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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Texas Pushes to Obscure the State’s History of Slavery and Racism


Every morning, schoolchildren in Texas recite an oath to their state that includes the words, “I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God.”


Now, a flurry of proposed measures that could soon become law would promote even greater loyalty to Texas in the state’s classrooms and public spaces, as Republican lawmakers try to reframe Texas history lessons and play down references to slavery and anti-Mexican discrimination that are part of the state’s founding.


The proposals in Texas, a state that influences school curriculums around the country through its huge textbook market, amount to some of the most aggressive efforts to control the teaching of American history. And they come as nearly a dozen other Republican-led states seek to ban or limit how the role of slavery and pervasive effects of racism can be taught.


Idaho was the first state to sign into law a measure that would withhold funding from schools that teach such lessons. And lawmakers in Louisiana, New Hampshire and Tennessee have introduced bills that would ban teaching about the enduring legacies of slavery and segregationist laws, or that any state or the country is inherently racist or sexist.


“The idea that history is a project that’s decided in the political arena is a recipe for disaster,” said Raul Ramos, a historian at the University of Houston who specializes in the American West.


Click on the link for the full article

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On 5/22/2021 at 2:23 PM, clietas said:

Sky's the limit in Murica as long as you're white, rich, n your family is connected. See Cawthorn, Madison. 


The light is on but nobody's home.

I suppose you forgot OJ got away with a double homicide. Wealth buys you privilege in the USA, race does not matter, but keep buying the false narrative the liberal media spoon feeds you.

On 5/22/2021 at 12:45 PM, The Evil Genius said:


You forgot criticize theory bad bad bad and trans kids shouldn't play sports.  😁

Men should not compete against women in physical contests no matter how they like to play dress up, that is utter crap.

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17 minutes ago, Buffalo Bob said:

I suppose you forgot OJ got away with a double homicide. Wealth buys you privilege in the USA, race does not matter, but keep buying the false narrative the liberal media spoon feeds you.

Men should not compete against women in physical contests no matter how they like to play dress up, that is utter crap.

So you're saying the data showing health disparities, housing discrimination, educational disparities, etc. for black and other POC face are all lies? Or is it that the data are true and the explanation is that blacks and POC just aren't as smart or as good as whites?


As for the OJ case, you do realize that it's not a mutually exclusive proposition, right? The so-called justice system can be both biased against blacks/POC and the poor. As with most things in this country, there's a hierarchy that starts with wealthy white males at the top and poor black women at the bottom. The closer you are to the top of the hierarchy, the more the system works in your favor.

17 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

Wait...OJ was guilty?!?

Are you black? If so, the answer is no. 😀

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Any "history" curriculum designed to play down something pretty much is outing itself as false by design.  Now I can understand if public schools at the K-12 level were trying to make an argument that with the limited amount of time to cover vast subjects like American History and World Civilization it is reasonable to expect some topic will be glossed over more quickly than they deserve due to time contraints but that doesn't mean they need to be played down as if their impact was minimal. 

Edited by NoCalMike
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Ah, the good ole “what the liberal media spoon feeds you” comments, oh how I missed you.


Yes, we all are glued to CNN 24/7, waiting for them to tell us what to be outraged by.


It would be easy to paint with a broad brush and say that Mr. Buffalo Bob gets his “facts” from memes and right wing outlets, that exist solely for profit as it’s easy to engage the weak minded and make them believe they are the ones that are ‘critical thinkers’.  But I won’t do that.

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1 hour ago, The Sisko said:

So you're saying the data showing health disparities, housing discrimination, educational disparities, etc. for black and other POC face are all lies? Or is it that the data are true and the explanation is that blacks and POC just aren't as smart or as good as whites?


As for the OJ case, you do realize that it's not a mutually exclusive proposition, right? The so-called justice system can be both biased against blacks/POC and the poor. As with most things in this country, there's a hierarchy that starts with wealthy white males at the top and poor black women at the bottom. The closer you are to the top of the hierarchy, the more the system works in your favor.

Are you black? If so, the answer is no. 😀

Data doesn't matter. How he feels is what matters.

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1 hour ago, Buffalo Bob said:

I suppose you forgot OJ got away with a double homicide. Wealth buys you privilege in the USA, race does not matter, but keep buying the false narrative the liberal media spoon feeds you.


Do your own research!




Start by researching what the Cato Institute is. 

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Just wanted to mention that finding one dude who got off one time, in extraordinary circumstances, doesn’t really mean anything about the racial disparities


 This is not how good arguments work. 



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1 hour ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:


It would be easy to paint with a broad brush and say that Mr. Buffalo Bob gets his “facts” from memes and right wing outlets . . . .

Especially after reading his posts. 

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58 minutes ago, tshile said:

Just wanted to mention that finding one dude who got off one time, in extraordinary circumstances, doesn’t really mean anything about the racial disparities


 This is not how good arguments work.

Actually that’s precisely how good arguments work...for so-called real ‘Muricuns.

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6 hours ago, JCB said:

This dude’s one of the more flavorful donuts to stroll into the Tailgate lately. 

No he isn't.
he's the same ****ty flavor as all of them.

Ignorant, unwilling to listen to anything beyond his viewpoint, regurgitating talking point after talking point. Demanding everyone else listen to things already heard and long since rejected as bull****. It's the same carousel again and again and again and again. Playing games of gotcha with these people lost it's appeal many years ago.
A Russian stooge. A tool in our destruction. A person who does not understand history, or fails to learn anything from it. A person unwilling to look outside of the bubble he's in, convinced that anyone suggesting he do so is turned by the "liberal media".
the fact he uses "liberal media" is the first tip off. First rule of fascism: Convince the people that they can't trust anything except what the party tells them. Poison all other sources of information so that it is dismissed immediately from their minds no matter the news it tells them. Control the message = control the man. 

And every one of these clowns is a perfect example. 



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13 hours ago, tshile said:

Just wanted to mention that finding one dude who got off one time, in extraordinary circumstances, doesn’t really mean anything about the racial disparities


 This is not how good arguments work. 



Good arguments also don't have a default stance of "Don't believe everything the media spoon-feeds you"...he checked that one off the list as well.





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So I gave you an open invitation to an honest discussion but you ignore that for:  Tells Bang the equivalent of "Your mother!" and the gaslighting antagonistic and still arrogant statements below. Just so you know we all understand very clearly who you are and what your purpose is here. You have no intention of having any kind of honest discussion. You jsut want to "own the libs" with garbage false narratives and arrogant accusations without fact. You have that right but you can't then be surprised when you are not taken seriously. 


Having said that, since the items below are the closest you have come to presenting an opinion - without basis of fact or anything to support said opinion, but an opinion nonetheless, here are a few responses: 


16 hours ago, Buffalo Bob said:

I suppose you forgot OJ got away with a double homicide. Wealth buys you privilege in the USA, race does not matter, but keep buying the false narrative the liberal media spoon feeds you.


Wealth is systematically more accessible to whites than POC. OJ is of course one of the outliers - the way you like to argue. Let's find an outlier and treat it as the norm. Garbage argument. And just stop with the liberal media trope. First, most of the people on here, myself included, do not even watch much media at all. We find more reliable sources for information. Second, while the so called liberal media certainly has its problems, it's way more responsible than the right wing media like Fox, Newsmax and OAN who traffic in nothing but conspiracy theories designed to make people hate each other so they can make a buck. 




Men should not compete against women in physical contests no matter how they like to play dress up, that is utter crap.


It is a medical fact that within 6 months of taking conversion hormones, people born as a man going through female hormone therapy have the same physical makeup as women and as such lose any advantage they might have had.


I actually agree a cross-dresser is not eligible. But they have never tried to be. Transexuals that actually go through the surgery and complete the hormone therapy should be eligible once complete. Here is a good article from the Mayo Clinic about female hormone therapy: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/feminizing-hormone-therapy/about/pac-20385096#:~:text=During feminizing hormone therapy%2C you,can be temporary or permanent. 



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1 hour ago, goskins10 said:

It is a medical fact that within 6 months of taking conversion hormones, people born as a man going through female hormone therapy have the same physical makeup as women and as such lose any advantage they might have had.


I actually agree a cross-dresser is not eligible. But they have never tried to be. Transexuals that actually go through the surgery and complete the hormone therapy should be eligible once complete. Here is a good article from the Mayo Clinic about female hormone therapy: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/feminizing-hormone-therapy/about/pac-20385096#:~:text=During feminizing hormone therapy%2C you,can be temporary or permanent. 




I doubt our doughnut will learn anything from that.  Probably dismiss Mayo Clinic as a liberal web site, or something equally troll-y.  But I learned something from that.  


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I don't argue with these kinds of people anymore on substance. They have to pass muster on process first. And they always fail on process, because they have none. They're just little toy soldiers, getting wound up by lies, and carrying a palate of grievance, pettiness, and ignorant aggression.

Edited by Fresh8686
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I see I missed a lot from when I asked homie about Candy O and he never got back to me about how she is queen grifter and actually won a lawsuit for racial discrimination. But she tells it like it is. 🙃


But you want more example of how I hope the GOP goes away like the Whig party....




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