgive myself. It will turn my world upside down. I can't do that. I truly am really sorry. You are more than welcome to see him via Zoom after he is born. 


See what she says to that. 


I dig this.  Lol I'm gonna practice this before I go over there Tuesday night.


12 hours ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


Congrats on the baby!


Sometimes you gotta take the hard approach, it's y'alls child, not hers.  She doesn't like it, prove she got vaxxed or get vaxxed and prove it.   Me and my wife aren't the type to sugar coat stuff, I'd just lay out the ultimatium and deal with whatever comes.  When it comes to the safety of your child, that should take precedence over hurting someone's feelings, regardless if it's a friend, MIL, parent, etc.


It will also take away a lot of the worry you will have everytime she comes around y'all and the baby and not knowing 100% if she was vaxxed or not.  If I were in your shoes, I'd tell her to show her vaccine card to see the baby, or otherwise, she's seeing the baby via facetime. 


Hell, my wife, daughter and I are all vaxxed, wife has had her booster, my MIL, SIL, BIL all vaxxed with my SIL and BIL boostered up and we cancelled Thanksgiving with them because my SIL is back in college and my BIL teaches college and personally I wasn't taking the risk of my BIL/SIL getting breakthrough cases and spreading that **** to us while visiting.  


Good luck broski.




And this, too.  I'm going to lay out that I'm not trying to hurt her feelings but the baby is the most important thing.  If she doesn't understand that, well...that's not my problem.

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@Spaceman Spiff

If someone is not vaccinated at this point, they are likely to he a hardcore anti-COVID vaxxer (if not full on anti Vax).  They already have been surrounded by enough voices, news, and pressure to get the vax.  Unfortunately, I think it goes deeper than just."anti vax".  We have one friend that we love, she would do anything for other people, but she is convinced (and her family) even after all these months that COVID isn't killing people, going on vents and being isolated is killing people.  She is willing to give up her job over the vaccine.  It is extreme but she even said, "I would rather die of COVID than the vaccine."  


First of all, I will ask why you are having this conversation with her (but I realize your wife can't see her if you suspect she is not vaxed) -- as her daughter should be the one to talk this through with her (and maybe you explained it but I don't want to flip back a page).  I think you mentioned fiance is already pissed at her for potentially lying... 


My advice would be you need to be heavy on the "we want you in your grand daughter's life" and "we respect your way of thinking" combined with "we ask for the same respect back".  


Unfortunately, I know the type.  It even seems like having close friends in ICU or even being in ICU themselves can't convince them to vax up.  People get very defensive and defiant.  I do not envy that discussion... 

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2 hours ago, Fergasun said:

@Spaceman Spiff

If someone is not vaccinated at this point, they are likely to he a hardcore anti-COVID vaxxer (if not full on anti Vax).  They already have been surrounded by enough voices, news, and pressure to get the vax.  Unfortunately, I think it goes deeper than just."anti vax".  We have one friend that we love, she would do anything for other people, but she is convinced (and her family) even after all these months that COVID isn't killing people, going on vents and being isolated is killing people.  She is willing to give up her job over the vaccine.  It is extreme but she even said, "I would rather die of COVID than the vaccine."  


First of all, I will ask why you are having this conversation with her (but I realize your wife can't see her if you suspect she is not vaxed) -- as her daughter should be the one to talk this through with her (and maybe you explained it but I don't want to flip back a page).  I think you mentioned fiance is already pissed at her for potentially lying... 


My advice would be you need to be heavy on the "we want you in your grand daughter's life" and "we respect your way of thinking" combined with "we ask for the same respect back".  


Unfortunately, I know the type.  It even seems like having close friends in ICU or even being in ICU themselves can't convince them to vax up.  People get very defensive and defiant.  I do not envy that discussion... 


I agree, I think she's a hardcore anti-vaxxer.  I dunno, though, if she's been surrounded by enough voices, news, and pressure to get it.  I mean, she watches Newsmax and I'm not too familiar with the church that she goes to, but knowing her political and religious views, I'm assuming she's not surrounding herself with progressive, forward thinking liberals.  I can't relate to the mindset of the hardcore anti-vaxxers..I'm sorry to hear that your friend is on this extreme, too.  


In regards to why I'm having this conversation...my fiance and I are a good yin-yang for each other.  I'm a little too laid back, maybe too laid back for my own good.  She's a little high strung, some anxiety and ADD.  Her mom, unsurprisingly, just gets on her nerves...they're pretty much opposites.  Fiance is always dealing from a place of logic and doesn't make many emotional decisions.  Her mom is all about the emotional decisions and doesn't deal well in logic.  Anyway, fiance's method of dealing with her mother is to lecture and not really listen, just wait to talk...which I pointed out to her the other day and annoyed her.  In short, my fiance has tried several times already. 


My style is to remain calm and ask a bunch of questions, hopefully leading someone to come to a new conclusion and not lecture.  No one, especially an adult, likes to be lectured to.  My fiance, as much as I love her, doesn't know how to really do that when it comes to dealing with her mother.


I'm also having this conversation with her to let her know that the her daughter and I are united on this front and won't bend, either.  Like I said earlier, I'm not a fan of ultimatums but I think this is a case where an exception is to be made.  

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20 hours ago, mistertim said:





Network architect here. I almost exclusively recommend point to point EBGP routing with IPv6 and 4 byte ASNs for large scale datacenter fabric underlays instead of OSPF or IBGP peering with loopback interfaces. ECMP with BGP makes loopback peering redundant and OSPF is just stupid and doesn't scale.




Oh, and I got the Pfizer booster.


BGP multipath does not apply to paths that share the same MED-plus-IGP cost, yet differ in IGP cost. Multipath path selection is based on the IGP cost metric, even if two paths have the same MED-plus-IGP cost.


IT guy here, who sets up corporate networks so mistertim can check the box to enable BGP. 


I need to schedule my Moderna booster soon. 

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9 minutes ago, zskins said:


BGP multipath does not apply to paths that share the same MED-plus-IGP cost, yet differ in IGP cost. Multipath path selection is based on the IGP cost metric, even if two paths have the same MED-plus-IGP cost.


IT guy here, who sets up corporate networks so mistertim can check the box to enable BGP. 


I need to schedule my Moderna booster soon. 


True, but in large scale production datacenter networks there is no IGP. It's pure BGP. If it were a corporate or backbone production network you'd have an IGP as well and you'd definitely be right.

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On 11/18/2021 at 9:38 AM, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

My friends wife, early 30's with no pre-existing conditions, fully vaccinated and boostered.  Woke up Monday feeling awful, got tested, came back positive for Covid yesterday.  Can barely stand up in the shower this morning.  Has been feeling terrible since Monday.


She's the first person that I personally know who has been vaccinated, boostered, contracted Covid and had anything beyond mild symptoms.  


Saw this late - My sisters father in law was fully vaccinated, got Covid on a Friday and was dead on Sunday. It's the closest Covid death to me personally. He was a very nice man. He always had a smile on his face and friendly hand extended. In fairness he was not in the greatest of health. Originally from Austria and almost 80, he was quite overweight, still ate massive amounts of red meat with few veggies and did not exercise. Now if I was right wing media, since I do not know anyone not vaccinated who has died then the vaccine must not work at all. ****ing idiots. 

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2 hours ago, Corcaigh said:


I mean...I'll totally give dude an A for creativity. Unfortunately he gets an F for common sense. Did he really think nobody would notice?


Medical professional giving vaccine: "Hey, this arm feels kind of...fake"


Dude: "Oh, I ate paint chips as a kid"


Medical professional giving vaccine: "......"


Dude: "I ate lots of them"


Medical professional giving vaccine: "Well, I think that would definitely explain quite a bit of your actual behavior, but not the rubber arm"

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I can't find an article anywhere, but I heard a segment on WTOP Friday about the post election polling for why Youngkin pulled out a victory here in VA. Turns out, a lot of swing voters were sad that people weren't feeling sorry enough for them and dealing with their children during the pandemic. I guess that remote schooling was too much for them...last I checked, we all had a hard time with the pandemic. Also, did these people do anything to relieve the burden on society by wearing a mask or get vaccinated? Well, I hope the right to kill yourselves was worth it.

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2 hours ago, mistertim said:


I mean...I'll totally give dude an A for creativity. Unfortunately he gets an F for common sense. Did he really think nobody would notice?


If your medical professional can’t tell you have a fake arm I would not have high degree of confidence that they are injecting the right thing.


But maybe an antivaxer would be OK with having bleach injected.

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7 hours ago, Simmsy said:

a lot of swing voters were sad that people weren't feeling sorry enough for them...

I think this point is forgotten too often by the Dems/Liberals/Left. The "center" or "swing" voters  are usually only willing to vote for what they believe are good things, but only as long as they're not really affected.

They became (mostly) OK with "Gay Marriage" when people starting being more willing to come out and they realized just how many people that they knew/were related to were actually affected by this. But now that the Trans* community is wanting rights, but they aren't quite as visible yet so these voters decide to be worried about who uses what bathroom.


They've become (mostly) OK with civil rights and minorities having better lives and more opportunities. After all, just ask how many of them "have a (insert group here) friend" or "once dated a (insert group here)," so they obviously personally know some of these people and don't want THEM discriminated against. But now that the culture at large is getting better as recognizing and being vocal about some of the hurdles these groups have had to overcome, these voters have decide to worry about how maybe THEIR KIDS shouldn't learn about all the bad things they're ancestors may have done (and, in fact, what some of their still living ancestors did to try to keep these groups oppressed) because it might make them ask uncomfortable questions about topics that they just don't want to have to deal with.


They were (mostly) OK with the idea that cops shouldn't just go around killing black people on a whim. But some of them know cops, or have family members who are cops, or have only had (or, choose to only remember having) positive experiences with cops, so these voters decide that trying to decrease police budgets or remove Qualified Immunity or increasing civilian oversight or really taking any measure at all to make the police more accountable and less dangerous is just not really necessary. Removing a few "bad apples," some extra training, and a few staged photo ops are enough to make them forget about actual reform because to them it's just not a concern (except on the rare occasion

they get pulled over for speeding or running a stop sign or getting busted by a red light cam).


And don't forget about how they might be OK with increasing taxes on billionaires, until somebody points out that if 1,000,000,000,000 things broke their way perfectly, they might too become billionaires one day and boy would they hate to have to pay a cent more.


So yeah, swing voters are fickle assholes, but if you want to win, you need to cater to them or they will run the other way in a heartbeat and leave you out in the cold.

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On Fox News, Ben Carson says there should be less emphasis on vaccines and more on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin


Well, you know, it's unfortunate when medicine begins to mix itself with political ideology. Things become very illogical at that point. One of the things that we should be talking about are other things that can be effective. We should be looking at other vaccines. We shouldn't be satisfied with what we have now. We should be looking at therapeutics. We should be emphasizing those. We should look at areas of the world where COVID is not prevalent, like on the western coast of Africa, and say why is it not prevalent there?


Well, for one thing, they take antimalarials like hydroxychloroquine. We should be finding out why is that going on. Is that just a coincidence? Ivermectin, some of the other things that have been extremely effective. Let's not have tunnel vision and say just everybody get the vaccine and stomp our feet say we'll do everything we can to make sure everybody gets the jab.  We are smart people.


Click on the link for more


We are Ben, but apparently you're not.

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On 12/2/2021 at 3:49 PM, Sticksboi05 said:

It is about ****ing time rapid tests are reimbursed. Biden administration should have forced this the moment them took office. Rapid tests should have been the No. 1 thing they prioritized on top of vaccinations. PCR will not slow transmission rates.


If you don't know what's in it, at this point you're a ****ng idiot. And I hope people tell their friends that.

Have they finally found a reliable rapid test? Last I heard the false Negative/Positives made them pretty useless. 


On 12/2/2021 at 8:33 PM, Fan since a Fetus said:

I agree, my question was always “how man shots have you had?” I remember them coming home with pus filled skin and not remembering half of what they got. It doesn’t add up to me

im only a navy spouse and they tried to give me FIVE shots in a single visit one time prior to overseas orders. I got them to agree to doing it over 2 visits. 


On 12/3/2021 at 11:19 AM, PleaseBlitz said:

Lawyer here.  It depends. 




Edit:  I got my booster last weekend.  I was under the impression that Moderna was the way to go since my originals were Pfizer.  I signed up online for a place that had Moderna shots.  I got to the place and filled out a form for Moderna.  I sit down, dude sticks the needle in my arm, then says "here's your Pfizer booster."



did you tell him you were a lawyer? Because what he did is a HUGE no no in medical treatment. 

On 12/3/2021 at 3:19 PM, Spaceman Spiff said:


So, anyway, it's been put in my capable hands of saying to my future MIL "Hey, Mrs. Spiff is working late Tuesday night and so I'm bringing over dinner and let's hang, we haven't done that in awhile," and try to broach the subject with her.

I question this approach. Her mom, her talk. To each their own, but I feel her mom is her domain and will be received much better. 



On 12/3/2021 at 3:19 PM, Spaceman Spiff said:


So...sorry for rambling, but that's what I'm dealing with.  Let me know if any of you have anything that's worked on changing the mind of a conservative Christian zealot who doesn't want to get vaxxed.  


is the concern that she is vaccinated or covid negative? I would think the latter? Would a Covid test not give you piece of mind? Being fully vaccinated, we still got tested before a family gathering with grandparents and newborns. Even if vaccinated, and especially if not following other recommendations - likely a false sense of security. 


On 12/3/2021 at 3:47 PM, PleaseBlitz said:



Second, if you need baby ****, we are constantly getting rid of **** (especially if it's a boy).



That took an embarrassingly long time to figure out what words replaced the *****s

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@Spaceman Spiff 

Congrats! Others have already suggested introducing the hard line according to Terrence Trent D’Arby (yeah, I’m on the older side😃) as I would so I’ll just add this. You’re not giving her an ultimatum at all. It’s a simple statement of facts from which an if/then statement follows, if parents only allow their baby to be around people that are vaxed, then people that aren’t vaxed can’t be around their baby. She can then make up her own mind about what she wants to do. It’s only an ultimatum if you tell her to do something with a threat that you all will do or not do something. It’s splitting hairs but that’s her problem not yours. Tя☭mpers, other anti vaxers, hell, much of this country defines freedom as being able to do whatever they want without any repercussions. That’s not how life works.


FWIW, you all might want to consider moving further away from her. COVID is bad enough but you don’t want her infecting your kid with Tя☭mpism.

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17 hours ago, thegreaterbuzzette said:

Have they finally found a reliable rapid test? Last I heard the false Negative/Positives made them pretty useless. 


The most common rapid test, Abbot Labs' BINAXNow is 97% accurate in detecting you when you're contagious. There has been poor reporting and communication, even from people in the health industry, about PCR vs. rapid testing. PCR is medical sensitivity and answers "have I been recently infected?" Rapid tests are public health sensitivity and answer "am I at a contagious phase of infection at this moment right now?" Sampling biases have resulted in bad studies suggesting rapid tests aren't reliable because they test asymptomatics after they have passed the contagious phase of infection most commonly. The 8 tests that have been FDA authorized are all over 94%.


PCR isn't more accurate, it's simply trying to answer a different question - the issue is when you use PCR to determine quarantines, you end up with people missing school and work for no reason because it can stay positive for weeks after you're no longer contagious or ill. The 24-72 hour period of waiting for a result also drastically reduces its effectiveness in stopping transmission - PCR is a moment in time, taking one a couple of days before traveling is not that safe in an era with Omicron and Delta. You can go from minimal viral load to superspreader in 24 hours with SARS COV 2.


The U.S. should have prioritized buying so many rapid tests that people could take them whenever they want before seeing relatives, friends, entering major venues etc. It would keep us safest but they went the other route with lab testing and here we are.



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