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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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See heres the thing: Trump is affecting your life whether you choose to see it or not, and its disingenuous to think that just because your life hasnt changed physically ( or monetarily) in the past 2 years, that nothing is wrong or that you and your family arent affected. We are all affected, whether we are part of the 1% or not.


1. Removing the balances of law and order affects everyone

2. The humanitarian crisis at the border is directly caused by Trump and the repercussions will be felt from every single one of those children for the next century. These children will not ever forget what happened here.

3. The very air you breathe and water you drink will be affected. When countries like China invest TRILLIONS in green energy to fix its poisonous reliance on coal, then perhaps reverting back to coal is a bad decision. The fires are real. The heat waves and mild winters are not a one-off occurrence. Every single EPA roll back should have you furious. Climate change is real, and there isnt much more time to take part in addressing it.

4. The tariffs already affected you in the form of increased cost on supplies.

5. Costs already affect you in the price of housing, tuition, educational books, medical supplies, internet, cable, etc.

6. For profit prison systems institutionalizes a large percentage of the country.

7. On a world scale we are quickly losing our strongest defense: allied strength. Every word out of Trump's mouth pushes our allies further away, and sells out this very country.

8. Free speech affects everyone and prevents catastrophes like Tienanmen from happening.

9. Cyber security is the most important defense that we as a country can control, and Trump is divesting from upgrading. Literally everything in the world is connected through a computer system now, including water and power plants, election systems, and electric grids and the limits of their securities have been tested by foreign agents in the past 5 years.


Its maddening to see otherwise intelligent people turn their head to the winds of change because they arent directly affected right now, cant root against their "team", and cant see how causing multiple humanitarian crisis might possibly have a negative affect on our country. Its why I no longer have the sentiment that its ok to have a different opinion on politics right now. There is no way to softly remove a cancer, and you cant just remove part of it.

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For the life of me I cant figure out why we havent taken advantage of the allied technologies that are available to us, and the goldmine of opportunities at our doorstep. We should be putting down high speed rail from Alaska to Chile, using Japanese trains and the promise of jobs at each station and everywhere within the vicinity. People are begging to work here, and adding train stations throughout the Americas would be a huge revenue stream. It would also strengthen our continent with good long lasting partnerships. Instead, we are letting China and Russia attempt to pull this off in both Africa and South America, locking up kids at our border to ensure terrible relationships going forward, and demonizing diplomacy as a whole in the region in favor of making more money and "winning".


We are being beaten badly at the long game here by just about everyone thats playing, because a guy like trump and the current republican party is running the show. Turning your head the other way at this is not an option anymore, else you are part of the problem.



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Alright, first debates are in the book.


Warren, Harris, Castro, and Buttigieg up.


Biden, Bernie, push.


I think Booker, Gillibrand, Klobuchar, and the others in the tier 3ish slot are in trouble.  They didn't stand out a ton.  People like Hickenlooper are dead men walking.  Yang gang will be a couple percent but he's not going anywhere, and Williamson will generate some interest but not enough and the people who look into her will realize she's kind wack.


And Beto will hang around 3rd tier for a while but yeah, he's done.


Castro is now well positioned as a possible VP.  He's not gonna be the nom, but he'll get looks for VP.


Biden didn't crash and burn, but he also didn't excite a ton.  I think he did well showing that he does have some progressive chops but they will be measured and achievable.  He'll probably stay the frontrunner until the next debate at least.  Harris drew some blood but he recovered decently with his public defender line.


Bernie is Bernie.  He probably stopped the bleeding with his fiery talk but he also couldn't explain his plan to put in place HC reforms, so I think people paying attention are going to probably be concerned he's bluster without substance, as his plans won't get through.


Warren did well.  She held onto top spot on that stage, and is well positioned to ride that tier 1.5 slot and if Biden falls without someone totally eclipsing her, she's well positioned to hop into first and also has the chops to get there herself once she gets on the same stage as the others.


Butti sounded like a leader and someone who can speak with moral authority.  He is the anti-Trump.  I think he's still got a tough road with black voters, but he has a future in this business somewhere.


Harris came to slay last night and she probably "won."


Next debate stage should probably just be Biden, Bernie, Harris, Butti, Warren, and Castro.

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13 minutes ago, Larry said:

So, you mean the "busing" card could knock Biden and Bernie out of the race?  

I think the idea that being an opponent of busing int he 70s is disqualifying misses the point. Biden has been on the wrong side of a lot of issues in the past. The big problems arising from this are that he doesn't seem to able to acknowledge those mistakes nor find a way to deal with criticism of them in any kind of a constructive way. I also think his tendency to be dishonest about such things is a mistake that's going to make those issues remain a part of the conversation for too long (from Biden's point of view).

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39 minutes ago, Rufus T Firefly said:

I think the idea that being an opponent of busing int he 70s is disqualifying misses the point. Biden has been on the wrong side of a lot of issues in the past. The big problems arising from this are that he doesn't seem to able to acknowledge those mistakes nor find a way to deal with criticism of them in any kind of a constructive way. I also think his tendency to be dishonest about such things is a mistake that's going to make those issues remain a part of the conversation for too long (from Biden's point of view).


My post was more along the lines of "can we knock Biden and Bernie out of the race now?"

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4 minutes ago, Springfield said:

Surprise:  “Bussinggate” does nothing to move the meter for me.


Oh, it's not that important to me, either.  Just a way to beat up candidates who actually have a 40 year voting record.  (Although the fact that Biden seems unwilling to simply say that he feels differently now seems like a bigger flaw than his 40 year old vote.)  


But I also wouldn't mind seeing the Dem field become Warren, Mayor Pete, and Harris, either.  

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24 minutes ago, Larry said:

But I also wouldn't mind seeing the Dem field become Warren, Mayor Pete, and Harris, either.  

I think Mayor Pete is a nice story, he's really smart and probably has a really bright future. If you came from the future and told me he finished something like a strong 4th in the Dem race, I wouldn't be surprised. 


But the idea that he actually has much of a chance to win has always seemed kind of silly to me. He would be the youngest President in history by about half a decade, and he looks even younger He's kind of slight looking, his political experience is limited to being Mayor of a minor city and he doesn't offer anything in the way of unique policy positions. Knowing how desperate Democrats are to win this next election, there's just no way I see a majority going "yeah, this is the guy we want to put on stage next to Trump". The fact that he has virtually zero support from African Americans and that he dismissed the idea of giving detailed policy prescriptions as "minutiae" that he didn't want to get bogged down in, both make it hard for me to envision him going too far either. 


I always thought it was better than 95% likely that the nominee would come out of Biden, Sanders, Warren and Harris. And really I think Bernie may have a good shot at finishing second, but I have a hard time putting together a realistic scenario where he wins either.  

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7 hours ago, LD0506 said:

Funny, I hear a lot more rational reasonable assessments of the debates here than I do on any of the networks, go figure...........

That's because we only have one or two posters who actually are paid representatives of their respective party. We're not pundits to a side, but citizens of a country.


Who is the paid shill...



C'mon. It's obvious. I don't have to tell, do I?


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