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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

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27 minutes ago, Jumbo said:

if you're not seeing trump's presser on now, make sure you view the whole thing when you can...the hole is getting dug deeper and wider..

The question is, will it matter?  Party over Country.  


Here are the scenarios where this matters:


1. The GOP feels like it is going to lose the house and possibly (though unlikely) the Senate if they continue to support Trump.  They haven't come to this conclusion yet.  


2. Something actually turns up in the investigation that is impeachable.  I find this entirely unlikely.  


22 minutes ago, spjunkies said:

I hope some reporter throws a shoe at this fool. He deserves it more than Bush ever did.

That remains one of my favorite gif's of the Bush presidency.  He seriously had some quick to get out of the way. 





15 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


This dude is trying to get impeached.  He's in way over his head.


Rise up GOP!  Make us proud.

I think he's trying to prove that he can do anything and not get impeached.  

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i really mean this in more than the standard  "fox news critic" potshot way, but while i am a very experienced hand (even academic study-wise) in the world of cable and other news and know what to expect, the differences between what's happening in the world of fox news v every other channel during times like this is truly at the Rod Serling level of material...with influences of HeeHaw and The Pat Robertson Hour...and I mean that apolitically and objectively...






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1 hour ago, NoCalMike said:

Let's be real about this too.  Most of these so-called "Nazi's" are young angry misguided youth who's brains have been filled with poison, playing dress up.  Sure, they are racists and are espousing awful rhetoric, but they aren't any kind of actual soldiers and likely would want no part of what actual Nazi soliders had to do during WW2.   It's almost a "cultural appropriation" of Nazi uniforms if you will. 





So what you are saying is that they are Brownshirts rather than Wehrmacht.


Somehow, I'm not really comforted by that.   

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Question:  "What do you think needs to be done to overcome the racial divide?"

Trump:  "Well I really think jobs can have a big impact"


That was likely the least controversial thing he said in response to a question... and it's entirely absurd. 

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2 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

This business will get out of control. It will get out of control, and we'll be lucky to live through it.

"Ryan, be careful what you shoot at, some things in here don't react well to bullets."


This is a perfect scene for what's going on right now. Trump is doing his best to blow up the sub and we have to stop him while preserving the vessel. He can shoot wildly and without care because if he causes an explosion it just speeds up the process.


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5 minutes ago, Destino said:

Question:  "What do you think needs to be done to overcome the racial divide?"

Trump:  "Well I really think jobs can have a big impact"


That was likely the least controversial thing he said in response to a question... and it's entirely absurd. 


Agricultural jobs?

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I mean - if we're talking about replacing those statues with folks like Eugene Debs, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, and John Brown then hell yeah! Let's party.


Somehow, though, I don't think this President would support that. 


I don't...I really don't even know what to say about this anymore. Only thing we can do is focus on our communities and leave Washington to its own devices. They obviously don't care about "We the People" so it looks like "We the People" gotta look after ourselves and each other. 

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Just now, LadySkinsFan said:

There are plenty of agricultural jobs since visas for pickers are way down and crops are rottin' in the fields. 

Johnny wont work for 25 cents a bushel, and Mary wont pay 5 dollars for a tomato.


We are at an impasse!

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8 minutes ago, Destino said:

Question:  "What do you think needs to be done to overcome the racial divide?"

Trump:  "Well I really think jobs can have a big impact"


That was likely the least controversial thing he said in response to a question... and it's entirely absurd. 



Agreed. Making more jobs available isn't going to help all those "urban democrats" who aren't interested in working when the taxpayers already cover their asses.



(I'm practicing for an infil to a local trump/militia deal I'm doing tomorrow afternoon)

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Maybe this has been said, but has it occurred to anyone that Good Ol' MassSkinsFan basically invented the Alt Right.


Intelligent guy who was utterly rejected by women (in his case for reasons beyond his control largely) and who then decided that he needed to create a world where men like him were valued based on their hyper masculinity.


That seriously just occurred to me.


Also, holy **** that press conference.


I really don't know where we go from here.

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Are there videos or pictures of the violent alt left charging the right? He makes that point  over and over as an equivalent. Were there injuries or arrests? Personally I would want people with atleast clubs if I was being threatened as the KKK has a history.

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26 minutes ago, twa said:


Ya will need to throw in Cruz as VP, otherwise ya will need to suffer awhile longer.

I've voted for Bugs Bunny once, I can do it again with pride...after all, he just wanted to be a showman and the center of attention...

Oh wait...





OK, now that Daffy Duck....he was just the sidekick when....

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