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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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18 minutes ago, mistertim said:


It should surprise nobody that this is a person who didn't get her GED until she was in her 30s.


I'm relatively certain her "GED" is a set of three magnetic letters on her fridge.  One in six chance she has them in the right order.

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The Atlantic: The Biggest Threat to Democracy Is the GOP Stealing the Next Election  


>>>By allowing Republicans to win power without national majorities, this constitutional welfare allows the GOP to pursue extremist strategies that threaten our democracy without suffering devastating electoral consequences.<<<

Edited by Rdskns2000
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Just gonna drop all these here lol...






Incapable of staying on-message for more than 13 seconds...





This is actually supposed to be a pro-Trump cartoon lol...







The cartoonist got defensive..didn't help matters:


"Ok I need to talk slowly so the leftist twits can understand. 1. Yes, I realize that the Don Quixote character from Cervantes’ novel attacked imaginary enemies as represented by the windmill, but Donald Trump Quixote’s enemies are not imagined. I read the book, did you?"

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I wonder if the cartoonist recognizes Don Quixote was actually attacking the windmills because they represented progress.  He was attacking progress.  I actually think Trump charging windmills is a fairly good metaphor even if it doesn't exactly mean what the author intended.  Think about it.  Was Trump for anything scientists told him or did he try to suppress their message.  What did he say/do about global warming?  What was his initial reaction to being told how bad COVID was likely to be? Heck, he even sharpied a map to say a storm was going a different way. He was far from enlightened.


The cartoonist got it right. 

Edited by gbear
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32 minutes ago, Califan007 said:

"Ok I need to talk slowly so the leftist twits can understand. 1. Yes, I realize that the Don Quixote character from Cervantes’ novel attacked imaginary enemies as represented by the windmill, but Donald Trump Quixote’s enemies are not imagined. I read the book, did you?"


"OK, I'm going to demonstrate how superior I am to the people pointing out that I'm misrepresenting a book, by claiming that yes, I know I'm misrepresenting the book.  And then trying to claim I'm superior anyway, because I read the book.  (And still got the basic element of the story wrong.)"  

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21 minutes ago, gbear said:

I wonder if the cartoonist recognizes Don Quixote was actually attacking the windmills because they represented progress.  He was attacking progress.  I actually think Trump charging windmills is a fairly good metaphor even if it doesn't exactly mean what the author intended.  Think about it.  Was Trump for anything Scientist told him or did he try to suppress their message.  What did he say/do about global warming?  What was his initial reaction to being told how bad COVID was likely to be?  He was far from enlightened.


The cartoonist got it right. 


Trump charging tilting at windmills is absolutely accurate, just not for the reasons the cartoonist was intending like you said.


Edited by Califan007
"Someone" (coughKAOSkinscough) pointed out that it should be "tilting" lol...
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11 minutes ago, Larry said:


"OK, I'm going to demonstrate how superior I am to the people pointing out that I'm misrepresenting a book, by claiming that yes, I know I'm misrepresenting the book.  And then trying to claim I'm superior anyway, because I read the book.  (And still got the basic element of the story wrong.)"  

Not to mention how many people have read that book. It's not some vague, rarely read book most people struggle with. Most people go through highschool at least reading the cliff notes. 

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