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Fan since a Fetus

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About Fan since a Fetus

  • Birthday 05/12/1969

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  • Birthdate
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    since a fetus
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Art Monk
  • Not a Washington Football Team Fan? Tell us YOUR team:
    Washington Commanders
  • Location
    In the depths of my own mind
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  • Interests
    Anything music oriented
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  1. After Vance had sex with his couch it birthed this: nevermind, it was a gif of Frank reynolds coming out of a couch . Can get it to embed.
  2. Liz Truss former UK Prime Minister for ……. 50 days. Better than I have done, but she’s a loser in the grand scheme of things. I mean, she was compared to a head of lettuce. Iceberg at that, not even something semi-fancy like Romaine.
  3. Going through her Twitter, she’s a Trumper. Something else I noticed is that her wardrobe is very limited. She is always wearing the same thing. So, I’ll just say she is unimaginative and lacks fun. I hope she washes her dress every night and polishes those things around her neck regularly. If not, she probably smells. also, I’m sure republicans think everytime they say DEI, they are saying the person has low IQ. It kind of goes hand in hand for these racists.
  4. Saw this at the grocery store, thought about getting some but then thought, “do you want the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man because this is how you get the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
  5. This just proves that I have a superior memory. Some might even say Super Duper Memory.
  6. Trump didn’t say bleach, I’m pretty sure he said disinfectant. I could be wrong though. Either way he’s a moron.
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