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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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2 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

And, as a slight aside, THAT is what the committee SHOULD be investigating.  They should have subpoenaed the season ticket deposit policy from every single team, and every league, to determine if there were unfair practices at play, so they could address it with law.  Gutman said that also.  THAT would have been in keeping with their legislative mission.  However, they didn't do that.  Because they don't have a legislative mission.  They have a "win the next election" mission, and taking a hard stand against an unpopular guy who supports their opponents seems like good politics.

What would prevent them from doing both?

Couldn't they give the stuff to the FTC and still investigate further more?

Or maybe they're waiting for a FTC move before investigating further.


Best part with politicians, wherever they are, is that they are completly unaware of what their power really are. Their level of incompetence is quite astonishing sometimes.


2 hours ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

I'm starting to think there are 64 books in total...2 for each team. The owners colluded to keep player salaries lower.

That wouldn't surprise me either.


I'm wondering what the NFLPA is doing? Because if that's true, their getting robbed.


I have little doubts that those 2 set of books are existing. And the fact that friedman openly spoke about that stuff in emails make me wonder that this stuff is casual within the NFL and happens on a large scale. Otherwise it would probably never have made it in an email an not so many people would be aware of it. Really looks like guys are doing this on a daily basis routinely like their casual job.

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The posts breaking down in detail why certain aspects of this may not be technically illegal or that bad for Snyder or it’s politically motivated or whatever remind me of the people who used to feel the need to correct others who call Roman Polanski a pedophile. “He’s an ephebophile!” Who gives a ****. That’s not the point. Even for this specific accusation—read the emails. This was clearly happening, and Snyder would obviously know about it whether that can be proven or not. For our purposes we don’t care whether justice is being done for 31 other fanbases or whatever, always assume billionaires are screwing everybody it’s literally the only way to accumulate that wealth.

But we aren’t hoping for literal justice and nobody needs to prove guilt in a court of law. He just needs to be seen as a liability to 31 other scumbag billionaires, not become a convicted felon. The only question that matters is whether the other NFL owners cave to pressure to boot him or get pissed off enough themselves to just do it. There’s really no point in discussing the minute degrees of exactly just how bad Snyder is after 20+ years of this stuff piling up. We’re just waiting for the big enough smoking gun to convince the other billionaires to take care of business, not for him to literally go to jail or something, or for him to inspire legislation that would actually reign in billionaire greed—we know that’s not happening.

Feels like a lot of wasted energy to type paragraphs in this monster’s defense even if it’s with the goal of figuring out how likely it is that this is The Big One. I’d feel dirty even if I was technically correct. He’s done enough that none of this is even slightly unbelievable and it in fact tracks with all of his established patterns, so I would never understand the need to type sentences about congressional grandstanding or political motivation or something. It’s just a weird angle to take. There was a witness with emails who came forward of their own accord during an investigation into other matters. How does anything else about motivation matter.

Literally we’re just rooting for 75% of the NFL owners to become convinced that the opportunity cost has become too great and he needs to go. That’s it. Anything in service of that goal is all that matters, and keeping public opinion loud and constant about Snyder being a scumbag who hurts the perception of the NFL shield is part of that. It’s a slow rising tide that we are rooting for (while we pray for a smoking gun nuke to end it early) and nobody should care about the motivations of the people investigating this stuff. It’s not 12 Angry Men, nobody innocent is being hurt or disparaged. Let’s just root for the bad guy to get got by the other bad guys and keep the pressure on until someday that happens and we can all live peaceably with our fandom again without feeling dirty. 

Edit: it’s obvious I’m partially talking about your posts @Voice of Reasonand I don’t mean to insult you or be passive aggressive, no beef with you specifically here lol. I’m sure there are posters here that gain value from your posts examining the stuff I criticized above and on a purely rational information-gathering quest there’s merit for it. It fits your name to a degree although I don’t agree with all of it. It’s just not the angle I would take with this at all because the actual legal implications don’t matter whatsoever, only the perceptions of the other 31 owners which will continually be shaped by the media and public pressure over time. That’s all that matters to me, and I don’t think any of the things you worry about (congressional political motivation, witness reliability, etc.) ultimately matter at all because legally nothing is likely to come from this. It’s all media narrative, public perception, and getting info in front of the other NFL owners if they really didn’t know this was happening. And in that regard this is all very successful imo. Snyder was never getting taken down by a committee or a jury or an investigation. Only the survival instincts and perception of his wealthy peers in the NFL matter.  

Edited by Conn
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8 hours ago, Conn said:

There’s more than 600 pages and very little of it has been informative if we’re being honest, but it is for sure therapy for some. Why does it seem like you don’t want Snyder to go? The tone of your last few posts in here are odd.

Not that I want him to stay. Just don’t think that all of this hoopla around him and the teams problems mean anything. Leaks, a few bad stories, some people in congress making noise doesn’t change the fact that if he wants to stay as owner, nothing is going to change that.


If fans want him out, then put pressure on the press to communicate, and organize a protest at FedEx in numbers.

Be like the people wanting the name changed!

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2 hours ago, Conn said:

The posts breaking down in detail why certain aspects of this may not be technically illegal or that bad for Snyder or it’s politically motivated or whatever remind me of the people who used to feel the need to correct others who call Roman Polanski a pedophile. “He’s an ephebophile!” Who gives a ****. That’s not the point. Even for this specific accusation—read the emails. This was clearly happening, and Snyder would obviously know about it whether that can be proven or not. For our purposes we don’t care whether justice is being done for 31 other fanbases or whatever, always assume billionaires are screwing everybody it’s literally the only way to accumulate that wealth.

But we aren’t hoping for literal justice and nobody needs to prove guilt in a court of law. He just needs to be seen as a liability to 31 other scumbag billionaires, not become a convicted felon. The only question that matters is whether the other NFL owners cave to pressure to boot him or get pissed off enough themselves to just do it. There’s really no point in discussing the minute degrees of exactly just how bad Snyder is after 20+ years of this stuff piling up. We’re just waiting for the big enough smoking gun to convince the other billionaires to take care of business, not for him to literally go to jail or something, or for him to inspire legislation that would actually reign in billionaire greed—we know that’s not happening.

Feels like a lot of wasted energy to type paragraphs in this monster’s defense even if it’s with the goal of figuring out how likely it is that this is The Big One. I’d feel dirty even if I was technically correct. He’s done enough that none of this is even slightly unbelievable and it in fact tracks with all of his established patterns, so I would never understand the need to type sentences about congressional grandstanding or political motivation or something. It’s just a weird angle to take. There was a witness with emails who came forward of their own accord during an investigation into other matters. How does anything else about motivation matter.

Literally we’re just rooting for 75% of the NFL owners to become convinced that the opportunity cost has become too great and he needs to go. That’s it. Anything in service of that goal is all that matters, and keeping public opinion loud and constant about Snyder being a scumbag who hurts the perception of the NFL shield is part of that. It’s a slow rising tide that we are rooting for (while we pray for a smoking gun nuke to end it early) and nobody should care about the motivations of the people investigating this stuff. It’s not 12 Angry Men, nobody innocent is being hurt or disparaged. Let’s just root for the bad guy to get got by the other bad guys and keep the pressure on until someday that happens and we can all live peaceably with our fandom again without feeling dirty. 

Edit: it’s obvious I’m partially talking about your posts @Voice of Reasonand I don’t mean to insult you or be passive aggressive, no beef with you specifically here lol. I’m sure there are posters here that gain value from your posts examining the stuff I criticized above and on a purely rational information-gathering quest there’s merit for it. It fits your name to a degree although I don’t agree with all of it. It’s just not the angle I would take with this at all because the actual legal implications don’t matter whatsoever, only the perceptions of the other 31 owners which will continually be shaped by the media and public pressure over time. That’s all that matters to me, and I don’t think any of the things you worry about (congressional political motivation, witness reliability, etc.) ultimately matter at all because legally nothing is likely to come from this. It’s all media narrative, public perception, and getting info in front of the other NFL owners if they really didn’t know this was happening. And in that regard this is all very successful imo. Snyder was never getting taken down by a committee or a jury or an investigation. Only the survival instincts and perception of his wealthy peers in the NFL matter.  

I like the takes that are realistic in what can happen and are based on what can happen legally and ownership wise.


I don’t like, personally, seeing headlines and stories and getting my hopes up without understanding. So those posts help contextualize the news and allow my hype meter to stay on E. Some day, maybe, possibly, my gas gauge will fill up to F and it’ll be extremely exciting. 

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8 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

I also would be willing to bet they are all holding their breaths HOPING nobody notices they do virtually the same thing all over the place.


In fact, I wouldn't be AT ALL surprised if something like the "skimming" wasn't somewhat "sanctioned" BECASUE it meant the money stayed with the NFL (ie: owners) and was not part of the pool reported to the NFLPA. 


And while the NFL owners probably HATE Dan, they DETEST the NFLPA.  So, could I see a bunch of them being like, "yeah, we're going to charge more and keep it, and not disclose it. You do you.  Just don't get effing caught."


I could totally see that.  


All of these people are scumbags.  Ok, maybe not all.  But a lot of them.  On all sides.


Dan is on the scummier side.  But I really wonder, if the media in any city had decided to attack their owner the way the media has had it in for Dan here, I wonder if some owner would have been brought down.  I mean, if you look into a lot of these folks, there is some sketchy stuff with a lot of them.  

There is way too much risk and not enough reward. Employees come and go and people talk. Too many involved to keep it a secret and not nearly enough money to defraud the NFLPA, steal from the players and set off a PR nightmare and risk exposure to collusion and a completely different level of scrutiny by the players in the next CBA. They are printing money with increasing tv revenues. absolutely no need to skim on a widespread basis other than bottom feeders like Dan. 

2 hours ago, evmiii said:

If we’re counting on the United States Congress to do anything we are all going to be terribly disappointed.  If they actually do anything it will take years.  I hope nobody is getting too excited.

These specific allegations are being investigated by Mary Jo White the former chair of the SEC. Goodell has also confirmed she will deliver a written report that will be made public. Congress doesn’t need to do anything at this point. 

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On 4/14/2022 at 8:25 AM, Darrell Green Fan said:

Well I'm in a strange place. I had committed to switching to the Ravens, I'm following their draft reports and getting familiar with their roster.  I have purposely avoided any Washington draft talk.  Now with this latest revelation I have no idea which team's draft to follow.  Is it possible that they kick out Dan before the draft?  No that's not possible.  But I feel more positive with each day which seems to bring yet another report, all bad for Little Danny.  

Notice my sig.

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I think your going to be waiting; if you expect the other owners to give him the boot.


This has to harm the other 31 owners to point where they see the need to kick Dan out.


That probably won’t happen quickly and it might be 2-3 years or longer.


Dan’s mess has to harm the other nfl owners. I don’t think one team cooking the books ; has a big impact on the salary cap.  So, Dan will get a fine, suspension and draft picks taken.


Dan’s mess has to impact the 31 owners equally and the only way I see that happening; is if Dan’s various Commanders messes has people looking at the other 31 teams.  All the teams are investigated for any sexual harassment. The nflpa demands that the books be looked at for all the teams.


The other owners have to See Dan’s messes causing scrutiny to come at them; before the decide Dan’s go to go.


We’ll just have to wait and see but I am not holding my hopes up for that. 

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15 hours ago, KDawg said:

I like the takes that are realistic in what can happen and are based on what can happen legally and ownership wise.


I don’t like, personally, seeing headlines and stories and getting my hopes up without understanding. So those posts help contextualize the news and allow my hype meter to stay on E. Some day, maybe, possibly, my gas gauge will fill up to F and it’ll be extremely exciting. 

But I think the most direct path to anything "ownership wise" is something within the 32-owner fraternity, not something legal. I personally don't care if Dan Snyder stands trial. He has great lawyers and I have no doubt via NDAs and technicalities he can maneuver pretty well in that arena. Where he can't do well is the court of public opinion and popularity. That's where there's a chance to hurt him. 


If there's enough bad PR and the other owners feel that he's creating too much negative buzz or stealing some of their revenue or causing the NFLPA to believe the owners are stealing from the players or giving the perception that all owners treat their cheerleaders like the personal play toys...whatever...it might be enough for them to decide they've had it. To me, those ARE "takes that are realistic in what can happen" with him losing the team. 

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12 hours ago, The Almighty Buzz said:

Notice my sig.


Oh I could never do that, it would be like announcing that I am now a fan of Alabama Football and the LA Dodgers.  The Ravens have the Maryland state flag at midfield, they are on TV every Sunday. It won't be too hard for me to swing that way. But the passion I once felt? That's probably gone forever unless Snyder is removed.


If I am being honest I actually believe there is a good chance. There was discussion of owners turning on this little prick months ago, and that was before this new charge (again with receipts) of stealing from the other owners. I believe this changes things dramatically, but like everyone else I've been reluctant to post this as I can't afford to get my hopes up.    

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50 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

But I think the most direct path to anything "ownership wise" is something within the 32-owner fraternity, not something legal. I personally don't care if Dan Snyder stands trial. He has great lawyers and I have no doubt via NDAs and technicalities he can maneuver pretty well in that arena. Where he can't do well is the court of public opinion and popularity. That's where there's a chance to hurt him. 


If there's enough bad PR and the other owners feel that he's creating too much negative buzz or stealing some of their revenue or causing the NFLPA to believe the owners are stealing from the players or giving the perception that all owners treat their cheerleaders like the personal play toys...whatever...it might be enough for them to decide they've had it. To me, those ARE "takes that are realistic in what can happen" with him losing the team. 

If Bezos doesn’t buy the Broncos, the other owners will want him on board. Ousting Dan in favor of Bezos won’t be a hard sell. They see that guy as a way to maximize profits in the changing media landscape. Kraft had all the tv connections. Bezos will be the same for streaming. He would instantly become one of the most popular owners among the oligarchs.  

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14 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

If Bezos doesn’t buy the Broncos, the other owners will want him on board. Ousting Dan in favor of Bezos won’t be a hard sell. They see that guy as a way to maximize profits in the changing media landscape. Kraft had all the tv connections. Bezos will be the same for streaming. He would instantly become one of the most popular owners among the oligarchs.  

 I think you are right on this. It seem like alot of the NFL want Bezos to own the Washington franchise.

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23 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

This wouldn’t even be remotely surprising.


Wouldn’t it be great if there was a congressional oversight committee who could investigate, subpoena all of the teams books, and then craft legislation to disallow it from happening?  Oh, wait.  We do.  But they refuse to do their jobs. 

No politics in the Stadium. Especially, when there is an obvious political answer.

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1 hour ago, Burgold said:

No politics in the Stadium. Especially, when there is an obvious political answer.

Fair, that might have been too far.  I edited the post.


@Conn  I take your point.  I guess here's what just makes me mad: I don't think any of this congressional stuff is leading to anything, but it's just riling people up more and more for little actual gain. If there was a chance of success, I'd be all for it.  But I don't think there is.  So it's just adding to the hate and discontent. Also known as "the cycle of negativity."  


And I want the cycle of negativity to end.  If there is enough evidence on something to oust Dan, great.  Otherwise, I'd just personally prefer silence on the topic. 


It's not really a defense of anything.  Maybe it's just trying to counter-balance the echo chamber.  


As I've posted a bunch of times, I want Dan out.  Maybe we have to go through all of this to get him out.  But my fear is we go through all this, and he's still here, and this place is ever more scarred than it is now, and we can't attract anybody on the football side at all, coaches or players.  


I dunno.  It's exhausting.  I really just want to get back to yelling about how TH can't throw a 20 yard out and have that be the most controversial thing on the board.  



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Snyder wants to give up and all the other owners to jus get used to how he is.


I'm tired of the non-stop embarrassment as well, but even if this might not work, no pressure at all definetly won't. 


This will jus come with the territory of trying to get rid of him until a killshot finally gets it over with (if it ever does, whatever that is).

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8 hours ago, Darrell Green Fan said:


Oh I could never do that, it would be like announcing that I am now a fan of Alabama Football and the LA Dodgers.  The Ravens have the Maryland state flag at midfield, they are on TV every Sunday. It won't be too hard for me to swing that way. But the passion I once felt? That's probably gone forever unless Snyder is removed.


If I am being honest I actually believe there is a good chance. There was discussion of owners turning on this little prick months ago, and that was before this new charge (again with receipts) of stealing from the other owners. I believe this changes things dramatically, but like everyone else I've been reluctant to post this as I can't afford to get my hopes up.    


I get the Ravens thing.  I have a tie to the Chiefs so there is a reason I picked them and it wasn't their success on the field.

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14 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Fair, that might have been too far.  I edited the post.


@Conn  I take your point.  I guess here's what just makes me mad: I don't think any of this congressional stuff is leading to anything, but it's just riling people up more and more for little actual gain. If there was a chance of success, I'd be all for it.  But I don't think there is.  So it's just adding to the hate and discontent. Also known as "the cycle of negativity."  


And I want the cycle of negativity to end.  If there is enough evidence on something to oust Dan, great.  Otherwise, I'd just personally prefer silence on the topic. 


It's not really a defense of anything.  Maybe it's just trying to counter-balance the echo chamber.  


As I've posted a bunch of times, I want Dan out.  Maybe we have to go through all of this to get him out.  But my fear is we go through all this, and he's still here, and this place is ever more scarred than it is now, and we can't attract anybody on the football side at all, coaches or players.  


I dunno.  It's exhausting.  I really just want to get back to yelling about how TH can't throw a 20 yard out and have that be the most controversial thing on the board.  




I don't find all of this exhausting at all, I find it exhilarating.  I mean for the first time in a generation we have hope.  The involvement of Congress changed everything, without them this story had already been dealt with and dismissed by the league.  Even if they don't do anything else, such as subpoena the key players, what they have revealed in their investigation is pretty damning  

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On 4/15/2022 at 7:42 PM, profusion said:

My son's (9 and 7) don't seem to give two bits about football, so I haven't had to face this dilemma.


Now, if Snyder was involved with Roblox, we'd have a situation on our hands...

My daughters love the Nats, my 8 yr old want to go to Caps games. Give 0 effs about football.

11 hours ago, The Almighty Buzz said:


I get the Ravens thing.  I have a tie to the Chiefs so there is a reason I picked them and it wasn't their success on the field.

Is it Jackson Mahomes' likeability compared to Snyder?

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