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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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3 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

And the more I think about Deborah Birx, the more furious I get. When the idiot said the word "disinfectant", she shoulda thrown a fit & started throwing things. I'll never forgive that. He had already said enough dumb ****, but that shoulda stopped the train. 

She has lost all credibility with me. 

Very early on, she made it abundantly clear without actually saying as much, that she is in the tank for the Trump admin.  


Her facial expressions when he said that alone, said all they needed to.  Her sticking up for him after the fact, said exactly what I said above.

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6 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Very early on, she made it abundantly clear without actually saying as much, that she is in the tank for the Trump admin.  


Her facial expressions when he said that alone, said all they needed to.  Her sticking up for him after the fact, said exactly what I said above.

Trump fills his staff with hacks. If you go against him you are gone. The only real non-hack is Dr. Fauci; who will be gone soon as he keeps telling the truth. I expect Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz as his replacement soon.

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13 hours ago, China said:



Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down state's stay-at-home order


(CNN)The Wisconsin Supreme Court has overturned the state's stay-at-home order, ruling it "unlawful" and "unenforceable" in a high-profile win for the state's Republican-led Legislature.


In a 4-3 decision, the court ruled that Democratic Gov. Tony Evers' administration overstepped its authority when the state Department of Health Services issued an extension of the order to May 26. The Legislature's Republican leaders argued the order would cost Wisconsin residents their jobs and hurt many companies, arguing that if the order was left in place, "our State will be in shambles."


Click on the link for the full article



13 hours ago, mistertim said:

Wisconsin should open everything up, advise people in no uncertain terms that they should still stay home, close down the hospitals, and put up signs on the front that say "If you believe you have COVID-19, please see the Wisconsin Supreme Court for help, and may the odds be ever in your favor. Thoughts and prayers."

The cities and counties can still issue stay at home orders, which the City of Milwaukee already had in place, Milwaukee County will be issuing that order today, the City of Racine already had that in place (though they are in the top 10 for fastest growth rate of confirmed cases), City of Madison already had that in place, along with Dane county. I'm sure others will follow suit, depending on what party controls the local government.


As for me, I won't be stepping foot into a bar until those that are going, drink up all that stale crap that has been sitting around for the last 9 weeks. So a couple of 2-3 weeks maybe?

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scanned the thread back a bit to see if this one had been posted, didn't see it

just fwiw (as almost all such should be taken)




Coronavirus: ‘100% accurate’ antibody test approved for use in UK for first time



A test to check whether a person has previously had coronavirus has been praised by Public Health England after it was found to carry a 100 per cent rate of success when it came to ruling out false positives – paving the way for people to potentially see if they have built up an immunity to Covid-19.


The tests, developed by Swiss firm Roche, have already been given the green light in the US. UK officials are also reportedly in talks to roll out millions in the UK to check how aggressively the virus has spread through the country, according to The Times.


It comes after another batch of tests ordered by the government in mid-March were deemed too unreliable to be used. Professor John Newton, the national coordinator of the UK’s coronavirus testing programme, said in a statement that Roche’s highly specific test served as a reliable marker of previous infection. “We were confident that good quality antibody tests would become available when they were needed,” he said. “Last week, scientific experts at PHE Porton Down carried out an independent evaluation of the new Roche Sars-CoV-2 serology [test] in record time, concluding that it is a highly specific [test] with specificity of 100 per cent.”


Antibody testing was dubbed a “gamechanger” by Boris Johnson in the early days of the UK outbreak, carrying the potential to confirm the spread of the virus through the nation as well as potentially assuring people of their immunity. Some studies have suggested as many as four in five of those who contract the coronavirus will do so without exhibiting symptoms.


However, while buoyed by the high accuracy of the newly approved test, officials have been keen to note that the science remains unclear on exactly how immunity to the virus works.


Professor Newton added: “This is a very positive development because such a highly specific antibody test is a very reliable marker of past infection.

This, in turn, may indicate some immunity to future infection although the extent to which the presence of antibodies indicates immunity remains unclear.”


The Department of Health and Social Care is reportedly in negotiations with Roche to buy millions of the kits.






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10 minutes ago, Cooked Crack said:



Can someone please just preemptively ventilate this ****stick so he'll shut the hell up? I really hope that nobody outside of his stupid base buys this moving the goalposts bull****. 

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38 minutes ago, Llevron said:

Politicians are so stupid. I dont understand why we let people who know nothing lead us and choose how our country runs. This is more upsetting than the got damn impeachment. 


It’s not the politicians: it’s the people who put them there. We have collectively treated treated ignorant opinions and stupidity entirely way too kindly for about 30-40 years.  The digital age and online communities just accelerated the widespread acceptance of stupidity. And stupid people will find kinship with other stupid people and put them in positions of power, which is almost the entire ecosystem for the Republican Party now.


Under the guise of “free speech”, completely asinine and false garbage spread uncontrollably. There is nothing that compels social media platforms or online message boards to allow abjectly false information to be shared or spread in their ranks. We’re now starting to see that say, anti-vaccination fringe views are gaining in massive numbers because Facebook refuses to moderate content.



and what is the downstream consequence of this? 



Edited by No Excuses
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Even if we had the testing capacity and the tests were accurate enough... Even if there was a vaccine right now.


This country can't test the entire population or force vaccines on these dopes. 


As Bill Burr says, we can't even stand in the ****ing circles painted on the ground at the store. 

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1 minute ago, No Excuses said:

We have collectively treated treated ignorant opinions and stupidity entirely way too kindly for about 30-40 years.


I am currently engaged in a group text exchange about the merits of a rant by Barstool Sports founder and world-class douchebag Dave Portnoy in which Mr. Portnoy disagrees with the advice of expert virologist and career public health official Anthony Fauci on the subject of containing a virus and responding to public health crisis. 

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Study: 5% of Spanish population has had coronavirus

The results of this study suggest the disease is less widespread than other researchers have thought. In late March, a study by Imperial College London estimated that there had been 7 million cases of coronavirus in Spain.

The antibody studies were led by the Spanish Health Ministry and the Carlos III Health Institute. Researchers claimed the blood tests were "accurate enough" to use for the study.



COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)


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6 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I am currently engaged in a group text exchange about the merits of a rant by Barstool Sports founder and world-class douchebag Dave Portnoy in which Mr. Portnoy disagrees with the advice of expert virologist and career public health official Anthony Fauci on the subject of containing a virus and responding to public health crisis. 


There’s a legislative solution to putting a stop to a lot of this nonsense and I like that Biden has signaled his support for it. Repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.




Nothing will get social media platforms to self-regulate faster than a flood of lawsuits. I used to be against this measure but with the exception of Twitter, every other platform has failed to address the spread of misinformation and fake news.

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1 minute ago, TheGreatBuzz said:


If there was a vaccine available today, I probably wouldn’t take it.  No way is something cranked out that fast been fully vetted.  I’ve seen I Am Legend.


Yeah I'm kinda curious as to whether that poll shows more distrust in something being ready so fast and rushed or with an actual "anti-vaxxer" sentiment. Unfortunately, there's probably plenty of the latter in there. The spread of stupidity really does mimic a virus.

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