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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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per, "but the flu...." and similar stuff in this "facts matter" issue...it's something rick and i have talked about prior to the virus


breaking news: when it comes to "freedom of expression" there are all kinds of restrictions on this site


people identified by staff as consistent fact abusers or who misrepresent things consistently are likely to have their posting restricted  as deemed appropriate


if you're wondering who has the "right" to make such determinations on "facts and stuff" and enforce them---it's es staff


keeping it to politics, i have seen people across the spectrum from far right to far left be able to post their views thousands of times here without getting dinged by mods and then i have seen the same spread of folks, and even the same individuals in many cases, draw flags at times


and as i pointed out to tk some time ago (and he really liked it), unlike some similar sites, we have never shut down the political threads


we moderate them, however imperfectly, effectively enough and typically with a pretty light hand over time


if you've been dinged it isn't simply because you're right or left (durr) it's because you're being you (a burden we all share) and it didn't go well in that moment or perhaps a number of such moments that were previously overlooked have finally come home to roost  


as ever, i recommend everyone read the rules  :) 








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11 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


Can see a whole season with no fans in or around stadiums as best case scenario for them.

The NFL will not have a full season. I can see a 2 week training camp and then start the season in time. 

The second wave hits in November and they will have to halt the season but they won’t be able to finish. They may not even be able to have a post season.

Edited by Rdskns2000
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6 hours ago, Destino said:

I have no doubts the Trump admin hasn’t proven competent in dealing with the UN, but I the UN was never going to save us during a crisis.  Falling short and failing to act decisively is what the UN does best.  Well that and undercutting their own credibility with issues like this (From that article):


Whatever good they’ve done in the past it’s clear the world has lost faith in it as an organization.  With good reason.  


I think you're being too harsh and forgetting the past:



1 hour ago, Califan007 said:

Ho. Lee. ****.


If this is an actual healthcare worker, we're doomed lol...



So the virus dies at 80 degrees fahrenheit, and the human body is around 98 degrees fahrenheit. I feel like there's something wrong with this picture. Can't seem to put my finger on it though...


Also...what the **** is "chemical radiation"? 

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2 hours ago, goskins10 said:


The sad part is now they are even accusing Fox of being fake news if they say anything against trump. Instead they are turning to the real nuttso places like OAN, Drudge Report and Breitbart. They make Fox look like the beacon of truth. 


I have a friend who lives on the Eastern Shore - works in Salisbury. She was at a gas station/convenience store and overheard the owner telling a deliveryman the Corona Virus was planted by the Chinese to keep Christians from observing Easter in church where they belong. Just not sure what you do with that. That level of mind numbing ignorance is hard to penetrate. 

Speaking as a person living in the Salisbury area, yeah. That's the usual mindset. My sister-in-law and her family are absolutely convinced hydroxychloroquine is the cure for COVID-19 and the liberal media (and I guess deep state) are covering it up to damage the administration. 


She's a college-educated professional getting her news from Facebook, Fox, and a little Limbaugh. It's really depressing

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Wonder if the owners of the sports leagues will get a bailout 


so many issues with that. None of them will matter. They’ll get their money.  These are the same people that scream about socialism 

meanwhile the lower end of the socioeconomic scale will be left to use the unemployment system that was never built to handle this. 

And the middle to upper middle class that is susceptible to the cries of socialism won’t connect any of the dots. 

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There is so much bat crazy **** out there. Mental health and lack of education/critical thinking skills remain the two biggest threats to society. Here is my short exchange with crazy on Facebook. I try to be nice. 

Tammy Cahoon I think it’s fair to assume that if all small businesses were to open tomorrow, some citizens would not be too tempted to visit them. And that would certainly be the right thing to do if they felt uneasy doing it! But to penalize the businesses is just not right! But then again, I know that’s part of the ultimate plan!
  • Sam Hershey The ultimate plan?? Whose ultimate plan?
  • Pamela Cahoon Sam Hershey Dr Fauci, Big Pharma,Bill and Melinda Gates, The Clinton Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg, The Chinese Communist Party. Go to YouTube and listen to Dr Shiva Ayyadurai.
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  • Sam Hershey Sorry, but with all due respect, that’s extreme conspiracy theory nonsense. Please don’t go down those rabbit holes.


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There’s about to be light speed gaslighting in the midst of a dangerous pandemic, that will 100% make the situation worse when the second wave arrives. This is the evolving consensus  on right wing media:



Edited by No Excuses
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32 minutes ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

seems fair to me...


That's ridiculous. So every news network should be required to air what is essentially a propaganda/campaign rally by Trump, and if they don't do so they don't get to interview public health experts who can give potentially life saving information millions of Americans? 

Edited by mistertim
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3 minutes ago, China said:

Frankly, I wish the media would boycott Trump's press conferences.  I'd love to see how angry he'd get.  Maybe he'd have an aneurysm.




It would 100% be a daily campaign rally led by Fox, those OAN people and the Breitbart weirdos if other media members weren't around. 

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3 minutes ago, China said:

Frankly, I wish the media would boycott Trump's press conferences.  I'd love to see how angry he'd get.  Maybe he'd have an aneurysm.


I have felt this way for a long time. Just stop showing him. Stop reporting on him unless it truly is a matter of national importance. Stop giving him a platform to whine. He already has twitter. 



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12 minutes ago, mistertim said:


That's ridiculous. So every news network should be required to air what is essentially a propaganda/campaign rally by Trump, and if they don't do so they don't get to interview public health experts who can give potentially life saving information millions of Americans? 


Isn't Pence asking CNN to cover the portion of the briefing after Trump leaves? That's actually what CNN only should be airing. Skip Trump's daily rally and only show the Birx/Fauci portion.



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29 minutes ago, Fresh8686 said:

What we have now is what happens when a society teaches memorization and regurgitation over critical thinking. Many people can get diplomas from college just doing the former and then go out into the world never doing the latter.

Where is critical thinking taught? 🙂


Where should it be taught?

Who/what is responsible for teaching it?

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22 minutes ago, Hersh said:

There is so much bat crazy **** out there. Mental health and lack of education/critical thinking skills remain the two biggest threats to society. Here is my short exchange with crazy on Facebook. I try to be nice. 

Tammy Cahoon I think it’s fair to assume that if all small businesses were to open tomorrow, some citizens would not be too tempted to visit them. And that would certainly be the right thing to do if they felt uneasy doing it! But to penalize the businesses is just not right! But then again, I know that’s part of the ultimate plan!
  • Sam Hershey The ultimate plan?? Whose ultimate plan?
  • Pamela Cahoon Sam Hershey Dr Fauci, Big Pharma,Bill and Melinda Gates, The Clinton Foundation, Chan Zuckerberg, The Chinese Communist Party. Go to YouTube and listen to Dr Shiva Ayyadurai.
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  • Sam Hershey Sorry, but with all due respect, that’s extreme conspiracy theory nonsense. Please don’t go down those rabbit holes.


I don't even know why you would engage someone like that.  You're part of the problem by doing so.  Those kind of people are already so far lost there is no changing their mind so there is no reason to engage them.

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5 minutes ago, skinswillwin06 said:


Isn't Pence asking CNN to cover the portion of the briefing after Trump leaves? That's actually what CNN only should be airing. Skip Trump's daily rally and only show the Birx/Fauci portion.




That's what they've been doing.


Pence (but we all know it's actually Trump) is whining that they aren't showing all of the misinformation and propaganda that Trump spews every single day in his rambling monologues with Pence playing his toadie sidekick. 

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27 minutes ago, mistertim said:


That's ridiculous. So every news network should be required to air what is essentially a propaganda/campaign rally by Trump,


no, they are not required to do that. They can choose to do that. as I said before, CNN should do some live fact checking, which it seems they are doing, which is why the president is upset. That said... CNN is free to make their own business decisions.





and if they don't do so they don't get to interview public health experts who can give potentially life saving information millions of Americans? 




They don’t get to interview the government officials. However, there are still plenty of sources they can interview which accomplishes the same thing.  Let’s not pretend interviews given by trumps health officials are the only way to get the truth out about Corona...

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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US newspapers face 'extinction-level' crisis as Covid-19 hits hard


As journalists across the US scramble to cover the impact of the coronavirus, they are grappling with a bitter irony: as demand for their stories soars, the decline of the business model that funds them is speeding up catastrophically.


The devastating sweep of Covid-19 is the biggest story in a generation, and for most newspapers and news sites it has triggered record numbers of readers. Yet the virus, industry experts warn, will spell the end for “hundreds” of those organizations, laying off journalists and closing titles.

Media outlets across the US have already responded to a huge drop in advertising triggered by the economic shutdown by sacking scores of employees. Some newspapers, just as demand is at its highest, have stopped printing – reverting to a digital-only operation that is just as vulnerable to the whims of advertisers.


The decrease in advertising was swift, as businesses tightened spending due to the economic impact of Covid-19. For a journalism industry already barely scraping by, the impact was almost immediate.


In Louisiana, one of the states suffering the most from the coronavirus, the Times-Picayune and the Advocate furloughed 10% of its 400 staff, and switched the rest to four-day work weeks. The Plain Dealer, a daily newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio, laid off 22 newsroom staff – including its health reporter.


Click on the link for the full article

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17 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

Where is critical thinking taught? 🙂


Where should it be taught?

Who/what is responsible for teaching it?



hiya dh :)


i know you didn't start it, and this is a reminder for others, too, but we do a thing where we tell folks not to extend off-topic tangents too much


iow, be slow or even reluctant to add to a digression, but if ya do, don't "go on" at length or openly invite others to join in on the tangent, and this would be one of those deals  :)





just fyi---the policy is for members to not reply to, or comment on, any moderating-only post such as this in the thread


any such comments go in the feedback/ tech support forum per rule





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‘Shame!’ Kansas’ top doctor blasts lawmakers’ override of limit on religious gathering size


TOPEKA, Kan. — The top doctor in the state of Kansas is steamed at legislators who voted to override Governor Laura Kelly’s executive order limiting the size of religious gatherings to help stem the spread of the coronavirus.


“Nothing fun, nothing fancy. Whatever Kansas legislators do doesn’t reverse what The Public (sic) needs to do. Stay home so we can beat this scourge. Despite what the ‘leaders’ of the Legislature say. We are so close, and they are doing politics. Don’t fall for it! I am SO angry! Shame!” tweeted Dr. Lee Norman, the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.


Norman’s comments came after a day of back and forth between the Democratic governor, Republican Attorney General Derek Schmidt and Republican lawmakers.


The Legislative Coordinating Council voted 5-2 Wednesday to undo Kelly’s executive order that limited in-person religious services and funerals to 10 people.


Schmidt said that although the order was “sound public-health advice that Kansans should follow,” he was discouraging law enforcement agencies and prosecutors statewide from attempting to enforce the requirements.


Kelly issued the order Tuesday because of three outbreaks linked to religious gatherings that sickened at least 165 people.


At a news conference Wednesday afternoon Kelly called the decision to overturn the order “shockingly irresponsible” and said that her chief counsel was exploring options to “resolve this confusion.”


Click on the link for the full article

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