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Huffpo: Explosive UFO Report In NYT Mentions 'Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth'


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8 hours ago, mistertim said:


Is there really any classification that's above POTUS though? I know I've heard in the past that there may be, but from what I've read it seems that while there may be "need to know" material that POTUS isn't informed about, there isn't anything that if POTUS asks about they can say "Sorry sir, you don't have the required classification permissions."

Yeah but they can just not tell him things

and he wouldn’t be smart enough to figure it out


he was more concerned with parades that had tanks


what leaked about how his morning briefings went... it’s not like he was sitting around asking prodding questions and exercising critical thinking


he mostly ranted, didn’t listen to anyone, and left when he was tired of talking

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3 minutes ago, tshile said:

Yeah but they can just not tell him things

and he wouldn’t be smart enough to figure it out


he was more concerned with parades that had tanks


what leaked about how his morning briefings went... it’s not like he was sitting around asking prodding questions and exercising critical thinking


he mostly ranted, didn’t listen to anyone, and left when he was tired of talking

How would anyone know?  If something was so top secret only a handful of people knew about it, and they agreed to shut up about it, how would a president, or anyone, know otherwise?  I doubt there a file system somewhere with all the top secret stuff in it arranged in alphabetical order just in case the president wants to double check.  

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Here's the problem, it is impossible to even have a discussion about it without it turning into "It's aliens, they anal probed me, I liked it" horse**** that just makes everyone slink away in embarrassment.


It's not vampires

It's not werewolves

It's not ghosts

It's not aliens

It's not a brazilian other cartoonish "Oh gee I sure wish it were though" ideas that people with too little education and too much time on their hands keep pushing.


We have never seriously tried to figure out what the hell is actually going on because no one wants to torch their career by being associated with the X-File wannabes.

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24 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Here's the problem, it is impossible to even have a discussion about it without it turning into "It's aliens, they anal probed me, I liked it" horse**** that just makes everyone slink away in embarrassment.


It's not vampires

It's not werewolves

It's not ghosts

It's not aliens

It's not a brazilian other cartoonish "Oh gee I sure wish it were though" ideas that people with too little education and too much time on their hands keep pushing.


We have never seriously tried to figure out what the hell is actually going on because no one wants to torch their career by being associated with the X-File wannabes.

Ok so we’ve ruled out vampires, werewolves, ghosts, aliens, and Brazilians.  lol

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4 minutes ago, mistertim said:


Damn. And I was convinced that there was a Brazilian vampire epidemic causing all of our problems.

For the last time, it’s not the damn Brazilians!  People are going to think you’re crazy!

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2 hours ago, tshile said:

Yeah but they can just not tell him things

and he wouldn’t be smart enough to figure it out


he was more concerned with parades that had tanks


what leaked about how his morning briefings went... it’s not like he was sitting around asking prodding questions and exercising critical thinking


he mostly ranted, didn’t listen to anyone, and left when he was tired of talking


Maybe Trump already knows about the aliens since he is one himself. 

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18 minutes ago, abdcskins said:

Put me in the camp that doesn't believe in aliens or UFOs.  I don't even think there is any other life out there in the universe.  🤷‍♂️

I wouldn't go that far.  I think it's probable there is or was other life in the universe; it's a pretty big place.  But for that life to be intelligent enough and strong enough engineers to travel the stars (without killing themselves in their nuclear age) and to find us and to decide to play hide-and-seek... that's too much for me.

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15 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

I wouldn't go that far.  I think it's probable there is or was other life in the universe; it's a pretty big place.  But for that life to be intelligent enough and strong enough engineers to travel the stars (without killing themselves in their nuclear age) and to find us and to decide to play hide-and-seek... that's too much for me.


Yeah I pretty much agree with that.  I suppose there could be some amoeba-like life on some planet many billion light years away.  As far as I know the universe never ends, right?  My skepticism comes from the fact that we haven't found anything yet nor has there been any indication there is.  My gut says there is nothing out there.  So....whatever, I could definitely be wrong.

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5 hours ago, PokerPacker said:

I wouldn't go that far.  I think it's probable there is or was other life in the universe; it's a pretty big place.  But for that life to be intelligent enough and strong enough engineers to travel the stars (without killing themselves in their nuclear age) and to find us and to decide to play hide-and-seek... that's too much for me.


If god plays hide and seek why can’t the aliens? 😡

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8 hours ago, PokerPacker said:

I wouldn't go that far.  I think it's probable there is or was other life in the universe; it's a pretty big place.  But for that life to be intelligent enough and strong enough engineers to travel the stars (without killing themselves in their nuclear age) and to find us and to decide to play hide-and-seek... that's too much for me.


Given the almost unfathomable numbers of stars there are in the observable universe, it's pretty much impossible that intelligent life hasn't arisen elsewhere. But then the questions are "How many?" which is where the Drake equation comes in, and "Why haven't we seen them yet?" which is where the Fermi paradox comes in.

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1 minute ago, mistertim said:


Given the almost unfathomable numbers of stars there are in the observable universe, it's pretty much impossible that intelligent life hasn't arisen elsewhere.


"Elsewhere" implicitly asserts that intelligent life has been observed in at least one location...I challenge this assertion.

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We can barely see out there.

We think we can, but given the vastness, the chance we haven't found or won't even find a sign for a long time is entirely possible. 
Our technology is in it's infancy still.


But something is in those videos. Something has Navy pilots seeing them so often..   the guy on the 60 minutes report said he saw objects and similar phenomenon every day for years while flying off the Atlantic coast.


Who knows what the hell it is?



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10 hours ago, Jabbyrwock said:


"Elsewhere" implicitly asserts that intelligent life has been observed in at least one location...I challenge this assertion.


What I said doesn't assert any such thing, implicitly or explicitly. It was about probability, not direct observations. I even noted the Drake equation (which is explicitly about probability) and the Fermi paradox (which is explicitly about NOT having observed them).

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10 hours ago, abdcskins said:

Put me in the camp that doesn't believe in aliens or UFOs.  I don't even think there is any other life out there in the universe.  🤷‍♂️


Pardon this semantics argument... but UFOs are an undeniable fact. Pilots and others have observed things in the air that cannot be identified so, by definition, Unidentified Flying Objects exist.  Many are eventually explained by natural phenomena - "UFO" does not necessarily mean a flying saucer piloted by aliens.


Another acronym is gaining traction among the military and aviation - UAP - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, in part to get away from the stigma that has built up around "UFO" over the decades.


That said, like you, I am highly skeptical of "aliens" as the explanation for UFO/UAPs. 


I am open to the notion that life exists in some form elsewhere in the universe. But I'm not ready to make the leap that they've bothered to travel through unfathomable increments of time and space only to give Billy Bob an anal probe and then leave.

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That's what Billy Bob used to say.


I imagine that just because aliens are super technologically advanced doesn't mean they are immune from occasional idiocy.  Past generations would quickly determine that we aren't despite some pretty amazing tech.


Time is extremely relative in this case.  To a creature that lived millions of years, the trip wouldn't be too bad.  And think about possible motivations for making the journey.  I don't think it would be for "humanitarian" reasons.  They're getting something rare maybe or who knows, but it's probably a profit motive, in whatever way they might think of profit.  They might not want to make a show of being here but who's to say they necessarily care that much. 

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The other thing people sometimes forget is that we have had events throughout the history of earth (according to the best data scientists are going by) that nearly wiped all life on Earth.  I don't think there is enough known about the entirety of space & the universe to know if there have been other planets that at one time did have life but instead of the narrow miss Earth has experienced, maybe were obliterated by an asteroid or a black hole or something cataclysmic that could one day do the same to Earth. 


If we are to believe the big bang directly/indirectly led to the creation of Earth then I don't see why it is outside the realm of possibility that it also spit out the origins of life as we know it elsewhere too, but what has taken place in the billions of years since is hard to even start guessing about with our current capabilities.

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23 hours ago, justice98 said:


You're assuming that ETs even care about concealment.  Perhaps it's not incompetence or ham handedness, maybe they just don't give a crap.

Yeah I think I agree with this. Especially if an extraterrestrial civilization is able to travel close to light speed. I know very little about physics, but the way I understand it, the faster you travel, the less you age compared to the universe around you.


If that’s the case, our lives are like the lives of fruit flies compared to theirs. Why would they bother to care about what we think or contact us if next week (their time) not only will our lives be over, but hundreds/thousands of years will have passed and whole nations would have risen and collapsed. Time on our planet is very costly to them in terms of galactic time. Caring what individual humans think or stopping to communicate with us could be wasting thousands of years for them.

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Newly released radar footage shows UFOs swarming Navy ship, filmmaker claims


The filmmaker who leaked footage of UFOs harassing a warship off the coast of California in 2019 released new radar footage Thursday that purportedly shows the USS Omaha being swarmed by unidentified aerial phenomena.


Jeremy Corbell claims the video was filmed in the combat information center of the ship on July 15, 2019. Earlier this month, he introduced footage, taken aboard the USS Omaha, of a mysterious, spherical object flying over the ship before disappearing into the ocean.


“This is corroborative electro-optic data demonstrating a significant UFO event series in a warning area off San Diego,” Corbell tweeted Thursday.


The new unclassified clip shows sailors aboard the Omaha observing as many as nine UFOs swarming the ship at speeds approaching 160 mph.


“Holy s–t they’re going fast,” a sailor is heard saying, before adding, “Oh, it’s turning around.”


The Pentagon had previously confirmed that an 18-second video Corbell leaked of three UFOs hovering over the USS Russell in July 2019 is authentic.


Click on the link for the full story

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