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Jay Gruden: Buy, Sell Or HOLD: 2017 edition


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1 hour ago, TheCoach22 said:

Loser. Third and half a yard. Rest my case. He burned a timeout on a bad challenge and then took a timeout for that ****. Rest is history. Fire him in Thanksgiving.



That was not a bad challenge. Really nothing to lose and everything to gain. Defense was getting gashed. Gave them time to get on the same page. Now what they did with that time i do not know. 


The 3rd and 1 - yes he could have called a sneak. I was calling fro it myself. However, your guys have to win there battles. No way they should not be able to get a yard. Guys have to win their own battles and they did not. 


As for them being disciplined - there have been so many players in and out of the lineup. Many have not had time to practice. 


Don't like the pass call when you re at the 34 but I can see being aggressive. A 49 yd FG is anything but automatic. And not going for the 56 yarder was not giving Drew the ball near midfield if you miss it. That is still a new kicker. You play the odds and stick them deep. Holsey I think it was had the chance to down the ball at the one. He got too close to the line. But WTF is McGee moving for? 


The fake punt was awesome. The play calling by and large was great. You have a 31-16 leads with 6 minutes left to go, you would not need a 3rd and 1 to win it. But they did. And Jay certainly owns some of it. 


If they blow this thing up the team will be 3-13 for the next few seasons. 


BTW: The team is not out of it. If they can go on a run -  and that run is there to be had - they could still make the POs. 


I do wonder what it is Munusky and the D is doing in the last 2 mins of each half. Guys play smart for 28 mins of each half and then go brain dead the last 2. 

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1 hour ago, skinspride73 said:

Jay didn't lay down on defense. Lack of talent. Hall was out of position constantly and looked like the old man he is


Jay should have called plays to make sure Drew Brees didn't get the ball back.


I want to "sell" Jay, but the reality is this team couldn't attract coaching talent.  Our best chance is to stick with him and hope he improves.

Just now, goskins10 said:

The 3rd and 1 - yes he could have called a sneak. I was calling fro it myself. However, your guys have to win there battles. No way they should not be able to get a yard. Guys have to win their own battles and they did not. 


This is the Gruden mindset.  It's OK to lose as long as you're not to blame. 


It's completely predictable that our run game will fail on 3rd and 1, because it always fails on 3rd and 1.  You can't predict which guy will fail to "win his battle", but you know someone will.

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 Once again I saw a HC in Gruden, who was too emotionally wrapped up in this game to be able to coach effectively.


 Once again, questionable play calling & execution cost them a game. I don't wanna get into this in depth, I like my blood pressure where it is.


 Once again, we saw what the defense really is; a pathetic 3-4-led team. Yea, they say its primarily ran as a 4-3, but personnel-wise, its not.


 Once again, we saw a coaching staff who was sending LBers in coverage against a speedy, shifty RB and getting burned. I don't care if you don't have enough safeties starting; against a team, on the road, on artificial turf, against shifty mobile backs, you bring in the 2nd & if needed 3rd stringers, because no way a LB keeps up with them. Not the ones on THIS team.


 Once again, We saw Romo, I mean Cousins, committing Romo-esque plays in crunch time. The pass that was thrown to absolutely no one that cost them a good shot at icing the game away; the one that cost them a 10 yd penalty; the one that cost them a loss of down; the one that knocked them out of FG range; the one that cost them a 10 second run-off of the clock;

THIS, THIS is where good or even decent teams, and even at times crappy teams, have ALL the players on the same page, but not the Redskins. Then, just to completely lose all hope, on the very next play, drop back in the pocket, turn your back away from the left, KNOWING they are gonna blitz like crazy, and try to scan the field, waiting for a WR to finally get out of his long route [ more fault to Gruden on calling that play too ] and take a sack which took every breath of wind out of the team's sails.


No, I'm completely done with Gruden; sooner he and Bruce Allen are gone, the better. This buddy buddy crap is old, tired, and worn out its welcome. This game should have been easily wrapped up, with a 2 score lead with 3 minutes left in the game, and let them back in. Gruden cannot grasp the concept of coaching in pressure situations, instead relying on his predictable play calling and opponent's defense to give up. He is constantly being out-coached in the latter parts of the half and 4th qtr of games, and this team will not go anywhere with that kind of leadership, or lack thereof.

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13 minutes ago, Tsailand said:

this team couldn't attract coaching talent.  Our best chance is to stick with him and hope he improves.


It's completely predictable that our run game will fail on 3rd and 1, because it always fails on 3rd and 1.


I think this is a point completely forgotten by our fan base.  i believe it's also the reason we promoted Doug to his non-GM position as we're simply not an attractive enough organization to work for.   as for the 3rd and 1, i really hope Jay learns from this..  we're way to predictable on those situations and in the end, it cost us a W.


For now though, it's off to New York..  he's gotta put this loss behind and come out with a good game plan for the Giants on a short week.

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17 minutes ago, Tsailand said:


Jay should have called plays to make sure Drew Brees didn't get the ball back.


I want to "sell" Jay, but the reality is this team couldn't attract coaching talent.  Our best chance is to stick with him and hope he improves.


This is the Gruden mindset.  It's OK to lose as long as you're not to blame. 


It's completely predictable that our run game will fail on 3rd and 1, because it always fails on 3rd and 1.  You can't predict which guy will fail to "win his battle", but you know someone will.



It's never Ok to lose. Making statements like that are complete garbage. exactly where the **** did I say losing was OK?  I will help you - I didn't! This loss hit to the core. And of course Jay owns some of it. Every person on the team owns part of it. They have to play better and coach better. But to just say the coach sucks he has to be fired is not the answer. 


And while we are at it, where did Jay say he was not to blame? He has always taken full responsibility. He will call out specific plays that should have been made or better decisions but he always finished with he has to be better. 

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55 minutes ago, RonBurgandy said:

Jay Gruden- The man that calls a fake punt on our 20 yard line but doesn't call a QB sneak to win the game.


The fake punt was Spurrier like when he did the same thing.  The 3rd and 1 call was almost identical to the 3rd and 4th and 1 from last week that didn't work either.  Today they played conservatively and not to lose and it came back to bite them painfully in the end.

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17 minutes ago, TheCoach22 said:


there is a run to be had but a better coach and this team would be sitting at 6-4 with the worst of the schedule behind them. We make it oh so hard.


A different coach would not change the many many injuries. They have done what they can to over come them. I know, I know - next man up. Well that's easy for fans to say but is just not reality. 


Te biggest problem with this is now Bruce will be able to blow the whole thing up. Kirk will let walk, Jay will be fired. Many of the players will be gone. And we will start another 5 yrs of 3-13. 


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3 minutes ago, SAli457180 said:


The fake punt was Spurrier like when he did the same thing.  The 3rd and 1 call was almost identical to the 3rd and 4th and 1 from last week that didn't work either.  Today they played conservatively and not to lose and it came back to bite them painfully in the end.

But this is what's so frustrating. We threw 50-50 balls and it worked. We did a fake punt and it worked. We did NOT play conservative. Until the 3rd and inches. Then we just shut the engine off, like we thought we could just coast the rest of the way. It made no sense.

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Just now, clskinsfan said:


Really? So we couldnt have used that TO on the last drive while trying to get into field goal range?


There should be no reason to be worried about a TO up 15 with 3:50 left to go and you know it. If they win the challenge the game is over. If they don;t they left the defense get rested. At the time the call was made it made good sense to make the challenge. The problem is not the challenge it's the defense turning into swiss cheese with a few minutes left to go. The team should never have needed that TO. 


This was a bad loss. Lots of blame to go around, including for Jay, but that was not a mistake. Just like people whining about jay calling TO against Seattle with 4 secs left to get the D set for the hail mary. It was the right call. 

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8 minutes ago, goskins10 said:


A different coach would not change the many many injuries. They have done what they can to over come them. I know, I know - next man up. Well that's easy for fans to say but is just not reality. 


Te biggest problem with this is now Bruce will be able to blow the whole thing up. Kirk will let walk, Jay will be fired. Many of the players will be gone. And we will start another 5 yrs of 3-13. 


 Well, they can always sell the farm for Sam Darnold.

 But IMO its pointless until Gruden and Allen are gone. Actually Cousins, with a good coach, can cure these last minute screw-ups and call plays that opponents haven't seen yet, or at least not be so predictable.

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How many times does this moron of a terrible  playcaller have to watch a 3rd and 1 fail because he keeps running the same two damn plays that everyone knows is coming? He has two plays for 3rd and 1: 4WR set where Kirk has predetermined the read and the defense is in Cover 1 and blows it up. The other is a sweep or stretch run where one of our OL misses the block and we end up with a loss of yards. 


How many times does he have to watch the same result before he finally calls a QB sneak or dive. Don’t give the defense the chance to get in the backfield. This **** is so simple but he keeps screwing it up. 


And for the love of God, stop going into a shell once the the two minute warning hits. Teams score more points on us, quickly, in those 4 minutes per game than the other 56.  

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I'm still buying! In fact, I'll gonna have buy, buy, buy, buy, ham, eggs and buy.


It helps that I'm probably one tenth as emotionally invested in Skins football this year as in years passed.  I recommend it... I'm not bitter and I'm not angry and my Sundays are better for it. But I like Gruden and I want him to stay on. And I LOVE his offense,... best we've had since Gibbs-1!

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