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The Prediction Thread - Week 9: Washington Football Team vs. NY Giants. ***OP Updated with Results

London Kev

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It was just a few short weeks ago at MetLife Stadium that Ron Rivera caused a minor split in the ES fanbase. He went for the win with a two-pointer at the end of the game, rather than attempting an extra point and probably taking it to overtime. Unfortunately, Allen’s pass to McLaurin was incomplete, we couldn’t recovery the onside kick, and the game was lost.

We haven’t had to wait that long for a chance at revenge, as this week sees the return of the NY Giants to FedEx. The players should be well rested after a bye week and Ron is looking a lot stronger after finishing his seven weeks of chemotherapy.

Going by the scoring stats it could be a very tight game. The Matchup Predictor has us as a big favourite, but the spread is less than a field goal. When it comes to divisional games the stats are often meaningless and I think that we’re going to smash them.

I understand that you’ve had some kind of vote or something over there this week to distract you all, but it’s time to put all of that nonsense to one side and really get serious. It’s prediction time, ****es.

The Tale of the Tape.




The Predictions:
This week there were 42 crystal-ballers battling it out, with 32 Kool-Aid drinkers predicting a Washington win and 10 milk drinkers opting for New York. Once again there were no middle-of-the-roaders going for the tie.

@Dan T.’s trophy cabinet continues to grow with yet another Homer-of-the-Week Award with his customary 71-point Washington win,

while @Leonard Washington wins his first Doomsayer-of-the-Week Award by predicted a 20-point loss.

The average of all predicted scores had Washington winning by just under eight points: New York 17.7 – Washington 25.6.

@tmandoug1 tried to boost his odds of winning by making two different predictions, I thought it only fair to just enter the second one.
There were also 2 posters who predicted a Washington win but without giving a score, so these got entered as 0-1.

The Results:
Final score New York 23 – Washington 20.

This week there were 2 posters who got New York’s score right and 3 who correctly predicted Washington’s score.

While nobody made the perfect prediction, @Brixtion_skin just missed out with 1-point difference.
An honourable mention also goes out to @owa who was a confusing 3.01-points away.

The Table:




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They are gonna get worked by Daniel Jones again....we beat Andy Dalton/Ben Dinucci not anyone good. I love beating the Cowboys but let’s pump the breaks this team is so broke I saw it kicking a garbage can down the road and when I asked it what it was doing it said moving! 


Giants: 28

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The saying about being as good as your last game may be setting Team fans up for a letdown.  After losing five straight, the Team dominated an atrocious Cowboys team while the Giants loss a very close game on a bad call to a Super Bowl contending team.  So both teams should be feeling pretty good coming into the game.  I just hope the game is played at a high level by both teams in defiance to their poor records.


Team:  20

Giants:  17

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