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The Vaccine Thread

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8 hours ago, Sticksboi05 said:

People are going to start hearing about the Nu variant soon and the usual media outlets are already starting their desperate fear hyping for clicks routine. Below are the important reminders - until we have actually done pseudo and more importantly, LIVE virus studies nobody knows how this will impact the antibody and cellular immunity produced by the vaccines and infections of different strains.


This is not a Delta sublineage.




Is this the variant that caused Biden to issue a new travel ban?  Because nothing says don’t panic like travel bans.





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President Biden statement below.


This morning I was briefed by my chief medical advisor, Dr. Tony Fauci, and the members of our COVID response team, about the Omicron variant, which is spreading through Southern Africa. As a precautionary measure until we have more information, I am ordering additional air travel restrictions from South Africa and seven other countries. These new restrictions will take effect on November 29. As we move forward, we will continue to be guided by what the science and my medical team advises. 
For now, I have two important messages for the American people, and one for the world community.
First, for those Americans who are fully vaccinated against severe COVID illness – fortunately, for the vast majority of our adults — the best way to strengthen your protection is to get a booster shot, as soon as you are eligible.  Boosters are approved for all adults over 18, six months past their vaccination and are available at 80,000 locations coast-to-coast.  They are safe, free, and convenient.  Get your booster shot now, so you can have this additional protection during the holiday season.
Second, for those not yet fully vaccinated: get vaccinated today.  This includes both children and adults.  America is leading the world in vaccinating children ages 5-11, and has been vaccinating teens for many months now – but we need more Americans in all age groups to get this life-saving protection. If you have not gotten vaccinated, or have not taken your children to get vaccinated, now is the time.
Finally, for the world community: the news about this new variant should make clearer than ever why this pandemic will not end until we have global vaccinations. The United States has already donated more vaccines to other countries than every other country combined. It is time for other countries to match America’s speed and generosity.   

In addition, I call on the nations gathering next week for the World Trade Organization ministerial meeting to meet the U.S. challenge to waive intellectual property protections for COVID vaccines, so these vaccines can be manufactured globally.  I endorsed this position in April; this news today reiterates the importance of moving on this quickly.

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As a counterpoint to the non-panicky White House statement.  Here's a scary thread via the anonymous Yves Smith from Naked Capitalism blog.  





Consider yourself fully unvaccinated from now on and go back to March 2020 precautions.


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1 hour ago, Fergasun said:


President Biden statement below.


This morning I was briefed by my chief medical advisor, Dr. Tony Fauci, and the members of our COVID response team, about the Omicron variant, which is spreading through Southern Africa. As a precautionary measure until we have more information, I am ordering additional air travel restrictions from South Africa and seven other countries. These new restrictions will take effect on November 29. As we move forward, we will continue to be guided by what the science and my medical team advises. 
For now, I have two important messages for the American people, and one for the world community.
First, for those Americans who are fully vaccinated against severe COVID illness – fortunately, for the vast majority of our adults — the best way to strengthen your protection is to get a booster shot, as soon as you are eligible.  Boosters are approved for all adults over 18, six months past their vaccination and are available at 80,000 locations coast-to-coast.  They are safe, free, and convenient.  Get your booster shot now, so you can have this additional protection during the holiday season.
Second, for those not yet fully vaccinated: get vaccinated today.  This includes both children and adults.  America is leading the world in vaccinating children ages 5-11, and has been vaccinating teens for many months now – but we need more Americans in all age groups to get this life-saving protection. If you have not gotten vaccinated, or have not taken your children to get vaccinated, now is the time.
Finally, for the world community: the news about this new variant should make clearer than ever why this pandemic will not end until we have global vaccinations. The United States has already donated more vaccines to other countries than every other country combined. It is time for other countries to match America’s speed and generosity.   

In addition, I call on the nations gathering next week for the World Trade Organization ministerial meeting to meet the U.S. challenge to waive intellectual property protections for COVID vaccines, so these vaccines can be manufactured globally.  I endorsed this position in April; this news today reiterates the importance of moving on this quickly.

He didn’t explain why this variant needs a travel ban when others haven’t.  Something like that seems more likely to induce panic.


I honestly have no clue if there should be panic or not.  I haven’t heard **** about this one.  But sounds like some mixed messaging.

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I just wish every human on this Earth would just shut up and get the vaccine. Covid is not going to go away until this happens. More and more variants will keep on coming out and different vaccines/boosters will be required. We will have to get the jab on a regular basis because we have some dum dum on this planet. We will have to wear a mask for rest of our lives...ughhhhhhhh! 


South Africa has currently fully vaccinated less than 36% of its adult population and its rate of new vaccinations had fallen in recent days, according to the country's health department.
South African officials also initially said there was one confirmed case in a traveler from South Africa to Hong Kong. Friday, Hong Kong health authorities identified a second case of the variant among returning travelers on the same floor of a designated quarantine hotel. Health authorities ordered at least 12 people in nearby rooms to undergo mandatory Covid-19 testing and two weeks of quarantine in a government center.
Also on Friday, the Belgian government said an individual who had recently traveled from Egypt and was unvaccinated, tested positive for the variant, marking the first case in Europe.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said Friday, given the variant's "immune escape potential and potentially increased transmissibility advantage compared to Delta," there is a "high to very high" risk it will spread in Europe.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told CNN Friday "there's no indication" the variant is in the US right now, saying "it seems to have been restricted," but anything is possible.



Edited by zskins
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Scientists race to find a 'universal vaccine' effective against all COVID-19 variants

Is the coronavirus mutating? Yes. But here’s why you don’t need to panic

"Take a deep breath,’ experts say, and expect mutations"


Instead of talking about these labs most medias and stock market prefer to raise the fear

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47 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Remember when I said that the whole idea behind the GOP anti-mask/anti-vax deal was to get the death toll from Covid higher under Biden than under Trump and then, as soon as that happened, it would become a political talking point?


Give me my flowers.






As long as they're killing themselves to do it, I'm fine with that.

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1 hour ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Give me my flowers.


You expecting some kind of a prize for predicting that the Republicans would intentionally work, conspire even, to make the country worse, and then claim Biden did it?  


Yesterday I predicted that the sun would come up.  


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How Puerto Rico became the most vaccinated place in America


Florida shares deep connections with Puerto Rico as home to the territory’s largest diaspora community on the US mainland. But when it comes to Covid-19, the two places have little in common.


While Florida, like many states in the South, has seen high infection rates and troubling death counts, Puerto Rico has been something of a coronavirus success story. As of November 22, Puerto Rico had fully vaccinated 74 percent of its population — a higher proportion than any other US state or territory — and had among the lowest Covid-19 death rates since the start of the pandemic, with 102 in 100,000 people dying from the virus.


By comparison, Florida’s vaccination rate is far more typical for the US; it has administered two shots to 60.9 percent of its population, slightly above the national average of 59.2 percent. That’s after Florida led the country in total caseloads for months, and after significant loss of life: Florida residents have died of the virus at nearly triple the rate of Puerto Rico residents.


Click on the link for the full article

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11 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Remember when I said that the whole idea behind the GOP anti-mask/anti-vax deal was to get the death toll from Covid higher under Biden than under Trump and then, as soon as that happened, it would become a political talking point?


Give me my flowers.






In fairness, Trump was pro vaccine, operation warp speed, etc.  He got the vaccine and encouraged others to get it, when out of office.  Anti-mask, absolutely, which I believe has made everything continue to linger.  Of course it's a political talking point, on both sides, don't act like the left isn't guilty of that either.  How we forget that when Trump wanted to pass another covid relief bill it was that crusty **** Pelosi that said they will not pass the bill to help out Americans and was not willing to work with the republicans. 






Not saying republicans are innocent, but both sides made this political.  But don't make it out that republicans are the only enemy during the pandemic, both sides suck.



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24 minutes ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


In fairness, Trump was pro vaccine, operation warp speed, etc.  He got the vaccine and encouraged others to get it, when out of office.  Anti-mask, absolutely, which I believe has made everything continue to linger.  Of course it's a political talking point, on both sides, don't act like the left isn't guilty of that either.  How we forget that when Trump wanted to pass another covid relief bill it was that crusty **** Pelosi that said they will not pass the bill to help out Americans and was not willing to work with the republicans. 






Not saying republicans are innocent, but both sides made this political.  But don't make it out that republicans are the only enemy during the pandemic, both sides suck.



This post is hot trash.

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@Dont Taze Me Bro

She blocked a $500B COVID bill and ended up with a $900B COVID bill. 


How is that "both siderism"?  


She was correct that we wouldn't have gotten a $400B bill later and $500B was not enough. 


Trump downplayed COVID, even when he knew it was bad and happy talked about it, costing him the election (perhaps).  


Both sides play politics, yes.  

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1 hour ago, Dont Taze Me Bro said:


In fairness, Trump was pro vaccine, operation warp speed, etc.  He got the vaccine and encouraged others to get it, when out of office.  Anti-mask, absolutely, which I believe has made everything continue to linger.  Of course it's a political talking point, on both sides, don't act like the left isn't guilty of that either.  How we forget that when Trump wanted to pass another covid relief bill it was that crusty **** Pelosi that said they will not pass the bill to help out Americans and was not willing to work with the republicans. 






Not saying republicans are innocent, but both sides made this political.  But don't make it out that republicans are the only enemy during the pandemic, both sides suck.




Trump ****ed up the covid response simply from the perspective of how he talked about it.  How it was going to just "disappear" and his idiot ****ing followers believed it.  He spoke so recklessly and irresponsibly about it, it was ****ing dumb.  You couldn't have picked a worse president from history to deal with something like that...it exposed him for who he was, which is someone who is full of ****, doesn't know what he's talking about and wanted to lie about everything so he could still look good.  It's been chronicled that he wanted to downplay how serious it was in order to keep the stock market (which people think is the economy) up and going.  He knew that if he could keep that going, he might be able to ride to re-election.  


He downplayed the risk, saying it was under control in January of 2020.  Said we're on top of it 24/7.  Said it was under control all throughout February, 2020.  "It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear."  What the ****, seriously?  People who are not smart and not educated followed that guy and took his word for gospel, and that's what he had to say?  


Then he ****ing politicized it.  If we're going to play the Han/Greedo who shot first on the "making covid a political issue" debate, he certainly did it first when he said "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus… One of my people came up to me and said “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia, that didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in… And this is their new hoax.”"  And even today, you're still getting his dip**** dumbass followers calling it a hoax.  Maybe, just maybe, if he took it as seriously as he took his golf game or staring at his daughters ass, we might have a different outcome today.  


Then he compared it to the common flu, which Fauci already said a bad comp and other scientists had, too.  Then he incorrectly claimed that the FDA approved hyrdoxychloroquine.  Then he insisted on calling it the China Virus, setting off an untold amount of racially motivated crimes against Asian-Americans in this country.  


I could go on and on, but I won't.  Trump failed miserably.  I don't know what that ****ing dolt Nancy Pelosi did other than point out how bad he ****ed up and got called out for being at a hair salon without a mask on.  I hate the liberals, too.  But there's no doubt in my mind as to who the ****ing idiot was who doused gasoline all over an open flame in early 2020 that set this country down a path that will take forever to recover from.  Not only did he pour gasoline all over the entire thing but his followers gladly fanned the flames and are still doing it, just to "oWn teh LiBrULZZZ"


If you're bringing up how Pelosi blocked a bill or something, whatever.  It shouldn't have gotten that far to begin with.  Trump is a model case of "too little, too late."  

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12 hours ago, TryTheBeal! said:

This post is hot trash.


Your post is hot trash…

12 hours ago, Fergasun said:

@Dont Taze Me Bro

She blocked a $500B COVID bill and ended up with a $900B COVID bill. 


How is that "both siderism"?  


She was correct that we wouldn't have gotten a $400B bill later and $500B was not enough. 


Trump downplayed COVID, even when he knew it was bad and happy talked about it, costing him the election (perhaps).  


Both sides play politics, yes.  


She refused to pass any bill the Republicans put out cause it was during the election.  That **** made it political even though Americans needed relief.  


Edited by Dont Taze Me Bro
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15 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Trump ****ed up the covid response simply from the perspective of how he talked about it.  How it was going to just "disappear" and his idiot ****ing followers believed it.  He spoke so recklessly and irresponsibly about it, it was ****ing dumb.  You couldn't have picked a worse president from history to deal with something like that...it exposed him for who he was, which is someone who is full of ****, doesn't know what he's talking about and wanted to lie about everything so he could still look good.  It's been chronicled that he wanted to downplay how serious it was in order to keep the stock market (which people think is the economy) up and going.  He knew that if he could keep that going, he might be able to ride to re-election.  


He downplayed the risk, saying it was under control in January of 2020.  Said we're on top of it 24/7.  Said it was under control all throughout February, 2020.  "It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear."  What the ****, seriously?  People who are not smart and not educated followed that guy and took his word for gospel, and that's what he had to say?  


Then he ****ing politicized it.  If we're going to play the Han/Greedo who shot first on the "making covid a political issue" debate, he certainly did it first when he said "The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus… One of my people came up to me and said “Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia, that didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in… And this is their new hoax.”"  And even today, you're still getting his dip**** dumbass followers calling it a hoax.  Maybe, just maybe, if he took it as seriously as he took his golf game or staring at his daughters ass, we might have a different outcome today.  


Then he compared it to the common flu, which Fauci already said a bad comp and other scientists had, too.  Then he incorrectly claimed that the FDA approved hyrdoxychloroquine.  Then he insisted on calling it the China Virus, setting off an untold amount of racially motivated crimes against Asian-Americans in this country.  


I could go on and on, but I won't.  Trump failed miserably.  I don't know what that ****ing dolt Nancy Pelosi did other than point out how bad he ****ed up and got called out for being at a hair salon without a mask on.  I hate the liberals, too.  But there's no doubt in my mind as to who the ****ing idiot was who doused gasoline all over an open flame in early 2020 that set this country down a path that will take forever to recover from.  Not only did he pour gasoline all over the entire thing but his followers gladly fanned the flames and are still doing it, just to "oWn teh LiBrULZZZ"


If you're bringing up how Pelosi blocked a bill or something, whatever.  It shouldn't have gotten that far to begin with.  Trump is a model case of "too little, too late."  


I never said that Trump failed on Covid response or downplayed wearing masks.  Speaking only on the vaccine part of it.  And don't act like both parties didn't make it political.  Both did and both failed us and the current administration is still failing us.  

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The whole thing was that if Trump even shows the slightest bit of competence…think W on 9/11…he wins re-election by a land slide.  We’re talking Reagan v Mondale numbers.  Total blowout.


Instead, he misses by a mile, goes golfing, and then spend the last year of his presidency just starting fires everywhere and leaning in hard to Twitter conspiracy doofus.


Absolute three stooges ****.  If I were stupid enough to hire Donald Trump, or any Trump, to run a Mazda dealership, that store would be under new ownership within 2 years.

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