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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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<eyes rollin like a mfer>


The Plaintiff immensely objects, condemns, and seeks restitution for the unsolicited and
overbearing pain and suffering he has experienced after the Sitting President Donald J. Trump’s
Twitter Account was banned, as well as seeking justice for the 88.7 million other followers who
are now suffering adverse mental affects as they too were heavily invested in his account.





PS: FWIW here's another one of that guy's lawsuits.....



Edited by LD0506
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A helpful rule of thumb I borrowed from a friend:

Huge numbers of our population believe in a complete alternate reality. Alternate facts as it were.

But just as intensely as I believe they are deluded, they think I am the one who is deluded. Maybe I am. So how can I be confident in my perception? It can be quite difficult.

But, I have found that in times of political confusion, particularly when emotions are running high and creating tunnel vision, the presence of Nazis can be an extremely helpful indicator.

If I am attending a local demonstration or event and I see Nazis…neo-Nazis, casual Nazis, master race Nazis, or the latest-whatever-uber-mythology-Nazis, I figure out which side they are on.

And if they are on my side of the demonstration? I am on the wrong side.

It is tough to argue moral equivalence when I am standing next to a Nazi. Look to my right. Is there a guy wearing a 6MWE (6 million wasn’t enough) t-shirt? I am on the wrong side. Look to my left. If that guy is wearing a Camp Auschwitz t-shirt? Wrong side. Are Speakers being applauded for referring to things that Hitler got right? Wrong side. Team-spirit face paint and hat with animal horns? This is actually an unclear indicator that could mean anything, but safest to keep my distance from that guy anyway, even at a football game.
However, I can always, always, always rely on the presence of Nazis as a guiding light through a fog of disinformation.

Some things are relative, and politics can absolutely have it’s opposing sides and grey areas. But evil and good are absolute. As are the lessons of history. So, just look for the Nazis, and make your own decisions.


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20 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



That's some major pwnage right there!🤣🤣


20 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Maybe it's just me, but I'm not real concerned with healing and unifying.  They blew that chance by what occurred last week, not that they actually ever cared about that at all to begin with.  

All I'm concerned about is crushing them, driving them before us and hearing the lamentations of their women. Anything less and they'll take it as license to do more of their terrorist 💩, only worse.

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That kernel began for me with a talk I gave in 2010 on behalf of the now-infamous Rose City Antifa in Portland, Oregon. They had been struggling to expel several anti-Semites who were in left-wing spaces, including a well-known local progressive activist-turned-Holocaust denier. My talk outlined the contours of anti-Semitism and included examples of it being found on the left. Maybe 30 people attended, but it was recorded and put online.

Some fascists pay attention to the left, in hope of making alliances or cross-recruiting members, or simply to know and target their enemies. A New Yorker named Eric Striker—who, in one of the many ironies of this story, is apparently Latino—became obsessed with my talk. He called me an “influential Jew Antifa ideologue” on a 2015 Twitter thread in conversation with two key figures in the emerging alt-right: the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin and “Ricky Vaughn.” (The latter’s Twitter account was found by an MIT election study to be more influential during the 2016 election than those of the Democratic Party or NBC News.)


It’s a story about how purely anti-Semitic conspiracies get toned down and then circulated more broadly, while retaining the same storyline and targeting the same individuals.


When the insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, I was sitting in my Brooklyn apartment in my pajamas, following live Twitter feeds. At some point I started getting messages that someone was accusing me of being a prominent QAnon activist who’d been photographed at the riot. As someone who’s written about the far right for years and had been the subject of their conspiracy theories before, I shrugged it off.

Then I started getting more messages. This time from old friends—classmates from college, even ex-girlfriends—to see if I was OK. It slowly dawned on me that the tweeter was not a run-of-the-mill unhinged person but a famous unhinged person: Trumpist attorney Lin Wood, who worked on the Kraken lawsuit and had over a million followers. Threats naturally followed, and Wood’s tweet was reported in The New York Times as part of a story debunking the false claims that antifa had secretly stoked the right-wing violence.

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Wood’s Twitter was quickly suspended, but not before the post had, at least the last time I took a screenshot, 28,000 retweets and 47,000 likes. For days, right-wing social media and blogs have, repeating Wood’s claim, declared that I am actually the QAnon activist Jake Angeli. Nicknamed “Q Shaman,” he is known for his distinctive outfit—including Halloween-ey plastic horns and face paint—and high-octane rants against a supposedly satanic, pedophilic “deep state.” Angeli has arm and chest tattoos, while I have none, and he’s more than a decade younger than me, as evidenced by comparing my bulging middle-aged midsection to his muscular physique. While Angeli, who was arrested on Saturday, had loudly complained that he was being smeared as “antifa,” rather than getting his due as a Q stalwart who took the dais in victory, none of that was enough to staunch the talk about my supposed role in this conspiracy.


The broader conspiracy about antifa somehow being behind the violence quickly spread, with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) even repeating it on the House floor when lawmakers returned there on the evening of the invasion. (The FBI later debunked the claim.) And although the secret antifa provocateurs were usually unnamed, insofar as they were named I appeared to be the main culprit.

So how did I come to be the face—or, rather, the name behind somebody else’s face—of a right-wing campaign to deny crimes committed by other right-wingers? What unfolds is a decade-long tale of an ever-morphing conspiracy theory about me, originally forged in the crucible of neo-Nazi anti-Semitism and developed by a variety of small-time far-right figures before a Trumpist grifter injected it onto a national stage. And it’s also a story about how purely anti-Semitic conspiracies get toned down and then circulated more broadly, while retaining the same storyline and targeting the same individuals.

As Richard Hofstadter wrote in his seminal essay “The Paranoid Style in American Politics,” conspiracy theories are often based in a kernel of truth. That kernel began for me with a talk I gave in 2010 on behalf of the now-infamous Rose City Antifa in Portland, Oregon. They had been struggling to expel several anti-Semites who were in left-wing spaces, including a well-known local progressive activist-turned-Holocaust denier. My talk outlined the contours of anti-Semitism and included examples of it being found on the left. Maybe 30 people attended, but it was recorded and put online.

Some fascists pay attention to the left, in hope of making alliances or cross-recruiting members, or simply to know and target their enemies. A New Yorker named Eric Striker—who, in one of the many ironies of this story, is apparently Latino—became obsessed with my talk. He called me an “influential Jew Antifa ideologue” on a 2015 Twitter thread in conversation with two key figures in the emerging alt-right: the Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin and “Ricky Vaughn.” (The latter’s Twitter account was found by an MIT election study to be more influential during the 2016 election than those of the Democratic Party or NBC News.)

It was a little ridiculous, but nothing compared to what was to come.

I had been getting other attention from the rapidly growing far right. Older racists like David Duke took swipes at me. My coverage of the Oregon militia movement in 2016 was widely attacked. On the webpage of the Three Percenters’ founder, one memorable comment called for me to be hung from a tree with ATF agents.

Another small-time New York far-right conspiracy theorist picked the story up, proclaiming on a podcast that I was the “leader of antifa.” But it was after the August 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville that the conspiracy was lit on fire. I was in the counter-demonstration and the car attack. Afterward the neo-Nazis and their sympathizers on 4chan and 8chan decided, perhaps egged on by Striker and the recent podcast, that I was the antifa leader. In fact, I soon became known as the “international leader of antifa”—since Jews are always thought of as international conspirators.


Full story at link.

Edited by Riggo-toni
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13 hours ago, spjunkies said:


So when Trump goes broke in a few years paying his debts, we'll have proof who the cheater was :D


21 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Maybe it's just me, but I'm not real concerned with healing and unifying.  They blew that chance by what occurred last week, not that they actually ever cared about that at all to begin with.  

Both aren't exclusive.

You can reach unity by  punting all seditionist anywhere but in the USA. You'll have a healed and united country by then.

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Biden’s messaging throughout his candidacy was that of unity. And it’s a beautiful message. However, there’s a caveat. It’s that he will provide the opportunity to ‘choose’ unity.  He can’t force anyone into it. So the onus is on the Republicans et al to choose it. And how it’s done.... is by rejecting Trump. That’s it. Allegiance to country, democracy, to party even..... but reject Trumpism. Impeach him, and rid yourself of this cancer. But that’s the starting point.


And most won’t even do that.


So if Republicans want to began the process of unity, they shouldn’t be directing that message (unity) to Democrats, it should be in-house. You want unity? We’ll know when you’re ready when you get your own house (party) in order. 

Unless you assume some personal responsibility, it’s all blustering.

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Rightwingers flock to 'alt tech' networks as mainstream sites ban Trump


Following the banning of Donald Trump and many prominent followers on mainstream social media platforms, and Amazon’s withdrawal of web hosting from Parler, rightwingers have fled to an archipelago of smaller “alt tech” sites and services that promise less content moderation or a refuge from the prying eyes of their political opponents and law enforcement.


On Tuesday, on Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play store, apps, services and social networking platforms that either directly pitch themselves to Trumpists as a free speech alternative, or which allow them to enjoy encrypted communications, were dominating the list of the most downloaded apps.


Click on the link for the full article

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14 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

Stefanik wants to be the "conservative AOC" so bad, except she forgot that the Trump party doesn't much like women in positions of power, if....at all.


I gotta disagree with this. They elected more women this last year and I think that will continue. They are happy to elect women that they perceive to be good looking to positions of power. Not sure if they would like a female POTUS candidate. 

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Pro-Trump Attorney Lin Wood Not of 'Sufficient Character' to Practice Law, Decides Judge


A Delaware Superior Court judge slammed pro-Trump attorney Lin Wood in a Monday decision, revoking Wood's right to represent ex-Trump aide Carter Page in a defamation suit stemming from the Mueller investigation.


"The conduct of Mr. Wood, albeit not in my jurisdiction, exhibited a toxic stew of mendacity, prevarication and surprising incompetence," Judge Craig Karsnitz wrote.


Karsnitz said that he is required to "ensure that those practicing before me are of sufficient character, and conduct themselves with sufficient civility and truthfulness," particularly when out-of-state counsel is selected. Wood is based in Georgia.


Noting Wood's involvement in the Trump campaign's unsuccessful efforts to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election, the judge wrote that he became concerned after reviewing the decisions made in lawsuits Wood filed in Georgia and Wisconsin courts.

He noted that the case in Georgia was "textbook frivolous litigation," which included "an error-ridden affidavit," and that the complaint Wood filed in Wisconsin "would not survive a law school civil procedure class."


Click on the link for the full article

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