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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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So does this mean the first spike is over, or we just flatten the curve and about to keep spiking upward without ever going down?


I can see Southern States keeping beaches open until outbreaks happen on entire resort strips, then panic again.


Then Flu Season...its only matter of time until we start hearing more about the benefits of herd immunity for the economy.

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18 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

So does this mean the first spike is over, or we just flatten the curve and about to keep spiking upward without ever going down?


I can see Southern States keeping beaches open until outbreaks happen on entire resort strips, then panic again.


Then Flu Season...its only matter of time until we start hearing more about the benefits of herd immunity for the economy.


I don't think it's either. It's a trade-off. The data seems to suggest that the big cities with the major initial outbreaks are starting to flatten somewhat while the more rural areas are just starting to get hit and are increasing steadily. 


Just in time for everything to open back up. 





Honestly, if this keeps up I think in a few months we may be looking back wistfully on when the dead bodies only numbered in the tens of thousands.

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1 hour ago, spjunkies said:

This b country is broken. 



It's wild that the same side that's pulling this straight up Soviet style **** has their supporters out and about with guns protesting and screaming at the other side about not wanting to be run by communist/fascist dictators (they don't know the difference between communism and fascism and wouldn't care anyway). 

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8 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


So does this mean the first spike is over, or we just flatten the curve and about to keep spiking upward without ever going down?


Honestly I’ve reached a point where national numbers don’t even mean anything anymore. Different places are reporting under different rules. 

look at your region. That’s what you need to pay attention to.

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Yep. I don't care about the positive test count because that's all a function of testing and reporting. The death count is the best indicator even though that is likely under estimated.


I hope our positive count goes up as that would mean we are testing in a meaningful way. 


I think that we are going to maintain at 2,500 deaths for awhile. 

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Public opinion monitoring in the time of COVID-19

Attitudes towards governments' responses and trust in public institutions Citizens are overall satisfied with the way their governments are handling the coronavirus crisis, as was the case in previous weeks. Three new multi-country studies, presented in detail in the next section of this newsletter, show some interesting differences among European countries with regard to trust in government and public institutions: Ipsos survey in France, Germany, UK, Italy, Austria, Sweden, New Zealand: The citizens of the countries most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic are also generally the most pessismistic and the least satisfied with the way their governments are countering the health crisis. Also, the lower the trust in their national governments/leaders, the higher shows the pessimism regarding the future of the country:

43% of respondents are pessimistic in France (versus 12% who are optimistic), followed by 34% in Italy, 29% in the UK, 21% in Sweden, 19% in Germany, 13% in Austria and 6% in New Zealand

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Maryland nursing home with most deaths to be fined $10,000 a day since March 30


I've worked at some really hellish nursing homes, but I'm wondering whether this home actually had the masks and things, for people to wear.  

Edited by Larry
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18 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Sad to say, but let him kill off his base. 

I've been saying for years that the boomers have been holding this country back. Refusing to die, yet refusing to let younger generations mold this country into what they want it to become. I've noticed that conservative boomers are much less pliable than liberal boomers, so...if they want to remove THEMSELVES from the equation...

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3 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:


His base aint the only ones dying

No doubt.


But it's his base that is throwing all precaution out the window and more likely to be getting sick than those of us who are choosing to remain cautious.  Of course the virus doesn't know a persons political affiliation, but those who are awake to whats going on stand a better chance.

Edited by BatteredFanSyndrome
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29 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Sad to say, but let him kill off his base. 


I'm not so sure that's the case. Yes, it kills a higher percentage of people over a certain age than other age groups, who generally tend to support Trump. However I think that's overshadowed by the fact that the victims are much more likely to be non-white, who obviously disfavor Trump by a huge margin.





The latest available COVID-19 mortality rate for Black Americans is 2.3 times higher than the rate for Asians and Latinos, and 2.6 times higher than the rate for Whites.


I mean...I'm not necessarily saying that they're taking that into calculation when deciding how (not) to respond to this thing...but I'm not necessarily putting it past them either. 

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4 hours ago, Llevron said:


Best sound bite of his Presidency 


Just **** this guy. I hope he catches on fire. 


and that goes for any of you still supporting this absolute utter ****show of an "administration".

Catch on FIRE. 



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14 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Here's that video of the old man wiping his nose on a Dollar General clerk.

Man wipes nose on store clerk after refusing to wear mask 


Video is in the article.


Question for the class......would the dollar general clerk have been justified for shooting him?  Is someone purposely trying to cough or sneeze or whatever on another person justifiable for deadly force?

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Just now, TheGreatBuzz said:


Question for the class......would the dollar general clerk have been justified for shooting him?  Is someone purposely trying to cough or sneeze or whatever on another person justifiable for deadly force?

Shooting,, i don't know,,  but smashing his nose all over the pavement would definitely have been in order.  



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