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WP-Is anyone actually excited for this Redskins season?


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I have felt 10-6 since the spring, and a crummy summer has not dampend that feeling. I have noticed so much negativity. I am aware of the drama but I do not think it will affect the product on the field. Am I alone? Feels like it sometimes. 

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Looking forward to the season as I always am, but my excitement level is probably the lowest it's been since I have been a fan. Which is weird to say because this is probably one of the better teams we've had in a while but the ghosts of history past still haunts me. There are only so many "this year is the year we make the jump" only to miss the playoffs again and have an off season of drama before you sort of just accept the mediocrity and give up hope/excitement a little.


It's sad really. It's to the point even if we start off 3-0, I'll almost be waiting for the epic meltdown where we then only win 4 of the next 9 to finish the season 7-9. I expect awful with a slight hope that we might finish 8-8 or if we're lucky a whopping 9 wins. Don't get me wrong, I will be very excited if we do actually become a legit team but it's going to take a lot for me to have the same level of excitement as years past.

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Excited for the season? Of course.  Excited for expectations of how the team will perform? Eh.......


I think it is dejecting that coming off two winning season the team is already right back to being looked at as the odd team out for any hope of contending.


The Eagles are predicted to be better, the Giants too.  The Cowboys? Not record-wise, but even if they lose 2-3 more games than 2016, it still puts them in position to contend for the division.


It feels like another season where the team is stuck in neutral or slight reverse.  I hope I am wrong, and I hope my being wrong starts Sunday.

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Between the way our season ended- having a freaking tie last year, losing our GM and not signing cousins long term... in pretty blah. I'm as die hard as they get, but the optimist in me is dying every year.


I expect to lose now and am happy when it's the other way around. I'm scared that I just bought tickets to arrowhead in a few weeks to watch the skins lose on MNF w my boys. In fact I'm certain of it. 

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Oh hell yeah I'm extremely excited can't wait for another season this is why I'm a fan I live for the football season for Redskins football regardless of what's going on, during our ****y years are good years no matter what, each season each game I anticipate to see the next...I have butterflies and am realy leaning on the it's going to be a bad season hell I even mentioned in the random thought thread we would get pummled by philthy but I have not put all the dedication and hard work each season to pick a GOD DAMN RIVAL!!..Now let's buckle up and get ready for another Redskins football season!!

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I get excited every year no matter what.  Even during the days we were most likely going to win 3-6 games because in the NFL sometime you just never know.  We have a QB with proven skill and WRs that should be good.  Defense is improved on paper especially with a new DC.  Without some excitement heading into the year then why even be a fan?  

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I'm as fanatical as anyone here.  I don't think I've missed a game in over 15 years.  I fly out from South Florida almost every season for a road game and a home game.  I've paid decent money to have my kids be the kick off kid and honorary captains in games, etc.


I'd say typically leading into a season, I am at a scale of 100 out of 100 even coming off the bad seasons.  This season I am at my all time low, probably about an 80.  It's tough for me to pin it on one thing but if I had to pick one thing it would be Bruce/Doug running the show which to me at best feels "meh".  And Kirk playing on essentially which is a 1 year rental.  Double "meh".  And those two points collide with each other for various reasons.


I'd love to get that feeling back.  I recall being jazzed over the years for the new beginnings:  hey lets see what the QB "guru" Zorn could bring to JC, can the fun and gun work in the NFL, Marty! Gibbs!, Shanny!, Scot!     I think for me its really the fatigue of all the weird new beginnings.  Tough for me to keep buying in with the same enthusiasm to these temporary saviors. 


Maybe once the games start cooking, I'll find my full passion back.  I like the makeup of the team.   But there seems to be a weird pall/malaise around this team -- something just doesn't feel right but I can't put my finger on it.   I hope I am wrong about that.  Winning cures all. :)


I was listening to 106.7 where they were saying the morning show was bombarded by Eagle fans calling in.   An Eagles reporter called into Dukes show a little while ago and said the Eagles fans are jazzed and he was surprised the Redskins fans not as much so -- he imputed the Eagles enthusiasm to their love of Wentz and knowing he's going to be their guy for years to come.  It made me cringe.  I should probably put a Philly sports station on as I often do before we play them -- the Philly fans/call in shows can come off so arrogant that it can get me going.  I think I need to reignite my Philly hatred and I'll be back to my usual 100. :ols: 

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9 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

I'm as fanatical as anyone here.  I don't think I've missed a game in over 15 years.  I fly out from South Florida almost every season for a road game and a home game.  I've paid decent money to have my kids be the kick off kid and honorary captains in games, etc.


I'd say typically leading into a season, I am at a scale of 100 out of 100 even coming off the bad seasons.  This season I am at my all time low, probably about an 80.  It's tough for me to pin it on one thing but if I had to pick one thing it would be Bruce/Doug running the show which to me is at best feels "meh".  And Kirk playing on essentially which is a 1 year rental.  Double "meh".  And those two points collide with each others for various reasons.


I'd love to get that feeling back.  I recall being jazzed over the years for the new beginnings:  hey lets see what the QB "guru" Zorn could bring to JC, can the fun and gun work in the NFL, Marty! Gibbs!, Shanny!, Scot!     I think for me its really the fatigue of all the weird new beginnings.  Tough for me to keep buying in with the same enthusiasm to these temporary saviors. 


Maybe once the games start cooking, I'll find my full passion back.  I like the makeup of the team.   But there seems to be a weird pall/malaise around this team -- something just doesn't feel right but I can't put my finger on it.   I hope I am wrong about that.  Winning cures all. :)

This whole post is spot-on and very well said thank you. Saying that I wonder what it's like to those who shall out the money to go watch the Redskins play as to where the most I've shelled out is to get from Anchorage Alaska to Idaho Falls then to Denver to watch the Redskins play in Denver so I appreciate hearing someone's take that lives closer than me.

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CSN took a shot at the same topic.  I think EB's quote about the optimism being "beaten out of us" is spot on.  I know not every fan feels this way.  But I got enough Redskins fan friends and family members and I'd include some members here who I've PM'd with including an active member who told me he's checking out after the Kirk contract went awry -- that there is something real to the idea that there is some fan malaise.


 But on game day, I'm sure I'll be all in.  I think where I've lost some enthusiasm is the build up for the games.  I used to enjoy that almost as much as the game.  I still like the build up  but not with the same ferocity.  And again I think if there is something to the lack of buzz (and I think there are plenty of reasons for it, good ones, too), it can be fixed by a hot start.  Nothing beats winning.




Eric Bickel of The Sports Junkies, who has worked in the DC market for 21 years doesn't just think there's less buzz than in season's past. He believes it's the lowest it's been in his professional career. 

"In my 21 years of doing radio, it’s the least I’ve felt in terms of a buzz going into the season,” Bickel told Dan Steinberg of the Washington Post. “In years past, I feel like you’d have a lot more homers, a lot more wildly optimistic fans. I think that’s kind of been beaten out of us.”

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Not excited...sorry.

What I see is a 6-10 team, and about the only way I'm wrong is if Cousins and Pryor light it up together...and if that happens, we won't be able to afford both of them afterwards.


Being a married man, I don't have anything in life to look forward to besides football season, and now even that is looking disappointing.

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7 minutes ago, Veryoldschool said:

I am not excited.  I am apprehensive because I fear the competence and competitiveness of the last couple of seasons has been thrown away and we are going to experience an ugly season and a Snyder induced meltdown.  


I said this on another thread it feels like a season on the brink.  If they do well -- I think we will get more stability and things have a good chance of landing on a sensible course.  If this season goes poorly, Dan might do a meltdown per your point -- but if so what's his next move?   I'm afraid to hazard a guess. :)


Hopefully the season goes well.   This opener coming up feels like a real high stakes one.   I think enthusiasm will jack up some if they win it.  If they lose the first two like last year -- i think there is going to be a deep vibe of panic.  I got my fingers crossed, this comes together. :)   

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I think part of it is that even though we root for the team above individual players we do get attached to players. So, yeah, the Cousins thing stings, but the loss of Garcon, Jackson, and Baker hurt more because they were big loud parts of the team. They were the guys we root for. There's a feeling that Pryor might be a great receiver for us, but no one's attached to him yet. The other thing is, it just really feels like a rebuilding year with a new OC, DC, half the defense being new, half the receivers being new. I kinda feel like we are on a good path, but I also feel like this is a year where we will take a step back.


Plus, we were so rotten in the preseason on offense. I know it's not supposed to matter, but as far as morale goes, it kind of does. Heck, even the players and coaches are saying "wait 'til October. That just doesn't sound a team that things it's ready to fly.


I really hope to be surprised, but my expectations are so low right now.

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It has been all down hill since the 2016 season ended in my view.  After consecutive winning seasons the only positive is they extended Gruden, everything else has been bad.


I'm not counting the draft as a positive because the guys haven't played yet, we won't know if they are going to be good or not yet.  We don't know about the FAs either yet because they haven't played.  But we do know both 1,000 yard receivers left, SM the so called professional GM we had pinned our future hopes on was fired, the Cousins discussions were fruitless and the Skins looked both dumb and from press the release regarding the Cousins discussions.  Kirk came off well but the organization looked ridiculous.


The past two years an excellent passing game has kept an otherwise very poor team competitive.  Pryor and Doctson haven't looked capable of filling the shoes of Jackson and Garcon during limited play in preseason.  If the passing game is average the Skins will suck.

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If I had to guess, the one year deals for Cousins, Pryor and Brown put a serious damper the season.


I don't think we're quite in the 'serious contender' status (especially after seeing this offense in preseason), yet this feels like it might be our peak - i.e. the best team we've fielded in a long time - and we're liable to be worse next year due to the likelihood of losing our 'rental' players.  


Still very excited to see our offseason additions in action though.  


TLDR: feels like it's going to be all downhill from this season... and we aren't going to the Big Show this year.  

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