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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Not sure if this has been posted yet, but it gives me some hope for this country.


Terrified White Supremacists Run Away After Philadelphia March Goes Awry



A white supremacist group based in Texas attempted a march on Philadelphia over the Independence Day weekend, but had to celebrate the holiday the Confederate way.

“They literally ran away from the people of Philadelphia,” Michael Crum, a police officer in the city, told local ABC station WPVI.


About 200 masked and khaki-clad members of the Patriot Front organization, listed as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, marched on the city in the Saturday night incident, NBC Philadelphia reported.

They chanted about the election and “reclaim America,” engaged in pushing and shoving with people, and took a reporter’s cellphone, the station said. 

But that boldness quickly faded as more residents turned out. 

Man, Philly has really stepped up for the country in the past year...Eagles still suck though...


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12 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:





i think i've posted that clip a couple dozen times here over the years :806:


i should've been posting more abbot and costello clips during the trump/pence admin


or hee haw




as i said when she first said it, "deplorable" and "50%" didn't cover the half of it :) 


pragmatically, the large majority of the gop base have  economic roles in society that are very easily filled by their opposition (whereas the "other way around" would be a disaster) and their trumpy demographic is a mass of dangerously active malicious and ignorant head noise....zero redeeming value, "spiritually" speaking too :806:


so come on big ole white male daddy in the sky, you were willing to do those naughty people in sodom andd gommorah cuz they did "the nasty sex stuff", why don't you get off your bull****-filled muddle-brained petty arrogant bigoted fat white male ass (going by your supposed resume') and make the trumpsters even more salty than they are? :D



but maybe the trumpsters are right about don being sent by that god...the ot's god character (and some of the attached xtian dogma) has much in common with many a trump supporter, and maybe it was another bible-magic-sperm-donor move to bring don to us and for him to animate the fundy warriors and finally declare all out war on the heathens...maybe they're telling the truth about that.....hahahahahahahaha



otoh, i also see the effects of the first triple shot espresso i've had in years :o







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Republicans figured out a long time ago which groups they could exploit for votes and far right religious people fit the bill perfectly. One thing that should have happened was to take away their tax exempt status for preaching politics. 


The other thing Republicans did was to gradually adopt The John Birch Society precepts as Republican policies, as demonstrated by the Tea Party. Any resemblance to the Republican platform of President Eisenhower is long gone.




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>>>GOP Congressman on bipartisanship: We want "18 more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done"<<<


Of course they do. Then they want 2 more years of chaos and the inability to get stuff done; if they regain power.  Biden will break the veto record. Then they want their God back; where they will get nothing really done other than more tax cuts and more right wing judges.

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OK, that looks like something you'd find in the basement of some lunatic serial killer's house.  Is there an accompanying rambling, nonsensical manifesto?  Something like this:




I'm guessing Lindell put that together while on a tweaking binge.

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