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WP-Is anyone actually excited for this Redskins season?


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I'm excited for the season! I'm going to go ahead and also blame the media for some of the lack of excitement. Not everything they put out is negative but they aggressively push stories that are negative and will get the fan base riled up and disappointed. Positives for this team are briefly mentioned. For example, when the story came out about Su'a Cravens there was a lot of blame shifted toward the organization and media was all over it. Then, when it started being reported that the organization was actually handling the situation professionally. The story died down pretty fast. 


We are also an abused fan base because of past futility. I notice more fans using the defense mechanism of expecting the worst and hoping to be surprised by better. We are so abused that Terelle Pryor was the excitement and buzz around here the whole summer. Kirk overthrows a few balls to him and he drops a few others and now we are destined to be 5-11. Negativity has eaten this fan base.

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I'm excited. This team has talent and the potential to go far.


Didn't read the whole article because I refuse to click on the link and give more site traffic to the ComPost over such click-bait garbage.


I wonder how many other sports towns have to deal with major local media outlets constantly negging the local team.


Also doesn't help that the week leading up to game 1 the media can't stop reporting on Cravens and only just now started actually focusing on the upcoming game. 

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You guys do know that we went 1-3 against 4 teams that didn't finish above .500 in the 1991 preseason and we looked awful in the process.


Too bad the internet didn't exist then because there would be a lot of people eating crow after they inevitably jumped off the bandwagon before the first game.

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2 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:

Not excited...sorry.

What I see is a 6-10 team, and about the only way I'm wrong is if Cousins and Pryor light it up together...and if that happens, we won't be able to afford both of them afterwards.


Being a married man, I don't have anything in life to look forward to besides football season, and now even that is looking disappointing.

This might be the saddest and truest post I've ever read on here.


Thanks for the laugh.


The Redskins, football and this board are basically cigarette smoking to me. It's bad, I get nothing good from it and when I do quit, which I will, I'll always want to go back to it, even though I'll just be disappointed and have to quit again.


The one year rental BS seriously dampens it. It's like the **** part of the FA era is finally coming home to roust. Nobody cheers for FOs and Owners, you care about the people and the brand. That's all going away.


Sorry Riggo, the first two lines were for you, the rest of the rant just came out. 

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53 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

Probably not a popular sentiment and may come off as pretentious, but if you're not excited about the Redskins days before the first game of the season then you're really not much of a fan.


People are ****ing pissed off and emotionally drained by this point.  Who can ****ing blame them, really?  

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3 hours ago, Inigo Montoya said:

Between the way our season ended- having a freaking tie last year, losing our GM and not signing cousins long term... in pretty blah. I'm as die hard as they get, but the optimist in me is dying every year.


I expect to lose now and am happy when it's the other way around. I'm scared that I just bought tickets to arrowhead in a few weeks to watch the skins lose on MNF w my boys. In fact I'm certain of it. 


Hey Chris, I'll be there, look me up that week. 

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The optics of this offseason were really bad, no matter what happens.  Anytime you dump a GM right before the draft, in the fashion they did and fail to replace him, lose two 1k yard receivers, a fan favorite on the DL and fail to replace him with a better player, fail to lockup your QB, add a few good players on a 1 year lease, your prior year first rounder that didn't play the year before isn't healthy in the preseason and your 2nd rounder leaves the team at the eleventh hour attempting to retire...the wind will leave the sails.  Particularly when you were fooled into competency and stability a short while ago, coming on the heels of nearly two decades of futility.


My God, it's even more depressing typing all that out. 


No matter how you feel about those things, it doesn't look good altogether.


Most every one of my close friends that are Skins fans are just exhausted and their passion not what it once was.  Of course if the team plays well, that fire will burn again.  That's a big IF though.



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31 minutes ago, srtman04 said:


People are ****ing pissed off and emotionally drained by this point.  Who can ****ing blame them, really?  

Well then they can piss off, but I have no interest in enjoying the highs with them if they aren't willing to stick it out through the lows.


Frankly, if the fanbase is "drained" despite 3 winning seasons in 5 including 2 division championships then they should thank their lucky stars they ain't Cleveland fans or else they'd be under suicide watch.

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6 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

The optics of this offseason were really bad, no matter what happens.  Anytime you dump a GM right before the draft, in the fashion they did and fail to replace him, lose two 1k yard receivers, a fan favorite on the DL and fail to replace him with a better player, fail to lockup your QB, add a few good players on a 1 year lease, your prior year first rounder that didn't play the year before isn't healthy in the preseason and your 2nd rounder leaves the team at the eleventh hour attempting to retire...the wind will leave the sails.  Particularly when you were fooled into competency and stability a short while ago, coming on the heels of nearly two decades of futility.


My God, it's even more depressing typing all that out. 


No matter how you feel about those things, it doesn't look good altogether.


Most every one of my close friends that are Skins fans are just exhausted and their passion not what it once was.  Of course if the team plays well, that fire will burn again.  That's a big IF though.




That's ALOT of BAD to weather out as a fan.  It will truly take a miracle in order for us to play good given those circumstances.   It's really insanity when you think about it.  

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I get excited for the start of every season. It's only after the team is mathematically eliminated from playoff contention that my excitement dwindles. And even then, I still watch every minute of every game because I love this team. Do I think they'll be great this year? No. Will they be? I don't know. They could surprise a lot of people or the rest of the division could collapse. Anything can happen and that's the exciting part. 

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Just now, PartyPosse said:

Well then they can piss off, but I have no interest in enjoying the highs with them if they aren't willing to stick it out through the lows.


These lows have been going on for over 25+ years!!   That's over a quarter of someone's life span on this earth.  How can you honestly blame them for feeling with this....especially with how ****ing bad this ****ing off-season truly was.    No competent franchise does what the Skins did this off-season......NOT ONE.   

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I'm generally not that excited at the beginning of the season these days. This applies to all sports, I'm thinking more of the sports that have been going on and not ready to focus on the new one at first. In other words, I'm currently in baseball mode so I'm not really ready for some football. But, once the games start, eventually I get into it more.


As for the Skins, as I said in the prediction thread, on paper I think we're a solid playoff contender. But for some reason my gut tells me it's going to be a bad year. And that will dampen my enthusiasm a bit. At least until my gut is proven wrong.

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5 minutes ago, srtman04 said:


These lows have been going on for 25+ years!!   That over a quarter of someone's life span on this earth.  How can you honestly blame them for feeling with this....especially with how ****ing bad this ****ing off-season truly was.    No competent franchise does what the Skins did this off-season......NOT ONE.   

Pray tell what was so historically bad about this offseason? We lose 2 1K receivers who aren't exactly elite cornerstones (no offense to them but DJAX is getting up there in age and PG wasn't exactly lighting up prior to this year AND is also up there in age). Well we replaced them with Doctson who IS STILL ONLY 24 and fans are already writing him off like they're writing this season off. Pryor is also on the verge of joining the elite at his position and could very well overtake DJ in terms of ranking (subjective). Chris Baker left? Oh god no. The team is done. We only drafted who was considered by many the best DL in the entire draft. Cravens is talking retirement? Oh no, we're gonna lose those 3 great plays he made last year. We can't get any worse play from our secondary and the editions of Moreau, Swearinger and what looks like a revitalized Breeland should make this a more potent secondary. We picked up one of the best, most durable LB in the market on Brown and it reminds me of the last time we poached a tackling-heavy LB from Buffalo. Scott left? Well no one knows the full facts of what happens so instead of just assuming it was a colossal **** up by the FO because your bias already wants to throw them under the bus without knowing the full story. Cousins? Sorry, not everyone is convinced what the FO did was a bad idea.


Listen, why even bother watching games if you (not singling you, just the fans that are "fed up") are already convinced the season is a waste before one ****ing game is even played? The WORST kinds of fans are those because they inevitably come back in droves when things start to look more positive. I'm pretty sure less than 1/3 of the league have won championships in that 25 year span and many other franchises have been waiting longer, so keep telling you and everyone that is still listening that you suffer more than any other fanbase in the history of the world. 

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7 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

Well then they can piss off, but I have no interest in enjoying the highs with them if they aren't willing to stick it out through the lows.


Frankly, if the fanbase is "drained" despite 3 winning seasons in 5 including 2 division championships then they should thank their lucky stars they ain't Cleveland fans or else they'd be under suicide watch.


If they are still around, they are sticking through the lows.  This isn't about changing teams, it's about the level of passion and excitement associated with the team.  I'm sorry, but you don't get a cookie for being a homer.

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Absolutely excited!  I feel good about this season.  I don't know why so many talking heads and fans have low expectations for the Skins this year.  They have improved their defensive roster which should result in a better product on the field.  The only question mark is the WR corp but I feel like this group could be better than the DJ&PG duo in the long run.

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Every season im excited and can't wait when the Redskins play. I know pre season was bad, but I remember when we looked great and crap the bed in the regular season. We had back to back winning seasons and have plenty of talent on offense and defense. We can't have our heads down cause we looked bad in 3 pre season games, atleast wait til the first game and see what we got. I believe we're a better team than last year and will make the playoffs. Im not being a homer thats what I see. One thing though that I get tired of is that our fans sell there tickets and every Sunday when I watch the Redskins on tv its like they're playing an away game. If you give up, then give up them seats, Im sure there is other fans would like to have them.

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I'm shocked to hear that the "one year rentals" of KC and TP are reasons the fan base is not excited for the upcoming season. Had they both received the big contracts they want and went on to have the bad preseason showings we saw you guys would be calling for Allen and Snyder's head again.

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17 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

 Well no one knows the full facts of what happens so instead of just assuming it was a colossal **** up by the FO because your bias already wants to throw them under the bus without knowing the full story. Cousins? Sorry, not everyone is convinced what the FO did was a bad idea.



I am probably in the top 5 of people who have criticized the FO structure.  And I don't feel it was a colossal screw up at all as to whatever went down with Scot.  Like I've said, if Scot needed to go fine.  I know some here like the dude (me among them), some don't.  Regardless, I believe the lack of enthusiasm from many of us is what was done AFTER Scot was replaced.  Having this run by Bruce/Doug -- to some of us that's "meh" same old, same old.  I think the defenders of the status quo keep missing the point.  It's not about Scot.  His relevance is nada.  It's about what we are left with running the ship.  You might like it.  But for some of us its "meh".  And a "meh" FO structure isn't a new movie for us.  To people like me its the #1 reason why this team has been mostly bad for decades plus. 


17 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

Cousins? Sorry, not everyone is convinced what the FO did was a bad idea.



Some of us don't like how it was handled and the current circumstances with Kirk.  It doesn't matter to me whether everyone agrees.  Though most agree. Nonetheless, to each their own.  :)


17 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

Pray tell what was so historically bad about this offseason? We lose 2 1K receivers who aren't exactly elite cornerstones (no offense to them but DJAX is getting up there in age and PG wasn't exactly lighting up prior to this year AND is also up there in age). Well we replaced them with Doctson who IS STILL ONLY 24 and fans are already writing him off like they're writing this season off. Pryor is also on the verge of joining the elite at his position and could very well overtake DJ in terms of ranking (subjective). Chris Baker left? Oh god no. The team is done. We only drafted who was considered by many the best DL in the entire draft. Cravens is talking retirement? Oh no, we're gonna lose those 3 great plays he made last year. We can't get any worse play from our secondary and the editions of Moreau, Swearinger and what looks like a revitalized Breeland should make this a more potent secondary. We picked up one of the best, most durable LB in the market on Brown and it reminds me of the last time we poached a tackling-heavy LB from Buffalo.


I agree with most of this.  I think on this front its mostly about them not looking hot in the preseason.  I for example loved the Pryor signing.  Loved Doctson even before he was drafted.  But I admit I understand the skepticism until we see the production.  I am a big Kirk guy but I don't think he was reassuring with his line about it might take until October for it to click (or something to that effect, forgot the exact quote).  Personally, I think it will come together.

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1 minute ago, beachboy757 said:

I'm shocked to hear that the "one year rentals" of KC and TP are reasons the fan base is not excited for the upcoming season. Had they both received the big contracts they want and went on to have the bad preseason showings we saw you guys would be calling for Allen and Snyder's head again.

It's more the sum of the parts of everything that has transpired, coupled with lackluster preseason results from the players that matter.


It takes a real homer to buy into everything that's happened.  You can play spin doctor until you're dizzy to make everything sound swell but most folks that have lived through this stuff for this long have become a bit more rational in their thoughts regarding the team.  



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10 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


I agree with most of this.  I think on this front its mostly about them not looking hot in the preseason.  I for example loved the Pryor signing.  Loved Doctson even before he was drafted.  But I admit I understand the skepticism until we see the production.  I am a big Kirk guy but I don't think he was reassuring with his line about it might take until October for it to click (or something to that effect, forgot the exact quote).  Personally, I think it will come together.

I think the offense didn't look great but for the most part the defense did. They're still jelling and figuring out what goes where and i'll even excuse getting carved up by Aaron Rodgers in game 2 (Didn't love the Cincy opening drive but after that it was shutdown city even with many of the starters in the game).  


I can also understand the skepticism, but going into game 1 with pessimistic expectations means those fans will be the first ones to boo the team the moment things don't go right. It may even be the first drive of the season, it seems so many are itching for an opportunity to voice their displeasure. 

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2015 was the last season that fit for me.  We were coming off a losing season where the coach had just told us he was not much of an innovator. Looked like we hadn't really solved our oline issue and our defense still sucked.  RG3 was a fail and Cousins. while he had shown he could do some awesome things, had shown Grossman-like ball maintenance skills. While we do have some question marks this year, they are more about will this or that guy live up to his billing as opposed to will someone unexpected step up.

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2 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

it seems so many are itching for an opportunity to voice their displeasure. 

This is complete and utter BS and a tired narrative.


If we're still here through all this, I think it's safe to say that we'd prefer not to be displeased.  


I reckon those of your ilk routinely expect great things and spin most everything the team does in to a positive every season.  Hell, I used to do it too.  Let's just say you've been wrong more than right for a few decades.

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1 hour ago, beachboy757 said:

I'm shocked to hear that the "one year rentals" of KC and TP are reasons the fan base is not excited for the upcoming season. Had they both received the big contracts they want and went on to have the bad preseason showings we saw you guys would be calling for Allen and Snyder's head again.

Can only speak for myself of course, but...


It's not that the one year signings were bad moves (well, Cousins FT is concerning).  Rather, since it feels like we may have a slow start (again) and a really tough schedule, it doesn't really look like we're serious contenders.  So, I'm worried that we'll be playing good ball all around late in the year, still miss the playoffs, and then look forward to a downturn next year because we lose our 'rentals'.  


If we had signed Cousins long term, I think a lot of us would be singing a different tune because the future would be brighter.  


With all of that said, I'm very excited to see how the defense performs, and how our young guys look - Doctson, Anderson, Allen, Moreau, Nicholson, etc.  Looking at it that way, it really feels like we're building something great... until you remember we might not have a qb next year.  



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12 minutes ago, PartyPosse said:

I think the offense didn't look great but for the most part the defense did. They're still jelling and figuring out what goes where and i'll even excuse getting carved up by Aaron Rodgers in game 2 (Didn't love the Cincy opening drive but after that it was shutdown city even with many of the starters in the game).  


I can also understand the skepticism, but going into game 1 with pessimistic expectations means those fans will be the first ones to boo the team the moment things don't go right. It may even be the first drive of the season, it seems so many are itching for an opportunity to voice their displeasure. 


You got the preseason coupled with the recent slow starts with the team coupled with the worry about all the new bodies clicking together quickly.   Personally, I think (hope) it will come together.   But I don't think the team can afford a slow start this season.


As for your 2nd point.  I don't think pessimistic expectations is what these articles are talking about.  They seem to be talking about apathy.   I think some of that at least is driven by this offseason having an a familiar vibe to it that strikes of the losing culture that has been prevalent for decades.  It can feel a little helpless when you don't trust the decision makers that has your team's fate in their hands.   If you don't feel that way, that's cool.   As for how it effects me on game day.  I don't think it effects me much.   And I don't boo the team. :)  But as for how it effects my overall vibe about the future of the franchise, it effects me a lot.  

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